B. Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. By what name is Burabay National Nature Park also known? 2. What does Zheke Batyr look like? 3. Which three shapes can be seen in Zhumbaktas rock? 4. What story is associated with Okzhetpes? 5. What activity is illegal in Burabay? 6. How many types of mushroom grow in Burabay?
1. To get a good score, you must work hard. 2. She's hard to deal with. 3. What should I do? 4. Let's start by saying he's sick. 5. To read Dickens in the original, you need to know the language well. 6. To put it mildly, he's wrong. 7. It wasn't her fault. 8. The child has no one to play with. 9. To see is to believe. 10. To catch this train, you have to hurry. 11. There can be no question of buying a car this year. 12. The book leaves much to be desired. 13. To tell the truth, I don't like it. 14. They had nothing to eat. 15. Who is to blame? 16. In short, he didn't take a lesson. 17. In our family, mom always gets up first. 18. It's nice to look at her. 19. To translate this article, you must use the dictionary. 20. I have nowhere to go in the summer. 21.0 there was no question of swimming in this river.
1. Перетворіть його речення, використовуйте повідомлену мову.
Тед каже: 1) "Я навряд чи колись виходжу в наші дні".
2) "Я працюю 14 годин на день".
3) “Я скажу Джиму, що бачив вас”.
4) "Ви можете приїхати і залишитися зі мною в Лондоні".
5) "Том на цьому тижні зазнав аварії".
6) "Я щойно бачив Джека біля метро".
7) "Я вже читав цю книгу".
2. Перетворіть речення за порядком і проханням. Використовуйте доповідну мову.
1. “Залишайтеся в ліжку кілька днів”, - сказав мені лікар.
2. “Не кричи”, - сказав я Джиму.
3. "Будь ласка, не кажіть йому, що сталося", сказала Енн.
4. "Чи не міг би ти відчинити двері, Томе?" - запитала Енн.
5. «Перекладіть історію та дайте відповіді на запитання», - сказала вчителька.
3. Перетворіть його запитання. Використовуйте доповідну мову.
Тед запитує: 1) "Ви раді повернутися з поїздки?"
2) "Ти знову їдеш?"
3) "Ви любите подорожі?"
4) "Чому ти повернувся?"
5) "Ви все ще палите?"
6) "Чи можете ви прийти на вечерю в п'ятницю?"
1. To get a good score, you must work hard. 2. She's hard to deal with. 3. What should I do? 4. Let's start by saying he's sick. 5. To read Dickens in the original, you need to know the language well. 6. To put it mildly, he's wrong. 7. It wasn't her fault. 8. The child has no one to play with. 9. To see is to believe. 10. To catch this train, you have to hurry. 11. There can be no question of buying a car this year. 12. The book leaves much to be desired. 13. To tell the truth, I don't like it. 14. They had nothing to eat. 15. Who is to blame? 16. In short, he didn't take a lesson. 17. In our family, mom always gets up first. 18. It's nice to look at her. 19. To translate this article, you must use the dictionary. 20. I have nowhere to go in the summer. 21.0 there was no question of swimming in this river.