a) How many of these things did you do last weekend? Write a list. Don't show your
I had a shower.
I played computer games
I sat in the park.
I watched TV.
I read a magazine. I bought sweets.
I listened to music.
I got up late.
I took a bus.
I cycled to a friend's house. I went swimming.
I saw a film. Iphoned a friend
1. I should not have told him this news, he was so upset, but I had to do it.
2. You should have seen how he played. You have lost a lot.
3. She should not have let him say this. She needed to explain to him that he was wrong.
4. You must have already spoken to him, I see that you know everything.
5. He must have forgotten to send them a telegram. He had to remember that he had to send a telegram.
6. You must tell him everything.
7. Although she was unpleasant, she had to tell him that he was guilty.
8. You must follow the rules of the road
9. They must have mastered the subject well — they answered all the questions.
10. You probably heard about the accident that happened yesterday near our house.
ответ: How I spent my spring holidays
I love spring and I always look forward to having spring holidays. This year was no exception. I can say I enjoyed that week off school even though I spent it at home without any trips.
The best part about these holidays was that I didn't have to wake up early, so I stayed up really late. I watched a few episodes of my favourite anime and did some reading for school. As for the day time, I usually spent it hanging out with my friends. On the first day of my holidays I invited them to come to my place and we spent fantastic time playing some new board games. Then we all went to have pizza. A few days after that my friends and I went to the cinema and then we had a long walk in the park enjoying the sunny weather. We also went to ride our bikes.
It was a great week and now I feel a bit sad because our spring holidays are over.
Как я провел свои весенние каникулы
Я люблю весну и всегда с нетерпением жду весенних каникул. Этот год не стал исключением. Я могу сказать, что мне очень понравилась эта неделя каникул, хотя я провел ее дома никуда не уезжая.
Самое приятное в каникулах было то, что мне не нужно было рано вставать, поэтому я ложился спать довольно поздно. Я посмотрел несколько эпизодов моего любимого аниме и читал заданное в школе. Днем я обычно проводил время с друзьями. В первый день каникул я пригласил их прийти ко мне, и мы классно провели время, играя в новые настольные игры. Потом мы все пошли на пиццу. Через несколько дней мы с друзьями ходили в кино, а потом долго гуляли в парке, наслаждаясь солнечной погодой. Мы также ходили кататься на великах.
Это была отличная неделя, и теперь мне немножко грустно, потому что весенние каникулы закончились.