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, A. Rewrite the following sentences, using a form with got instead of the simple verb have.

1. I have some more at home.
2. He hasn’t any like this.
3. Have you a dog?
4. I’m afraid I haven’t time to do it.
5. have you the tickets?
6. Have they your address?

B. Make the following sentences negative.

1. You must leave this room.
2. He has to stay longer.
3. They had to make a noise.
4. You have to read this book.
5. They have to sell our house.
6. He must take it away.
7. He said you had to listen to them.
8. You must begin before 5 o´clock.

C. Change these sentences into the interrogative.

1. She has someone living with her.
2. She had a shock when she heard the news.
3. The judge had pity on them.
4. He usually has a lot of difficulty in reading her writing.
5. She had a letter from her boyfriend yesterday.
6. February has thirty days.
7. He had a good reason for what he did.
8. Mrs Smith had a baby in the hospital last week.

D. The following sentences show prohibition or no obligation. Change them into obligation ( that is, make them affirmative). Use must or the form have + got, as the case may be.

1. You mustn’t stay here alone.
2. He doesn’t have to leave the house tomorrow.
3. You mustn’t eat this without salt.
4. They don’t have to come again.
5. He said he didn’t have to tell them your name.
6. They didn’t have to open the classroom windows.
7. She mustn’t go home alone.
8. He says you don’t have to write another letter.
9. You don’t have to call me every day.
10. I mustn’t buy a new pair of shoes.

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02.03.2020 09:29
Places of Interest in РоссииRussia is the largest country in the world. It has a long and interesting history. The country is famous for its numerous places of interest. The capital of Russia is Moscow, and it’s the biggest city in the country. Another big and famous city in Russia is Saint Petersburg. It has once been a capital of the country. These two cities have the majority of Russian sights. For example, the Kremlin, which is situated in the heart of Moscow, the Bolshoi Theater, which is also in Moscow and many others. Saint-Petersburg is famous by its magnificent architecture. Almost every building in the city looks like a rare masterpiece. Many people take trips along some Russian cities, called Golden Ring. The Golden Ring of Russia includes such cities as Suzdal, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl and many others. These cities are famous for their rich history and ancient churches. Also, tourists can take part in some authentic festivals when visiting these cities. Another famous sight in Russia is situated in the center of Asia. It’s called Altay. Many tourists want to see this amazing region, which is known for its crystal clear lakes, high mountains and other natural wonders. The deepest lake in the world, Baikal, is also situated in Russia, in the East Siberian region.
Россия – самая большая страна в мире. Она имеет долгую и интересную историю. Страна славится своими многочисленными достопримечательностями. Столицей России - Москва, и она же является самым большим городом страны. Другим большим и знаменитым городом в России является Санкт-Петербург. Он однажды являлся столицей страны. В этих двух городах расположена большая часть русских достопримечательностей. Например, Кремль, расположенный в самом сердце Москвы, Большой театр, который также находится в Москве и многие другие. Санкт-Петербург славится своей величественной архитектурой. Почти каждое здание в городе выглядит как редкий шедевр. Многие люди едут в путешествия по некоторым российским городам, под названием Золотое кольцо. Золотое кольцо России включает такие города, как Суздаль, Владимир, Иваново, Ярославль и многие другие. Эти города знамениты своей богатой историей и старинными церквями. Также, туристы могут поучаствовать в некоторых оригинальных фестивалях, во время посещения этих городов. Другая знаменитая достопримечательность России расположена в центре Азии. Она называется Алтай. Многие туристы хотят увидеть этот удивительный регион, который знаменит своими кристально-чистыми озерами, высокими горами и другими природными чудесами. Самое глубокое озеро в мире, Байкал, также расположено в России, в Восточно - Сибирском округе.
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08.01.2021 18:47
The murder of a ladybug in a number of crops is prohibited. Ladybug in Western culture is considered a symbol of good luck.Ladybugs (Lat. Coccinellidae) - a family of beetles, characterized in that the legs seem trёhchlenistymi them, as a third, very small segment along with half of the fourth hidden in the furrow biloba second segment.
The body of a ladybug polusharoobraznoe or ovate, more or less convex. The head is short with 11, at least 10 jointed antennae, sessile on the sides of the front edge of the head and able to buckle under his head. The abdomen consists of 5 free segments. The most active period for the destruction of aphids, part of the diet of ladybirds - from spring to late autumn, winter ladybugs climb under fallen leaves, bark of trees or rocks and there waiting for the next spring. Depending on the availability of food, these insects live from a few months to a year, and very rarely - up to two years. Juveniles are always different bright color that gradually fades with age, while remaining sufficiently convincing warning to predators who want to encroach on the life of an insect. Effective way to protect - sharply poisonous-smelling yellow liquid that ladybugs isolated from the joints of the feet. It discourages their main enemies - spiders, frogs and some insects feeding ladybirds. Birds and other vertebrates in the ladybirds do not hunt. Ladybugs good fly, making its wings up to 85 strokes per second.There are more than 4,000 species of ladybugs, which are common in all parts of the world. Some of them are found in all plants: trees, shrubs or grasses, which have only aphids; others are held only on the outfield grass; third - in the meadows adjacent to streams; fourth - only on the trees; Finally, some species live in the reeds and other aquatic plants; the last are more long legs that help them stay on the plants, easy bending in the wind. The most common type - seven-spotted ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata). It 7-8 mm in length. Thoracic shield her black with whitish spots in the front corner; red elytra black with 7 points, is very common in Europe, North Africa and Asia. This species feeds on aphids and spider mites.
In English-speaking countries ladybird called Ladybird, Ladybug or Lady Beetle. Combining these names the word «Lady» means the Virgin Mary, respectively ladybug in Catholic countries considered insects Mother of God (Wed him. Marienkäfer, Spanish. Mariquita). The most common version of the name ladybug indicates cattle belonging to God or some divine character: Russ. ladybug, Pol. boża krówka, LTL. boružėlė, Romanian. vaca domnului ["cow (ka) of God"], serb.-Horw. bozhja òvchitsa, France. bête à bon Dieu («animal god»), poulette à Dieu («chicken god").
The murder of a ladybug in a number of crops is prohibited. Ladybug in Western culture is considered a symbol of good luck.
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