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02.12.2020 05:11 •  Английский язык

31. I don’t like coffee, and my husband doesn’t like it… . a. too b. either c. also d. as well
32. My brother likes to read in bed, and … . a. so am I b. so do I c. so I do d. I too
33. We know that there was a lot of … but don’t know who was behind it. A. the trouble b. a trouble c. trouble d. troubles
34. They don’t have … luggage; just two small bags. A. many b. much c. a d. no
35. When …? A. they arrived b. they have arrived c. have they arrived d. did they arrive
36. … to see a new film. Do you want to come with us? A. We’re going b. We’ll go c. We go d. We going
37. Don’t go in there now, a new programme … . a. is recorded b. is being recorded c. is recording
38. This coat is dirty. You must … a. to have it cleaned b. have it cleaned c. to clean it d. cleaning it
39. There was no English lesson yesterday, …? A. was there b. wasn’t there c. was it d. wasn’t it
40. You can learn English …to England, but it’s not so easy. A. without going b. not to go c. without go d. not go
41. Your shoes are terribly dirty; they really need … . a. cleaning b. clean c. to clean d. cleaned
42. Please, stay with me. I don’t want …. A. you go b. you going c. your going d. you to go
43. I want … this letter. A. that you type b. you typing c. you to type
44. I don’t know … a. what is his address b. where does he live c. where is his address d. where he lives
45. Don’t you understand what…? A. does it mean b. it mean c. it means d. means it
46. The oldest tree in this part of the world is the redwood, … thousands of years old. A. which may be b. its age c. and d. which it is
47. He is very rich. He … work for a living. A. oughtn’t b. mustn’t c. doesn’t need d. doesn’t have to
48. The film … wasn’t very good but I liked the music. A. himself b. hisself c. itself d. herself
49. He’s so lazy. He never does … work. a. no b/ some c. any
50. Not … tourists in the group were Spanish. A. all the b. the all c. all
51. Last night I wrote … letters. A. a few b. a little c. little d. much
52. … all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong. A. In spite of b. Although c. Because
53. I didn’t have time to read this document I only looked … a. it through b. through it c. for it d. by it
54. Are you looking … your key? Here it is. A. at b. through c. after d. for
55. I’m not keen … sport. A. at b. on c. for d. on

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15.07.2020 03:21
How do I Learn English  The total number of languages in the world is from 2500 to 5000. English is spoken all over the world and very popular. There is a proverb: «Knowledge is Power» I agree with it.I study English, because I want to read English books of great writers in the original. I want to communicate with people from different countries, I want to understand their culture and traditions. I like to travel.Как я изучаю английский языкОбщее число языков в мире — от 2500 до 5000. На английском говорят во всем мире, и он очень популярен. Есть такая пословица: «Знание — сила». Я с ней согласна.Как я изучаю английский? Прежде всего, я много читаю. На моем письменном столе всегда есть книга на английском. Я стараюсь выучить несколько новых слов каждый день. Чтобы лучше их запоминать, я разделяю их на группы. Например: верить — верующий — вера — неверие.How do I learn English? First of all I read a lot. There is always an English book on my desk. I'mtrying to learn few new words every day. To remember words better I put them into groups. For example: believe — believer—belief — disbelieve.
I listen to songs in English and try to recognize the words. I have some tapes and video-tapes in English. I like to watch different satellite TV programs in English.В наши дни совершенно необходимо знание иностранного языка. Знание иностранного языка развивать дружбу и понимание между людьми.Speaking English I can travel anywhere, because more than 1 billion people speak English. I have a pen-friend abroad. She lives in Sweden. I have much fun writing letters to my Swedish friend.Я изучаю английский, потому что я хочу читать произведения великих английских писателей в оригинале. Я хочу общаться с людьми из разных стран, я хочу понимать их культуру и традиции. Мне нравится путешествовать.Nowadays it's very necessary to know a foreign language. Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.Говоря на английском, я могу отправиться куда угодно, потому что более миллиарда людей говорят по-английски. У меня есть подруга по переписке в Швеции. Мне очень нравится писать ей письма.Я слушаю песни на английском и пытаюсь узнавать слова. У меня есть несколько аудио- и видеокассет на английском языке. Мне нравится смотреть различные передачи на английском по спутниковому телевидению.
Мне нравится изучать английский язык.I like studying English.
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04.01.2021 00:54

Пример сочинения:

I am very proud of the fact I was born and live in Russia!
Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans. The capital of Russia is Moscow, with the population of about 10 million people. Saint Petersburg has once been a capital of the country.
The Russian Federation is rich in natural and mineral resources. Russian Federation is a multinational country. They are Russians, Ukrainians, Chukchas, Tatars and many others.
Russia is the country of new possibilities!


Я очень горд тем, я родился и живу в России!
Россия омывается 12-ю морями и тремя океанами. Наша столица — Москва, с численностью населения более 10 миллионов человек. Санкт-Петербург однажды являлся столицей страны.
Российская федерация — богатейшая натуральными и минеральными ресурсами. Это многонациональная страна. Здесь живут русские, украинцы, чукчи, татары и много других.
Россия — страна новых возможностей!

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