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09.02.2020 17:07 •  Английский язык

50.This is ... very important news o An
o A
o –
o The
51.Mrs White ...Mary that she was going away
o Spoke
o Talked
o Told
o Said
52.You ... work hard to pass the exam
o Can
o May
o Might
o Must
53.I am not very good ... learning languages
o In
o Of
o At
o While
54.This test consists ... a number of multiple-choice questions
o —
o In
o Of
o For
55.I do not know if she ... to the party
o Comes
o Will come
o Had come
o Would come
56.My dream is to visit ... Sahara
o The
o А
o —
o An
57.He enjoyed ... computer games at first, but after a while he got bored with
o to play
o playing
o make play
o having played
58.Open the window, ... you
o Must
o Need
o Will
o Do
59.When I came they ... things
o Pack
o Packed
o Were packing
o Were packed
60.You have bought a FIAT. You ... a BMW
o should have bought
o would have bought
o had better buy
o would rather have bought
61.The food at the party was horrible, I have never eaten ... awful food
o such a
o such
o such an
o so
62.How old ... when you got married
o are you
o will you be
o were you
o have you been
63.Jane is as ... as her elder sister
o Tall
o Taller
o the tallest
o much taller
64 of the three boys got a prize
o A few
o Both
o Each
o Every
65.All the furniture in this room ... antique
o Are
o Are made of
o Have
o Is
66.Take your umbrella. It ...
o Rain
o Rained
o Is raining
o Rains
67.She ... the piano since she was ten
o has been playing
o is playing
o has played
o had played
68.Peter ... since he left school
o was working
o works
o has been working
o will be working
69.He said they ... to buy flowers for her
o Forgot
o Forget
o Have forgotten
o Had forgotten
70.We have not managed to meet... three years
o Since
o For
o After
o Last
71.You’ll find the travel agency ... the end of the street
o By
o In
o On
o At
72.Переведите предложение на английский «На светофоре поверните
73.Переведите предложение на английский «Не могли бы вы мне Я
74.She could ... open her eyes
o Hard
o Hardly
o Badly
o Well
75.Helen asked me if... the film called ―Star wars‖
o have I seen
o have you seen
o had I seen
o I had seen
76.Poor Jack— he lost his homework, and he ... do it again
o Needs
o Ought
o Shall
o Has to
77 traffic in the city center
o There is always many
o It is always heavy;
o There is always heavy
o It is always much
78.Nothing is wrong,...?
o can it
o is it
o is not it
o cannot be
79.I am free this evening we go out to dinner
o Will
o Would
o Shall
o Will not
80.This dress is ... as the one I had before
o plenty the same
o very similar
o very same
o much the same
81.He is... his sister
o much taller that
o much more taller than
o much taller than
o more taller than
82.Be careful you do not... your key
o Lost
o Loosen
o Lose
o Loose
83.What they say may be true; you never can...
o Say
o Tell
o Remember
o Recognize
84.He did not move, but just... where he fell
o Lain
o Lay
o Laid
o Lied
85.I have not had a reply to the invitation I sent you last week. ... to my party
o Shall you come
o Are you coming
o Do you come
o Should you come
86.That man reminds me...my history teacher
o From
o Of
o About
o On
87.The children had not met...their grandparents or their uncle before
o Or
o Neither
o Nor
o Either
88.Before she started university, Jane ...in the States for six months working as a
o Lives
o Has been living
o Has lived
o Had lived
89.He was...tired to go on
o To
o Enough
o So
o Too
90.I ... saw Michael two years ago
o Lastly
o Last time
o last
o the last time
91.I like the red dress and the pink shoes. The trouble is that they do not ...very
o match not each other
o match themselves
o go with each other
o go on with the other
92.He is as polite as his brother is ...polite
o Im
o Non
o Dis
o Un
93.It is been quite a long time ... I had a holiday abroad
o Ago
o Since
o For
o When
94.You ... pay for this information. It is free
o Ought not to
o Do not have to
o Should not to
o Must not
95.I need a holiday, ... I?
o need nоt
o are not
o do not
o need
96.Children seem to find computers easy, but many adults are not used to ... with
o Work
o Working
o A work
o The work
97.Parents were made...the school reconstruction
o Finance
o To financing
o To finance
o Financing
98.The agency intended to let each applicant... in the interview
o to participate
o so as to participate
o participating
o Participate
99.Переведите предложение на английский «Как она выглядит?»
100. Переведите предложение на английский «Кто вы по специальности?»

Показать ответ
25.05.2020 21:53

It is obligatory to indicate the author and the title of his work, bibliographic data.

• Make sure that there is no retelling of the book. You can make out the author's style, title, plot, but do it well and competently.

• Tell your impression of the book, while justifying what you liked and what did not.

• Indicate whether the work is relevant, what is its target audience.

• You need to take care of yourself: do not use colloquial expressions, jargon.

• Don't write too long sentences. It is better to split a large one into several small ones.

• End the review by addressing the readers.

Common mistakes when writing a review

Before publishing a work, make sure that you have

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25.05.2020 21:53

Home »Call of the Wolf» All editorial reviews »Review

PUBLICATION: Film Academy Review of the film "Call of the Wolf"

PUBLICATION: Film Academy Review of the film "Call of the Wolf"

Today we will present for your judgment, dear friends, a debriefing, or rather, on the contrary, an analysis of underwater, even deep swimming of the debut film of the French director and screenwriter Abel Lanzak - "Call of the Wolf". The story does not pretend to be historical, as stated in the synopsis: "In a certain near future ...", just like the beginning of a fairy tale: "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, lived and were ...". But this is where the analogy ends - the film is absolutely serious, with a masculine character and a cool plot. There is a saying: "Measure seven times - cut once", the essence of which is that before doing something, you need to think over everything clearly. For those who serve on submarines, this is even more important than for us ordinary people. After all, it is enough for the "listener" to confuse the sound of the working propellers of the submarine with the whale to start a real nightmare

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