3 Какие из предложений (1-8) соответствуют данным понятиям: А. on the spot decision - cпонтанные действия или решения B. a gradually developing situation – постепенно развивающаяся ситуация C. a timetable- график, расписание D. a future prediction based on what we see – предположение того, что мы видим E. a future plan or intention – планы или намерения в будущем F. a future prediction based on what we think will happen –предположение о том, что произойдет в будущем G. promise - обещание H. a fixed arrangement in the near future – планы на бли-жайшее будущее
He changed his image for many time. In 70's he was a Ziggy Sturdust: an alien from space. Also he was a Thin White Duke wearing a formal suit. In 80's he tried himself as an actor and he became the Goblin King with funny hair and weird make-up. And as I remember he had heterochromia (when your eyes have a different eye color).
Rest in peace, David. Thank you for your music and inspiration. You will be remembered. Goodbye, Ziggy Sturdust.