5 Read the summary. Then find ond correct five mistakes,
living room
Lilly, Daisy and Liam are in the kerenLily and Dony
are reading some books and Liam is sending a text
message to Jake, but he isn't answering. Then Lian
gives Jake a ring at school, Jake puts Lamon speaker
phone, but Liam hears a lot of noire, The children go
to Liam's house to see what's wrong, Jake is playing
an instrument, but hes not very good at it. Daisy
thinks that playing chess is a good hobby, too!
ex.1 1)get into trouble -попасть в проблему
2) shake hands with- пожать руки с кем либо
3) cartoon character - мультяшный персонаж
4) wave riding - катание на волнах (серфер типо наверно)
5) build a fire - развести костер
ex. 2
1) bite - bitten (кусать)
2) draw - drawn рисовать ( карандашем вроде )
3) speak - spoken говорить
4) stick - stuck застревать, приклеиваться, держаться
5) swim - swum плавать
6) hang- hung вешать
7) learn - learnt учить
8) forgive - forgiven простить
9) freeze - frozen замораживать
2) back
3) out
4) round
1) has finished
2) has scored
3) have watched
4) has ran
5) has bought
6) have lost
7) has written
8) have eaten
9) have watched
10) have started
11) has studied
12) has dropped
13) has rained
14 have had
ex 5.
1) been
2) gone
3) been
5) been
6) been
7) gone
8) been