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14.05.2021 15:56 •  Английский язык

A. As the close running makes collisions and falls inevitable, a hard shell helmet is a must. There are also knee and neck protectors. Special gloves protect skaters’ hands from blades and the ice on where the hand is placed to help maintain balance. Some skaters wear goggles to shield their eyes from wind, ice chips and glare. Skin-tight suits reduce wind resistance. Short track boots lace high up and are heavier to help stabilize the foot. Blades are very sharp and asymmetrical so as to make turns almost flat to the ice. B. In the early days, long track champions raced in short track events, too. Primarily the sport was dominated by Canada and the USA. The teams from South Korea, China, Japan intruded later, followed by the recent favourites, the Dutch. For a long time, Russia could boast of the only bronze Olympic medal in short track. Since the Sochi Olympics, the Russian short track team has seriously improved.

C. Nowadays the discipline includes eight events. These are the same for both men and women: 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m, 3000m, and the relay — a race between teams, with each team member, in turn, running part of the total distance. The last one makes 5000 m for men and 3000 m for women.

D. Short track is a form of ice speed skating. Unlike in long speed skating with two skaters running at a time, usually between four and six short trackers take part. The rink is the size of an ice hockey rink and gives a shorter track. Hence is the name. The races last between 40 seconds and two minutes. The skaters compete against the clock and against each other. This introduces the elements of strategy and bravery needed for racing.

E. The sport originated in the USA and Canada at the beginning of the previous century. Meanwhile, it was gaining popularity in Great Britain, Japan, France, Belgium, and Australia. The countries competed among themselves some decades before the International Skating Union (ISU) officially launched the sport’s international competitions in the 1970s.

F. The top two or three finishers in each round, called heat, advance to the next round of the competition. Hindered skaters may be allowed to move on. But disqualification is unavoidable for many reasons such as two false starts by a skater or not wearing the equipment properly. Skaters mustn’t contact each other with hands. Pushing, blocking and even giving another skater physical assistance is against the rules. Skaters mustn’t kick out, that reaches the lead foot out towards the finish line. Skating outside the designated track is also forbidden.

1. What type of sports is short track speed skating? Text
2. What teams are the leaders in short track? Text
3. How did short track enter Olympics? Text
4. What equipment is necessary for short track events? Text
5. What is the brief history of short track speed skating? Text
6. What is the usual program of short-track competitions? Text
7. What are the principle rules of short track events? Text

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11.07.2021 12:05
Batman is one of the most popular heroes of DC Comics Universe. First time he was mentioned in Detective Comics No27 in May, 1939. He has no special powers or abilities. His true name is Bruce Wayne and he's a billionaire. He's a very clever and well-educated man. So, all his "powers" are created by himself. As usual, he overcomes his enemies with stratagem and his self-created weapons. Also he is famous with his Batmobile. It's a great car with incredible abilities. It's also made by himself. He's also known as Dark Knight. Gotham is the city, protected by Batman. Joker is his most famous enemy. I think he's one of the greatest heroes in all comics Universe.
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20.04.2022 14:31

Текст простой, вникни. Все легко. Перевод внизу.

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В настоящее время существует очень разных популярных социальных сетей, где связаться с друзьями и родственниками также не сложно. Сегодня существует много различных соревнований и конкурсов в интернете  по различным предметам, которые дают студентам возможность принять участие даже в международных конкурсах.

С другой стороны, я думаю, что интернет становится образом жизни человека, и это очень вредно для нашего здоровья. Многие подростки проводят много времени, сидя за компьютерами и портят зрение. Я не хочу сказать, что я против интернета, но его использование должно иметь разумные пределы.

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