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29.11.2022 22:06 •  Английский язык

At the doctor'sreading comprehension exercisesread the text.it is early spring now and mari ran a high temperature. i scough. my whole body achnejohn's illnessspring now and many people catch cold. a month ago i suddenly fell ill.temperature. i sneezed and had a sore throat. also i had a headache and awhole body ached. my mother made hot tea for me but that didn't help me1. she wanted to give me some pills too, but there weren't any in our house. my mother told me to stay in bed, thencalled a doctor. the doctor came. he examined my lungs, felt my pulse and took my temperature. he said that i had had thetlu and told me to stay in bed and to have a rest. he prescribed me the treatment. my mother bought me all the necessarypills and other medicine at the chemist's. i followed all the doctor's instructions and very soon i felt much better. in ten daysi fully recovered and went to school again.1. say if the statement is true or false (2 points).1. many people catch cold in early spring.2. john didn't run a high temperature.3. john's mother gave him some pills and they brought down the temperature.4. the mother told john to stay in bed.5. the doctor said that john had to go to hospital.lue6. the doctor prescribed the pills that were hard to get at the chemist's.7. soon john felt much better because he had followed the doctor's advice.8. john returned to school in five days. /ii. read the text and do the following tasks.2. write the verbs in brackets in past simple.(to take) him there for a checkup. he also neededbrian”) (to go to the doctor. his mother(to be) a little nervous.(to sit) in the waitingto get a flu shot, so he(to arrive at the doctor's office, theyafler brian and his mother)(to call for brian. he and his mother went to another smaller roomroom for about ten minutes. then a nurseand the nurse (to tell) brian to step on a scale. she weighed him and measured his height. next, the nursewith a stethoscope. he(ask) him some questions.when the doctor came into the room, he listened to brian's heart andchecked brian's eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and other parts of his body. he was a very nice doctor.at the end of the visit, the nurse returned with a small syringe. "this is going to be fast and easy," said the nurse. "you_? " the nurse rubbed a little alcohol on his upper arm. brian turned his face away.don't want to get the flue,_he knew thewas necessary. soon it was over., brian and his mother went to the park. brian was happy to knowafter the visit to the doctor'sthat he won't need another shot until next year when he visits the doctor again.3. choose the correct word.d) throat.b) legs: c) head; 1. a) lungs,d) did you.b) don't you: c) are you; 2. a) do you; d) visit.b) medicine; c) shot: 3. a) treatment; d) officeb) room; c) hall; 4. a) cabinet; ii. read the text.a man goes to his doctor and says, "i think my wife's hearing isn't good. what should i do? ' the doctor"try this test to find out for sure. stand ten steps behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn't answer, shea problem with hearing". the man goes home and sees his wife cooking. he stands ten steps behind her"what's for dinner, honey? " he gets no answer, so he moves closer and asks again and again. finally he stanbehind her and says, "what's for dinner? she replies, "for the fourth time, i said chicken! "4. answer the questions.1. why did the man go to the doctor? 2. what did the doctor tell the man to do? 3. why did the man have to repeat his question several times? 4 whan haman ta tha hartar​

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24.07.2020 01:27
Еще рано говорить то что мир – это глобальная деревня. Страны очень хорошо взаимодействуют : обмениваются продуктами, медициной, полезными ископаемыми и т.д. Но я бы не назвал это глобализацией. Это всего лишь обмен, а вот когда люди переезжают в другие страны там жить, вот он настоящий пример глобализации. Я считаю глобализацию, это когда люди готовы принять интересы других людей, их традиции. Глобализация постепенно продвигается вперед. Ведь, мы смотрим иностранные фильмы, ходим в иностранные рестораны. Это же другая еда и другие фильмы- это глобализация. Но до глобальной деревни еще далеко. Люди, конечно, хорошо взаимодействуют, обмениваются опытом. Если кто-то будет болен, его можно будет вылечить в другой стране (правда за деньги). Но есть 1 но-расизм. Некоторым людям не нравятся люди другой национальности. И эта как по мне основная причина, которая останавливает глобализацию. To say that our world is global village it too late. Countries are interact very well by: exchange products, medicine, minerals etc; but i would not it globalization. It is just exchange. So, when people moving to another country to live there-that is the a example of globalization. I think that globalization is when people ready to take the interest of the another people, it's traditions. Globalization is gradually moving forward because we watch foreign movies, went to foreign restaurants. It is another food and another movies-it is globalization. But before the global village is still far. Of course people easy interact, exchange by experience. If someone ills, he can cure another country(to tell the truth, for money). But it is one exception-rassizm. Some people don't like another nation. On my opinion it is main cause that is stop globalization.
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28.04.2021 00:36

В задание говорится зачеркнуть неправильные предложения. Задание на знание Past Simple и неправилтных глаголов. Объясню какие варианты правильные, какие нет:

1. fighted - неправильно, пр.вр. глагола to fight - fought. Соответственно правильный второй вариант.

2. Did you catch - правильно,

did you caught - неправильно, вс глагол Did ( пр. вр. гл. to do) и так указывает на время, после него основной глагол применяется в форме настоящего времени.

3. Первое предложение неправильное, т.к. глагол run - в времени будет - ran (3 формы: run, ran, run). На время указывает обстоятельство времени Last week - на неделе.

4. Здесь правильное первое предложение, второе неправильное, т.к время глагола to leave - left (ушел).

5. Первое правильное didn’t tell, второе нет . После did или didn’t используем основной глагол в настоящем времени.


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