B) Listen and read. Does the text mention your ideas? LEISURE AND SPORT IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY
Sport and leisure is not only good for your health, it can also bring community together. Local town councils can play a key role by encouraging people of all ages to do sports and by creating places where they can play.
They can:
create and develop sporting facilities, sports clubs and sports competitions.
• give anyone the opportunity to help by volunteering their time. use sport centres to create more job opportunities and reduce unemployment.
• use sport to give children and young people the chance to improve their skills and shape their character.
•use sport to reduce crime.
I think the school of the future is a technically equipped classrooms, spacious and bright, decorated with flowers corridors, a sports complex with gym and swimming pool, workshops and laboratories, and most importantly - creative, intelligent, loving children and the work of the team of teachers and professionals. To obtain knowledge in school should be fun and joyful. And not everyone in the school depends on the computer, because the computer is only a tool. And again, should be a minimum of compulsory subjects (especially in high school) , and the rest - interest, for the development of creative abilities of children. And all the guys in the class (and not more than 15 - 20 people) is a friendly team in which everyone is comfortable and everyone feels the "necessity" and could count on help and support.
About this class and this school is probably the dream of every student.
Я ходил(а) лазать по горам,кататься на лошадях это всё было так удивительно!А какие там лошади,красивые!Ещё я ходила на море.Море очень большое.Оно прозрачное и глубокое.В этом городе были красивые цветы,а также деревья.На деревьях росли даже деньги.Но их нельзя было собирать чужим,только хозяинам .Цветы были длинные и необычные.
вот по такому необыкновенному городу я путешествовал(а)!)