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Билет № 2 'Holographic nano-layer catalyser'
The rollout of the new 5G mobile networks began in the UK only last summer and has not yet reached outside urban areas.
Yet across the country there is already a cottage industry offering protection against the supposed negative health effects, even though they have been dismissed by regulators and mainstream scientists.
The 5GBioShield was recommended by a member of Glastonbury Town Council's 5G Advisory Committee, which has called for an inquiry into 5G.
One of nine external members, Toby Hall, said: "We use this device and find it helpful," and provided a link to its website, which describes it as a USB key that "provides protection for your home and family, thanks to the wearable holographic nano-layer catalyser, which can be worn or placed near to a smartphone or any other electrical, radiation or EMF [electromagnetic field] emitting device".
"Through a process of quantum oscillation, the 5GBioShield USB key balances and re-harmonises the disturbing frequencies arising from the electric fog induced by devices, such as laptops, cordless phones, wi-fi, tablets, et cetera," it adds.
Make up 8 different kinds of questions to the text
2. Correct
A deal was gsenid between the two countries
the pilot luchna
fifth nnaotegeir networks
This will bring ungctti-edge technology
he was very happy with the remeagtne
in an area of scatetrig importance
3. INSERT THE VOWELS (a, e, i, o, u)
T h_ H_ _ w _ _ d _ _ l w_t h R_s s_ _ c_m_s _s _ r_l_ _ f f_r t h_ t_c h c_m p_n y , w h_c h h_s h_d _ t_r b_l _n t t_m_ _n r_c_n t m_n t h s . T h_ U S A h_s b l_c k_d t h_ c_m p_n y , c_t_n g _t _s _ n_t_ _ n_l s_c_r_t y r_s k . T h_s r_s_l t_d _n G_ _ g l_ d_n y_n g k_y s_r v_c_s t_ H_ _ w _ _ p h_n_s . H_ _ w _ _ g_t s h _l f _f t h_ c h_p s _t _s_s f r_m U S s_p p l_ _ r s . S_m_ j_ _ r n_l_s t s s_y t h_ U S b_n n_n g _f H _ _ w _ _ c _ _ l d b_ t h_ b_g_n n_n g _f t h_ b_g g_s t t r_d_ w_r _v_r . I n _d d_t_ _ n , t h_ U K - b_s_d t _c h n_l_g y c_m p_n y A R M h_s c_t t_ _ s w_t h H _ _ w _ _ . A R M w_s _ k_y s_p p l_ _ r _f s_m_ - c_n d_c t_r s f_r H_ _ w _ _ ' s p h_n_s . A_s t r_l_ _ , J_p_n _n d N_w Z_ _ l_n d h_v_ f_l l_w_d s_ _ t _n b_n n_n g H _ _ w _ _ f r_m p_r t_c_p_t_n g _n g_v_r n m_n t c_n t r_c t s d_ _ t_ s_c_r_t y c_n c_r n s .
4. Correct the mistakes
1. In my first job, I were responsible for marketing,
2. I applied for several posts this year but I have not managed to find what I’m looking for.
3. The last job I had applied for required applicants to speak some Japanese.
4. I have started learning Spanish a few months ago I have not obtained a qualification in it yet.
5. I wish you will listen to me.
6. I wish I saw the play when it was on at the theatre.
7. The doctor told me to not exercise a lot.
8. My parents offered giving me a lift to the railway station.

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01.03.2021 20:00
If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or another. Sport is an essential part of my daily life. Every morning all the year round I do my morning exercises. Almost every day I do some training. In summer I go swimming or rowing. During my summer holidays I go on hikes. I usually spend my winter holidays in the country where I ski, skate or toboggan. I also go in for track-and-field (athletics) events. Different sports and games are popular with my classmates. All my friends go in for different kinds of sport, such as water polo, gymnastics, horse-racing, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing, ice-hockey, speed-skating, figure-skating, football, basket-ball, volley-ball, etc. We have fine teams at our school and different kinds of competitions take place there. The boys of my school are crazy about football, they play football and the girls are football fans. The girls never miss a single match played by school teams. And now a few words about our physical training lessons. In winter our physical training lessons are held out-of-doors. We go skiing or skating. When it is cold outside P.T. lessons are held indoors, in our school gymnasium. We play different team-games such as basket-ball or volley-ball. Besides we have some training in gymnastics. In autumn and in spring, when the weather is warm we have P.T. lessons at our school stadium. My school has a sports day once a year in late spring. On this day we have no lessons. All the competitors change into their sports clothes, the spectators find their seats round the track ready to cheer. All the events take place at the same time. This day is a great success every year. Even if the weather is not warm, we enjoy ourselves just the same.

Если хочешь быть здоров, ты должен заниматься тем или иным видом спорта. Спорт — существенно необходимая часть моей жизни. Каждое утро, круглый год я делаю утреннюю гимнастику. Почти каждый день у меня тренировки. Летом я занимаюсь плаванием или греблей. На летних каникулах хожу в походы. Я обычно провожу зимние каникулы в деревне, где катаюсь на лыжах, коньках, санках. Также я увлекаюсь легкой атлетикой. Среди моих одноклассников популярны разные виды спорта. Все мои друзья занимаются такими видами спорта как водное поло, гимнастика, конный спорт, борьба, фехтование, тяжелая атлетика, бокс, хоккей, конькобежный спорт, фигурное катание, футбол, баскетбол и т. д. У нас в школе есть хорошие команды и проводятся разные виды соревнований. Мальчики моей школы без ума от футбола. Они играют в футбол, а девочки — футбольные болельщицы. Девочки никогда не пропускают матчи, в которых участвуют наши школьные команды. А теперь несколько слов о наших уроках физкультуры. Наши уроки физкультуры зимой проводятся на улице. Мы ходим на лыжах, катаемся на коньках. Когда на улице холодно, физкультуру проводят в помещении, в нашем школьном спортзале. Мы играем в различные игры, такие как баскетбол или волейбол. Кроме того, мы немного занимаемся гимнастикой. Осенью и весной, когда погода теплая, уроки физкультуры проводятся на нашем школьном стадионе. Раз в год, в конце весны, у нас в школе бывает день спорта. В этот день нет уроков. Все участники соревнований переодеваются в спортивную одежду, зрители рассаживаются вокруг беговой дорожки, готовые поддержать спортсменов. Все соревнования проводятся одновременно. Этот день успешно проходит каждый год. Даже если погода холодная, мы все равно получаем удовольствие.
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Nowadays, in the modern and progressive world where people are always busy with daily work and routine, we often find ourselves being surrounded by stress, depression and other different oppressive things. They say it is very important to try to deal with it, and that the best thing in fighting the drab existence is humour. As for me, humour plays an essential role in my life. I can say that I am a pretty sensitive and, at the same time, vitally active person, so being in different stressful situations is a frequent phenomenon for me. But humour is a bright flash of light at the end of the grey tunnel of my everyday business. It helps me to look at the sunny side of the same things. In fact, humour protects me from almost everything that can make me feel sad and oppressed. It is surprising, but many people do not see any use in humour. They claim that making one feel cheerful just depends on self-persuasion. In other words, you can feel those emotions which you want to experience. Also, the daily business is a normal thing for these people, so they think there is nothing at all to be depressed from. I cannot absolutely agree with this point as it is impossible to act like a robot for a rather long period of time. I think sooner or later you will be broken down and you will need humour to back on track. To sum up, we must say that humour is a real cure for stressful world. We often need it as a breath of the fresh air.
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