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23.11.2021 13:40 •  Английский язык

Analyze the translation of the first part of the text from the point of view of fidelity and accuracy of translation. Point out the level of equivalence the given paragraph is translated at. Explain your choice. Suggest your own translation for the last paragraph:

Управление стрессом
Поскольку многие люди испытывают трудности в управлении стрессом, психологи разработали множество программ по управлению стрессом, которые можно преподавать людям. Программы управления стрессом изучают на семинарах, все чаще предлагаемых прямо на рабочем месте. Осознавая высокую стоимость потери производительности, вызванной стрессовыми расстройствами, многие организации все больше и больше заинтересованы в том, чтобы своим работникам выявить и справиться со стрессовыми обстоятельствами в жизни. Некоторые программы управления стрессом имеют широкий охват, обучая разнообразным методам борьбы со стрессом; другие более узкие, обучая определенной технике, такой как расслабление или обучение уверенности в своих силах. Некоторые программы по управлению стрессом также учат людей, которые сталкиваются с подобными проблемами, например, страдают головной болью и мигренью, имеют хронически высокое кровяное давление. Колледжи все чаще разрабатывают программы управления стрессом для студентов. Если вы считаете атмосферу колледжа чрезвычайно напряженной и испытываете трудности с тем, как нужно справляться с налоговыми проблемами в своей жизни, вы можете зарегистрироваться в программе управления стрессом в вашем колледже. Давайте рассмотрим один из методов, используемых во многих программах управления стрессом – релаксационное обучение.

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03.04.2022 18:46

he and my mother split up. He must have wanted the best for me, but the best was always what he wanted. He chose my school and I hated it. I had no friends there, I was miserable and didn't do well, so I was asked to leave. He must have been very disappointed, but he said nothing to me. He wanted me to be an actor like him but I'm not at all like him. I tried it for a while, but I was miserable until I met my husband. He's a vet and I'm his assistant. Now I'm doing what I always wanted to do, working with animals. My father and I have always been so different. I love animals and he loves books and music, and above all opera, which I hate. If he comes to see us (we live on a farm), he always wears totally the wrong clothes, but we still don't see much of each other. It’s because he didn't really want me to marry George. He wanted me to marry a famous film star or something, but of course I didn’t. George and I don't want children, we have our animals, but my father would love to have a grandson. Maybe his new wife will give him the son he wants, but probably not. She cares too much about being slim and beautiful. I occasionally see one of his films on TV. I find it hard to believe he's my father. He is like a stranger.

y first wife and I only had one child. It might have been nice to have more. I would have liked a son, but we just had Carmen. I see her as my best friend. I think she always comes to me first if she has a problem. We have the same sense of humour and share many interests, except that she's crazy about animals, obsessed with them - she has always had dogs, cats, and horses in her life. We were closest when she was about four, which I think is a wonderful age for a child. That's when they need their parents most. But as soon as Carmen went to school, she seemed to grow up and grow apart from her family, and any father finds it difficult with a teenage daughter. She was very moody and had an odd group of friends. There was an endless stream of strange young men coming to our house. I remember I once got annoyed with her in front of her friends and she didn't the and my mother split up. He must have wanted the best for me, but the best was always what he wanted. He chose my school and I hated it. I had no friends there, I was miserable and didn't do well, so I was asked to leave. He must have been very disappointed, but he said nothing to me. He wanted me to be an actor like him but I'm not at all like him. I tried it for a while, but I was miserable until I met my husband. He's a vet and I'm his assistant. Now I'm doing what I always wanted to do, working with animals. My father and I have always been so different. I love animals and he loves books and music, and above all opera, which I hate. If he comes to see us (we live on a farm), he always wears totally the wrong clothes, but we still don't see much of each other. It’s because he didn't really want me to marry George. He wanted me to marry a famous film star or something, but of course I didn’t. George and I don't want children, we have our animals, but my father would love to have a grandson. Maybe his new wife will give him the son he wants, but probably not. She cares too much about being slim and beautiful. I occasionally see one of his films on TV. I find it hard to believe he's my father. He is like a stranger.alk to me for days. I've always

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17.08.2022 15:49

Заполните пробелы отсутствующими словами в последующих предложениях, вам будет предоставлена первая буква каждого слова.

1) США ... от Атлантического океана на востоке до Тихого океана на западе. 2) США c ... четвертой по величине территорией в мире. 3) США ... Мексика на юге. 4) Мы должны упомянуть о ... стране. 5) Многие реки ... через страну. 6) Естественные каналы разрезаются на r 7) В США имеется обширная площадь ... почвы. 8) Он говорит по-испански, второй самый c ... язык в США. 9) Участок земли, установленный федеральным правительством для столицы страны, находится между штатами Виргиния и Мэриленд. 10) Есть тринадцать с ... на американском флаге.

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