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5-6 классы 5-6 классы
5-6 knacco
destroyed eighty percent
of London rebuilt the ci
made of brick or stone. The
ity were wider and clean
Sir Christopher Wren rebu
London begin? of the 11
to September 6 It destroyed eighty percent of
the city. The people of London rebuilt the city
The new houses were made of brick or stone. The
streets in the new city were wider and cleaner
than in the old city Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt
St Paul's Cathedral
11. When did the fire of London begin? ... of the 17"
A) At the beginning B) At the end
C) In the middle D) In the first quarter
12. Where did the fire begin? In the shop which
C) jog
Al tho end
In the first quarter
egin? In the shop which
Fill in the prepositions
Here are a few things you may not know (21) gold
fish Did you know that they have been kept (22)
Chinese homes (23) over a thousand years? They
became widespread (24) many other countries (25)
the seventeenth century, when travelling Europeans
brought goldfish back (26) Europe with them. It be-
came traditional (27) a married man to give a goldfish
(28) his wife (29) their first wedding anniversary as a
symbol (30) prosperity
21. A) for B) 01 C) about D) with
22. A) for B) in C) about D) over
23. A) for B) since C) during D) under
24. A) at B) on C) onto D) in
25. A) with B) at C) during
D) above
26. A) over B) out C) to D) from
27. A) for B) with C) without D) before
28. A) to
B) for C) at D) with
29. A) at B) on
C) in D) from
30. A) with B) to C) of
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
1. What is the girl's name?
A) Sailey B) Shally C) Sally D) Molly
2. What does David want her to do? To...
A) help him B) play with him
D) join the club for swimmers
3. What day of the week is David's class on?
A) Monday B) Tuesday
C) Wednesday D) Thursday
4. Which group of people has classes on Thursday?
A) Grown-ups B) Beginners
C) Teenagers D) Nobody
5. How many people attend David's class this term?
A) 6 B) 8 C) 10 D) 12
6. How will the children get to the pool?
A) in Mum's car B) By bus
C) They will cycle D) They will walk
7. What kind of transport does David sometimes
A) A taxi B) A bike C) A motorbike D) A tram
8. When does the lesson begin?
A) At 3.45 p.m.B) At 4 30 pm
C) At 5:00 pm. D) At 5.30 pm
9. When does David ask the girl to come to his
A) At 3.15 p.m. B) At 4:30 p.m.
C) At 5.00p.m D) At 5:30 pm
10. What else should the girl take, apart from swim-
ming things?
A) A toy B) A book C) An apple D) Money
Read the text and answer the questions
In September. 1666, the old city of London caught
fire. The fire started in a bakery in Pudding Lane
The streets of old London were narrow and crook-
ed, so the fire spread quickly. A strong wind was
blowing from the river and it blew the flames from
house to house. The fire burned from September 2nd
Troducts D) bread
s in old London like?
B) Narrow and clean
D) Narrow and not st
d at such a great spel
D) off
A) meat B) fish C) dairy products D) bread
13. What were the streets in old London like?
A) Wide and crooked B) Narrow and clean
C) Not wide but straight D) Narrow and not straight
14. Why did the fire spread at such a great speed?
Because of
A) hot weather B) heavy rains
C) violent wind D) lots of people
15. For how long did the fire last? For ... days.
A) two B) three C) four D) five
16. How much of the city was destroyed?
A) One third
B) One quarter
C) Half of the city D) More than half
17. Who rebuilt London? The
A) soldiers B) firefighters
C) inhabitants D) volunteers
18. What did they use to build new houses?
A) Sand B) Iron C) Stone D) Glass
19. What were the streets in new London like? They
y rains
of people
e last? For ... days
as destroyed?
than halt
Choose the correct variant
Id new house
new Londos
31. Il... had a bike, we could all go for a ride!
A) nobody B) everybody C) somebody D) none
32. My mum usually ... the housework on Saturdays.
A) makes B) does C) cleans D) is busy
33. I can't buy it. I haven't gol... money.
A) enough B) many C) some D) no
34. Where ... you have dinner last night?
A) do B) did C) had D) will
35. I got a... for my birthday.
A) blue jacket nice B) nice blue jacket
C) jacket nice blue D) blue nice jacket
36. Do you ... work on Sundays?
A) should B) must C) have to D) need
37. Can you ... a photo of us, please?
A) take B) made C) done D) took
as before
Id Christi
A) wider B) as narrow as before
C) crooked D) as dirty as before
20. Which famous structure did Christopher Wren
rebuild after the fire?
A) The bakery B) Westminster Abbey
C) The bank D) St Paul's Cathedral
ir Abbe
Level 11
Level II
Level 111
Level TIT
ФИО ущегося​

Показать ответ
14.01.2022 15:37
Выберите правильный предлог на, по, в, на лет завершить предложения и запишите их. 1 незнакомец пришел рано зимний день february.2he редко покидал дом daylight.3 сумерки мэри будет выходить в ее прекрасный сад, чтобы посмотреть на детей roses.4the которые видели гигант ночь падения убежали и спрятались в house.5 миссис брукс внезапно проснулся рассвет, когда она услышала шум позади door.6 полдень он открыл дверь своего кабинета и сказал, что он был собирается home.7 вечером доктор кемп сидел в своем кабинете, глядя через newspapers.8 темная ночь через неделю я наблюдал движущийся свет из моего окна верхнего этажа .9cats спать день и охота night.10and так, что hsppened теплый ветреный вечер я поехал в страну, чтобы увидеть своих старых друзей.
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17.05.2022 11:41

не знаю на каком тебе нужно языке

это на англ

There are thousands of sports: football, basketball, tennis, etc. But my favorite sport is volleyball. Volleyball is a sport, a team game. In which two teams compete on a special platform divided by a grid. The meaning of the game is that the ball needs to get on the side of the opponents. Volleyball is one of the most popular, simple and affordable sports. To play it, you do not need large financial expenses and special physical training. Beach, ball, friends – and you can start having fun! I love this sport not only because it is very interesting and fun, but also because volleyball is quite a useful sport. It is proved that regular ball play has a General tempering and strengthening effect on the body, as well as significantly increases the body's endurance.

Volleyball also improves blood circulation, strengthens the heart and cardiovascular system, and has a positive effect on the lungs and respiratory system. It is worth noting that regular volleyball classes strengthen the musculoskeletal system, improve joint mobility. My favorite sport is volleyball. It develops many qualities in me-precision, restraint and balance. And most importantly, after every game I feel stronger. After all, sport is the key to health.

это на русском

Существует тысячи видов спорта: футбол, баскетбол, теннис и т.д. Но мой любимый вид спорта это волейбол. Волейбол- это вид спорта, спортивная, командная игра. В процессе которой две команды соревнуются на специальной площадке разделенной сеткой. Смысл игры в том что, мячом нужно попасть на сторону противников. Волейбол является одним из наиболее популярных и доступных видов спорта. Чтобы играть в него не нужны большие финансовые затраты и особенная физическая подготовка. Пляж, мяч, друзья – и можно начинать веселится! Я люблю этот вид спорта не только за то что это очень интересно и весело, но и за то что волейбол достаточно полезный вид спорта. Доказано, что регулярная игра с мячом оказывает общее закаляющее и укрепляющее действие на организм, а также значительно повышает выносливость организма.

Также волейбол отлично улучшает кровообращение, укрепляет сердце и сердечно-сосудистую систему, положительно влияет на легкие и дыхательную систему. Стоит отметить, что регулярные занятия волейболом укрепляют опорно-двигательный аппарат, улучшают подвижность суставов. Мой любимый вид спорта - волейбол. Он развивает во мне много качеств - точность, сдержанность и сбалансированность. А главное, после каждой игры я чувствую себя сильнее. Ведь спорт - залог здоровья.


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