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Be used by the aristocracy at the King's court. In the Middle Ages in Europe sandals were presented to the Pope as a sign of support between the Church and the State. Today's fashionable high heels are not a modern invention. High heels were first made in the Middle Ages. Streets were narrow and very dirty since people would throw their rubbish out into the streets. To overcome the problem of walking through the rubbish, people wore high heels or platform shoes, both soon becoming quite common. In China high-ranking ladies would have their feet bound to make them as small as possible. Small feet were considered to be a sign of great beauty. From a very early age, young girls would have their feet bound up tightly. As young ladies they would squeeze their feet into shoes that were only three or four inches long. Shoes are mentioned in folk stories, old customs and traditions. Long ago throwing an old shoe at someone was considered to be an ancient way of bringing someone good luck. After weddings guests would throw shoes at the bride and groom as they left their wedding. Later this was considered rather unclean so the old shoes were tied to carriages and later to cars instead. In Anglo-Saxon marriages, the bride's father delievered her shoe to the bridegroom who touched the bride's forehead with it to show he owned her. Shoes also appear in many stories, fairy tales and songs. For Cin- derella a small glass slipper led her to her Prince Charming, with a little help from her fairy godmother! In The Wizard of Oz, shoes car- ried Dorothy and her dog home along the Yellow Brick Road. And more recently, Elvis Presley sang about his Blue Suede Shoes.

1. According to the text, a person's rank could be revealed by
A the height of the shoes' heels
B the length of the feet
C the colour of the shoes D the thickness of the platform

2. Among common footwear the author failed to mention.
A boots
B sandals
C slippers
D suede shoes

3. What would fashionable ladies not do?
A Wear shoes three or four inches long.
B Squeeze their shoes to make them as small as possible.
C Throw an old shoe at the bride and groom after the wedding.
D Have their feet bound up tightly.

4. Which is not a custom of bringing someone good luck?
A To throw an old shoe away.
B To tie a shoe to wedding carriages.
C To nail a horseshoe above the doorway.
D To throw rice at the bride and groom.

5. Which statement is not true?
A Platforms are not a modern invention.
B In the past, people wore high heels of necessity rather than fashion.
C In the past, shoes could be a gift of significance.
D A common slipper led Cinderella to her Prince Charming.

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30.08.2022 14:30
Where is ... St Pauls cathedral? - Its in the City. 2. Where is ... Treryakov Gallery? - Itsin .the. centre of ..-... Moscow.3. Have you been to ..the.. Museum of Fine Arts?4. Is National Gallery far from ..the.. British Museum?5. Is Red Square bigger than Trafalgar Square?6. Well speak about .the.. Tower of London at ..the..end of ..the.. lesson.7. Who lives in Buckingham Palace?8. houses of Parliament stand beside ..the.. Thames.9. What can you tell us about ..the... Pacific Ocean?10. Ninas sisters want to be students of ..the.. Moscow University.
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17.05.2022 23:18

ПЕРЕВОД ТЕКСТА «A SEA STORY» ( = «Морская история») с английского на русский язык

We asked our friend Captain Brown one evening to tell us something, interesting about his voyages, and he told us the following story: “It was fifteen years ago, when I was a mate on a ship which was going to New York.

(ПЕРЕВОД = Одним вечером мы попросили нашего друга Капитана Брауна рассказать нам что-нибудь интересное о его путешествиях, и он поведал нам следующую историю: «Это случилось пятнадцать лет назад, когда я был на судне, которое направлялось в Нью-Йорк.)

We were having a very good voyage. The captain came up to me one morning and said: “Last night I heard such a strange thing that I don't know what to do about it. I couldn’t sleep and I heard a voice which said in my ear: ‘Sail north-north- west. Sail north-north-west.’ We must sail in that direction and find out"

(ПЕРЕВОД = У нас было замечательное путешествие. Одним утром капитан пришел ко мне и сказал ночью я слышал странную вещь, и я не знаю, что с этим делать. Я не мог спать и слышал голос, который шептал мне на ухо (дословно: говорил в мое ухо): «Плыви в направлении северо-северо-запад. Плыви в направлении северо-северо-запад». Мы должны плыть в этом направлении и узнать, в чем дело (дословно: выяснить)».

“I’m very sorry, captain,” I said, “but I think you had too much to eat last night and that’s why you couldn’t sleep”. The captain was very angry. “I didn’t eat much yesterday,” he said, “and I heard the strange voice three times, sir”.

(ПЕРЕВОД = «Извините, капитан, - сказал я, - но я думаю, что Вы вчера вечером переели и поэтому не могли уснуть». Капитан очень разозлился (дословно: был очень зол). «Вчера я ел немного, - сказал он, - и я слышал этот странный голос трижды, сэр».)

The captain told the men to sail north-north-west. One of the men saw something black in the sea the next day. The captain looked through his glasses and said to me: “There’s small boat there with a man in it. I was right last night, wasn’t I? We must save him”.

(ПЕРЕВОД = Капитан обратился к команде (дословно: к людям, но здесь имеется ввиду команда капитана, его люди) плыть на северо-северо-запад. На следующий день один из команды увидел что-то темное в море. Капитан посмотрел в свой бинокль и сказал мне: «Это шлюпка (дословно: маленькая лодка) и на ее борту человек. Неправда ли, я был прав вчера ночью? Мы должны его

Soon we reached the small boat and saw that the man in it was fast asleep. He went on sleeping while we took him into our boat and sailed towards the ship. When the man was aboard the ship, he suddenly opened his eyes and cried out loudly, “Where am I? Where’s my boat?” “Hullo!” said the captain. “I’m very pleased that we have been able to save you.”

(ПЕРЕВОД = Вскоре мы достигли шлюпки и увидели, что внутри нее крепко спал человек. Он все еще спал, пока мы переносили его на нашу лодку и плыли в направлении корабля. Когда человек оказался на борту, он внезапно открыл глаза и громко закричал: «Где я? Где моя лодка?» «Привет! – сказал капитан. – Я рад, что нам удалось вас»)

“Did you order your men to take me out of my boat while I was asleep?" the man asked. “Of course,” answered the happy captain. “Did you want to be drowned in your little boat?” “Look here,” said the man, “My name’s Captain Wilson and I’m making a record voyage from New York to Liverpool in a small boat...”

(ПЕРЕВОД = «Вы приказали вашим людям перенести меня с моей лодки, пока я спал?» – спросил мужчина. «Конечно, - ответил счастливый капитан.  - А вы бы хотели утонуть в вашей маленькой лодке?» «Слушайте, - сказал мужчина, - меня зовут капитан Уилсон и на своей маленькой лодке я совершаю путешествие из Нью-Йорка в Ливерпуль c попыткой установить рекорд… (дословно: рекордное путешествие)»

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