Ask and answer the questions, 1 Can you speak Russian? 2 How do you say 'understand' in your language? 3 How do you pronounce the name of this book? 4 How do you spell 'chimpanzee'? 5 Sorry, can you say that again?
This is probably one of the greenest buildings in the world. The 54-story building was built to use natural daylight for as long as possible. There are also solar panels, rainwater collectors, and materials for the construction of the building itself are made from recycled waste from new York.
2. Crystal Island, Moscow.
This building should be home to 30,000 people. The project is sponsored by the Russian government. The building generates its own electricity from wind and solar power.
1. In foreign trade transactions various models of payment are practised. 2. If a country buys more than it sells, it will have a deficit. 3. A corporation is owned by persons, called stockholders. 4. Many employees have a five-day working week. 5. Benefits are money that the government gives to people who need help. 1. Во внешнеторговых операциях практикуется различные модели оплаты. 2. Если страна покупает больше, чем продает, она будет иметь дефицит. 3. Корпорацией владеют люди, называемые акционерами. 4. Многие сотрудники имеют пятидневную рабочую неделю. 5. Льготы - это деньги, которые государство дает людям, которые нуждаются в
1. Bank of America, new York.
This is probably one of the greenest buildings in the world. The 54-story building was built to use natural daylight for as long as possible. There are also solar panels, rainwater collectors, and materials for the construction of the building itself are made from recycled waste from new York.
2. Crystal Island, Moscow.
This building should be home to 30,000 people. The project is sponsored by the Russian government. The building generates its own electricity from wind and solar power.
2. If a country buys more than it sells, it will have a deficit.
3. A corporation is owned by persons, called stockholders.
4. Many employees have a five-day working week.
5. Benefits are money that the government gives to people who need help.
1. Во внешнеторговых операциях практикуется различные модели оплаты.
2. Если страна покупает больше, чем продает, она будет иметь дефицит.
3. Корпорацией владеют люди, называемые акционерами.
4. Многие сотрудники имеют пятидневную рабочую неделю.
5. Льготы - это деньги, которые государство дает людям, которые нуждаются в