1. Joshua said that she had taken the day off school
2. Paul said that he had gone to the doctor the previous week
3. Laura said to me that they would join a gym
4. Kate said that Ann was on time for practice
5. James said that he was trying to sat less junk food
6. George said to us that they hadn't won the hockey match that morning
7. They said that they had been exercising at 3 pm the previos day
8. She said that TI got him some tea
9. Keith said that we hadn't played against that team
10. The coach said that Brian had started tennis the previous year
Картинка с лицом
Head - голова; hair - волосы; forehead - лоб; mole - родинка; earlobe - мочка уха; cheek - щека; tooth - зуб; tongue - язык; chin - подбородок; chest - грудь; neck - шея; shoulder - плечо; lip - губа; mouth - рот; nostril - ноздря; nose - нос; ear - ухо; eye - глаз; temple - висок; eyebrow - бровь.
Картинка с рукой
hand - рука; wrist - запястье; palm - ладонь; little finger - мизинец; ring finger - безымянный палец; middle finger - средний палец; fore finger - указательный палец; knuckle - сустав пальца; thumb - большой палец.
Картинка с ногой
leg - нога; thigh - бедро; knee - колено; calf - икра; shin - голень; ankle - лодыжка; foot - ступня; heel - пятка; sole - подошва (ступня); instep - предплюсна (Часть стопы между плюсной и голенью); toe - палец на ноге.
1. Joshua said that she had taken the day off school
2. Paul said that he had gone to the doctor the previous week
3. Laura said to me that they would join a gym
4. Kate said that Ann was on time for practice
5. James said that he was trying to sat less junk food
6. George said to us that they hadn't won the hockey match that morning
7. They said that they had been exercising at 3 pm the previos day
8. She said that TI got him some tea
9. Keith said that we hadn't played against that team
10. The coach said that Brian had started tennis the previous year
Картинка с лицом
Head - голова; hair - волосы; forehead - лоб; mole - родинка; earlobe - мочка уха; cheek - щека; tooth - зуб; tongue - язык; chin - подбородок; chest - грудь; neck - шея; shoulder - плечо; lip - губа; mouth - рот; nostril - ноздря; nose - нос; ear - ухо; eye - глаз; temple - висок; eyebrow - бровь.
Картинка с рукой
hand - рука; wrist - запястье; palm - ладонь; little finger - мизинец; ring finger - безымянный палец; middle finger - средний палец; fore finger - указательный палец; knuckle - сустав пальца; thumb - большой палец.
Картинка с ногой
leg - нога; thigh - бедро; knee - колено; calf - икра; shin - голень; ankle - лодыжка; foot - ступня; heel - пятка; sole - подошва (ступня); instep - предплюсна (Часть стопы между плюсной и голенью); toe - палец на ноге.