Billionaire - милиардер
Identily - ідентичність
Realise - Усвідомлювати
Foster - прийом
Crime - злочин
Death - смерть
Alter - змінити
Ego - его
Devoted - Присвячений
Billionaire - милиардер
Identily - ідентичність
Realise - Усвідомлювати
Foster - прийом
Crime - злочин
Death - смерть
Alter - змінити
Ego - его
Devoted - Присвячений
Identity- the fact of being who or what a person or thing is
Realize- become fully aware of something as a fact
Foster- encourage the development of something
Crime- an action which constitutes an offense and is punishable by law
Death- the action or fact of dying or being killed
Alter- change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way
Ego- a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance
Devoted- very loving or loyal