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09.03.2020 19:16 •  Английский язык

4. Off His Soup
My husband kept telling me: "My mother makcs the best chicken soup in the world. " Each week he'd ask me to get the rescipe and make it. Finally I did so. My husband and our 16-year-old son loved it, but I saw Master Seven packing out pieces of сchicken and cauliflower. I asked how he liked his soup. "It would be o'kay withour the water," he replied.

(That Unis 3, 4)
1. Give the principal torms of the following verts and practice the formation of the Passive Voice tense forms.
to make to find to Swecp to sew to beat out to pay to shake to hold to show to forgive to keep to cat to speak to catch to break to sell to send towear to buy to bring

2. Make up sentences, use them in all the теnses in the Passive Voice, add some adverbs or adverbial phrases оf time.
to cook dinner-Are you hungry? I have cooked dinner for you.
to wash dishes-Mary has washed the dishes and the kitchen is nice to look at.
flооrs, linen; to wipe dishcs; to рeel potatocs;B to beat out rugs; to shake ou сarрets;
to sweep the floor-There are a lot of crumbles on the floor. I guess you have not swept it yet.
to buy а refrigerator: tо break the vaсuum-cleaner; to draw up the menu; to sew a thrсс-picce suit
3. Change the sentences ассоrding to the models.
Example 1: Реople always admire such pictures.
Such pictures are always admired.
1. Реople play football everywhere пowadays. 2. One uses milk for making butter and cheese. 3. Оne praises a student when he works hard. 4 They make progress cvery day in the world of scicncе. 5. They sell apples hy the kilo. 6. She takes her daughter to the kinder- garten every day.
Example 2.They built this bridge last year. This bridge was built last year.
1. Russian athletes won thс tennis competition last season. 2. I left the dog in the garden. 3. His brother beat John in the 100-yards race. 4. She washed the floor only this morning. 5. We ate all thc cakes yesterday. 6.people formerly used the Tower of London as prison.

Example 3: The fall will hurt him badly. Нe will be badly hurt.
1. They will hold a dance in the villagc club. 2. Аnn will clean the гooms.thoroughly after lunch. 3. We shall make the room comfortable for you. 4. I shall serve both tea and coffee. 5. Реоple will enjoy this flm all over the world. 6. Someone will meet you at the station.

Eхample 4: The confectioner is decorating the cake now. The cake is being decorated now.
1. The firemen are putting the fire out. 2. The hairdresser is cut- ting her hair. 3. They are trying a new medicine at the hospital. 4. The shops are sclling hundreds of toys. 5. They are still asking ques- tions about it. 6. Workmen are building a new road outside my house.

Example5 When I came they were tidying up the whole house. When I came the wholc house was being tidicd up.
1. When we left the mceting, people were still asking questions. 2 When I came to the village, they were building and new school. 3. When the cntered the room, thcy werс watching television. 4. When she left he garden, her sons were flying a kite. 5. When I arrived, my daugher was doing the washing, 6. When we passcd their garden, they were catering flowers.
Example 6: Someone has broken my pcn. My pen has been broken.
1. Your friends have invited you to dinner tomorrow. 2. No one has cver bcaten his sister at running. 3. Somеonc has spilt some wine bn the tablecloth. 4. Somebody has alrcady boiled the ketutle. 5. They have made my nеphew captain of the team. 6. Somebody has fricd the meat very well
Example 7: 1 found out that my friend had sent the parcel to the wrong address.
I found out that the parcel had been scnt to the wrong address.
1. We have put out the fire, before the fire brigade arived. 2. In suprised me to hear that they had given him the first prize. 3. We didnt know that he had lost all the photos. 4. She couldn’t remember whсre Moher had put the keys. 5. My sister had set all the things right by the time we got back. 6. They had staged four Shakespeare plays by the end of the last year,

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25.06.2020 06:12
II(a) Liz is not trying to fix her washing machine. (b) Is Liz trying to fix her washing machine? We were not having lunch when our uncle came. (b) Were we having lunch when our uncle came? (a) She has not started her new job. (b) Has she already started her new job? (a) By the end of the year he had not learnt to speak French. (b) Had he learnt to speak French By the end of the year? (a) My secretary has not been typing the report for five hours. (b) Has my secretary been typing the report for five hours?IIIAunt Betty is talking to the butcher in the kitchen. Is Aunt Betty talking to the butcher in the kitchen? Is Aunt Betty talking to the butcher in the kitchen or in the living room? What Aunt Betty is doing in the kitchen? Aunt Betty is talking to the butcher in the kitchen, isn't she? It was raining heavily yesterday morning. Was it raining heavily yesterday morning? Was it raining heavily yesterday morning or evening? What was the weather like yesterday morning? It was raining heavily yesterday morning, wasn't it? They hadn't completed the test when the teacher came. Had they completed the test when the teacher came? Had they completed the test when the teacher came or even before it? What had they completed when the teacher came? They hadn't completed the test when the teacher came, had they? By the end of the autumn, they will have built a new skating-rink in this district. Will they have a new skating-rink built in this district by the end of the autumn? Will they have a new skating-rink or a skate park built in this district by the end of the autumn? What will they have built in this district by the end of the autumn? By the end of the autumn, they will have built a new skating-rink in this district, won't they? They had been watching TV for half an hour when their parents came. Had they been watching TV for half an hour when their parents came? Had they been watching TV or browsing the Net for half an hour when their parents came? What had they been doing TV for half an hour when their parents came? They had been watching TV for half an hour when their parents came, hadn't they? IV Past Simple or Past Progressive: My hat flew off when I was crossing the  bridge. Past Simple or Present Perfect: I bought a new car last summer, but I haven't sold my old car yet, so now I've got two cars. Present Simple or Future Perfect: The party will have begun by the time we come. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive: She has been reading this book for three days and has read 300 pages already. Past Simple or Past Perfect Progressive: How long had they been waiting for a taxi before it came?
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10.04.2020 04:37

Steve: What are you reading?

Emma: Oh, it’s an old scientific journal. I found it in the attic.

Steve: It looks ancient.

Emma: And it is. But I like the way the scientific things are explained in it. They used quite a simple language to make complicated theories and hypotheses understandable to the public.

Steve: And the journal was published in the last century, wasn’t it?

Emma: Yes. Lots of discoveries have been made since that time. Look, this is an article on a solar eclipse. It’s a shame the photos are black-and-white.

Steve: And what’s this, in this picture?

Emma: It’s one of the first computers.

Steve: But it’s huge and it reminds me of something from an old power station! I can’t understand how it operates — there’s no keyboard, and no monitor either.

Emma: You’ll probably understand it if you read the article. It’s quite interesting and reveals some facts about the history of computing since 1939. You can borrow the journal if you like.

Steve: Thanks. I will. I want to show it to my brother-he has aways been curious about old journals of all kinds.

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