1 millions
2 visitors
3 fortress
4 According
5 leave
6 three
# 9.
1) С артиклем the:
the Tower of London
the Thames
the Russian Federation
the Houses of Parliament
the Kremlin
the Volga
the USA
the Bolshoi Theatre
2) без артикля the:
England, Westminster Abbey, Spain, Moscow, Palace Square, Downing Street, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Tverskaya Street, St. Basil's Cathedral, Italy, Oxford Street.
1 millions
2 visitors
3 fortress
4 According
5 leave
6 three
# 9.
1) С артиклем the:
the Tower of London
the Thames
the Russian Federation
the Houses of Parliament
the Kremlin
the Volga
the USA
the Bolshoi Theatre
2) без артикля the:
England, Westminster Abbey, Spain, Moscow, Palace Square, Downing Street, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Tverskaya Street, St. Basil's Cathedral, Italy, Oxford Street.