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51. i am busy at the moment. i on the computer. a) work b) worked c) am working d) have been working 52. we to odessa for our holidays last year. a) goes b) going c) have gone d) went 53. people english all over the world. a) speaks b) speak c) has spoken d) had spoken 54. i any of shakespeare's plays yet. a) hadn't read b) didn't read c) haven't read d) was reading 55. at this time tomorrow we over the atlantic. a) flie b) shall be flying c) fly d) flied 56. there was no money left because we it all. a) spent b) had spent c) had been spending d) spend 57. i shall tell him the news when he … me. a) joined b) joins c) will join d) join 58. you … some silly remarks when i’m speaking. a) always made b) are always making c) were always making d) will always make 59. by the time you receive this letter i … my final exams. a) shall finish b) will have finished c) finish d) have finished 60. «how long … for this company? » «five years». a) had you worked b) were you working c) have you been working d) do you work 61. pineapples in hawaii. a) are growing b) is grown c) are grown d) grew 62. this book in new-york last year. a) was published b) will be published c) published d) will publish 63. talking at the lessons. a) are not allowed b) is not allowed c) does not allow d) is not being allowed 64. this island two hundred years ago. a) were discovered b) was discovered c) will be discovered d) discovered 65. french in france, belgium and switzerland. a) speaks b) spoke c) is spoken d) is speaking 66. the students in research during the laboratory class tomorrow. a) are engaged b) will engage c) will be engaged d) have been engaged 67. a tree by its fruit. a) are known b) know c) knows d) is known 68. this question many times already and it is still under consideration. a) was raised b) have been raised c) has been raised d) will be raised 69. the tests … yet. a) haven't been checked b) hasn’t been checked c) weren’t checked d) haven’t checked 70. this question … at once. a) must discuss b) must be discussed c) must have discussed d) must being discussed 71. will she be upset if she the news ? a) heard b) is hearing c) hears d) had heard 72. if he drops out of college he to look for a job. a) have b) should have c) will have d) would have 73. if i a computer, i would use the internet. a) had b) have c) has d) has got 74. we everything if we had known how to do it. a) would have done b) would do c) should do d) will do 75. i wish they the mistake earlier. a) discovered b) had discovered c) would discover d) will discover 76. you be ready to answer all my questions. a) need b) must c) ought d) have 77. i to meet my brother at the station. a) can b) should c) may d) have 78. however hard 1 tried, i finish the work in time. a) can’t b) mustn’t c) couldn’t d) may not 79. we wait for her any longer. a) can b) must c) can’t d) should 80. you start working immediately? a) have b) can c) may d) ought 81. i ask you to do me a favour? a) may b) will be able c) have d) am 82. you follow my advice. there is no other way out for you. a) can b) must c) may d) ought 83. the lecturer speak so fast. a) should b) must c) has d) shouldn’t 84. to succeed one do something. a) is b) must c) ought d) has 85. he … pay more attention to his english. a) ought b) should c) has d) must have 86. i thought you … be glad to know about it. a) might b) can c) must d) ought 87. they … paid no attention to it. a) must have b) need c) can’t have d) ought 88. come and help me the shopping. a) to do b) did c) done d) doing 89. the door was a) unlock b) unlocking c) unlocked d) being unlocked 90. after school she was going to enter uman national university of horticulture. a) finish b) being finished c) finishing d) having finished 91. she greatly dislikes … by anybody. a) contradicting b) contradict c) having contradicted d) being contradicted 92. she is fond english songs. a) to sing b) sung c) having sung d) singing 93. this book is worth … . a) to buy b) bought c) having bought d) buying 94. he made us … for several hours. a) to wait b) waited c) wait d) to be waiting 95. he was very … by her sudden change of attitude. a) surprised b) surprising c) to surprise d) surprise 96. i shall never forget … to america for the first time. a) go b) going c) gone d) have gone 97. i look forward to … you at the party. a) to see b) see c) seen d) seeing 98. he expected … to the party, but he wasn’t. a) to invite b) to be invited c) invite d) invited 99. generally …, i don’t like coffee. a) to speak b) speaking c) spoken d) speak 100. i can’t help … why larry did such a foolish thing. a) wondering b) to wonder c) wondered d) to be wondered

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26.07.2020 01:52

51 c

52 d

53 b

54 c

55 b

56 b

57 b

58 b

59 b

60 c

61 c

62 a

63 b

64 b

65 c

66 c

67 d

68 c

69 a

70 b

71 c

72 c

73 a

74 a

75 a

76 b

77 d

78 c

79 c

80 b

81 a

82 b

83 d

84 b

85 b

86 c

87 a

88 a

89 c

90 c

91 d

92 d

93 d

94 c

95 a

96 b

97 d

98 b

99 b

100 a

0,0(0 оценок)
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