Мои занятия в университете начинаются в 8.30, поэтому я должен вставать в 7 утра в рабочие дни. Когда я просыпаюсь, я обычно лежу в постели пять минут и затем встаю. Я стараюсь убирать свою постель каждый день, но иногда забываю это сделать. Потом я открываю окно, глубоко вдыхаю свежий воздух и делаю зарядку. Я обычно очень спешу, поэтому у меня немного времени на это. Потом я иду в ванную, моюсь и чищу зубы. После этого одеваюсь и причёсываюсь. Потом иду на кухню, приветствую семью и завтракаю. После завтрака беру свой портфель и иду в университет. Обычно это занимает 30 минут. Я стараюсь приходить за несколько минут до звонка, потому что я не хочу опаздывать на урок. Я приветствую однокашников и мы идем в класс. Я учусь с удовольствием , поэтому 3-4 урока для меня это немного. Я часто остаюсь после уроков в университете, иду в библиотеку или в лабораторию. Потом я иду домой и ужинаю. Потом я могу немного отдохнуть. Потом я должен сделать мои домашние задания. Это занимает 3-4 часа. Вечером я смотрю телевизор с семьёй или разговариваю с друзьями по телефону.
Why is it assumed, or is it just me ... no matter ... In general it is assumed that the photo - purely masculine hobby. Why do I think so? I do not know ... maybe because around full of men who are fond of photography and almost none of these women? Women for whom photography is something more than just a way to capture a favorite or your baby keepsake. Women who love the photos themselves, which, although slightly, but versed in the cameras, who are happy to spend time with a camera in hand.
But paradoxically - I was a woman. For a picture over time grew into a hobby. I confess that I liked the pictures and always taking pictures I liked, but ... only with the arrival of my husband's life, I somehow reconsidered his view on photography. I began to see more around you, because the husband drew my attention to different things, saying, "That's the least left a successful photograph." And I began to look more around longer to notice the beautiful, and seeing his photograph knew photographed before impermissibly little ... While it certainly was a lot more than others.
And then my husband gave me a camera. "Reflex" and I began a new era ... an era under the name - a hobby, "Photo" ... but it's all for a single topic of conversation ... and I'll explain how some other time.
That's about all this, about my little women's hobby, and I will explain in this section. The photo!
Maybe someone reading articles about photography in my life, too, will remember that the camera is on the shelf, to which have not touched. It will be great. Maybe someone will decide to try and do an amazing job. Not in the sense that he would take up the camera for the first time in my life. No! I think these are no longer in an age of technological progress. But try yourself in the role of the photographer. Believe me it is so wonderful and exciting.
Why is it assumed, or is it just me ... no matter ... In general it is assumed that the photo - purely masculine hobby. Why do I think so? I do not know ... maybe because around full of men who are fond of photography and almost none of these women? Women for whom photography is something more than just a way to capture a favorite or your baby keepsake. Women who love the photos themselves, which, although slightly, but versed in the cameras, who are happy to spend time with a camera in hand.
But paradoxically - I was a woman. For a picture over time grew into a hobby. I confess that I liked the pictures and always taking pictures I liked, but ... only with the arrival of my husband's life, I somehow reconsidered his view on photography. I began to see more around you, because the husband drew my attention to different things, saying, "That's the least left a successful photograph." And I began to look more around longer to notice the beautiful, and seeing his photograph knew photographed before impermissibly little ... While it certainly was a lot more than others.
And then my husband gave me a camera. "Reflex" and I began a new era ... an era under the name - a hobby, "Photo" ... but it's all for a single topic of conversation ... and I'll explain how some other time.
That's about all this, about my little women's hobby, and I will explain in this section. The photo!
Maybe someone reading articles about photography in my life, too, will remember that the camera is on the shelf, to which have not touched. It will be great. Maybe someone will decide to try and do an amazing job. Not in the sense that he would take up the camera for the first time in my life. No! I think these are no longer in an age of technological progress. But try yourself in the role of the photographer. Believe me it is so wonderful and exciting.