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09.05.2020 21:08 •  Английский язык

27. - ___ I go there now? - No, you ___ .
A) can / hadn’t to B) am / aren’t C) must / needn’t D) might / could
28. Mark will play tennis if he ___ his work in time.
A) finish B) finished C) finishing D) finishes
29. If he ___ ill, he would stay at home.
A) is B) be C) were D) am
30. If he ___ generous, he ___ the poor.
A) were/would have helped B) is/would have helped
C) was/would help D) were/would help
31. If you ___ to me yesterday, we ___ this article.
A) came / shall translate B) would come / should translate
C) had come / should have translated D) come / having translated
32. If I were you ___ .
A) I shall wait B) I wait C) I would wait D) I waited
33. I ___ living in England if the weather ___ better.
A) don’t mind / was B) didn’t mind / is C) wouldn’t mind / is D) wouldn’t mind / were
34. English grammar is ___ than Russian one.
A) easy B) easier C) the easiest D) as easy as
35. This is ___ place I’ve ever seen.
A) dirty B) the dirtiest C) more dirty D) dirtier
36. I make ___ mistakes now than last year.
A) few B) fewer C) - D) the fewest
37. The weather is much ___ pleasant than it usually is at this time.
A) most B) more C) the most D) little
38. My luggage was ___ than my friend’s.
A) good B) the best C) many D) less
39. He is ___ among his classmates.
A) old B) taller C) the youngest D) short
40. Which bird flies ___, the swallow or the gull?
A) - B) fast C) faster D) the fastest
41. Vatican is ___ country in Europe.
A) less B) the smallest C) smaller D)small
42. I enjoy ___ in the garden at week-ends.
A) work B) to work C) to be working D) working
43. Nobody expected him ___ Lola.
A) marry B) married C) to marry D) will marry
44. The inspector is not in the town. He ___ to another place some days ago.
A) was sent B) sent C) will be sent D) will send
45. The business letters ___ tomorrow.
A) are sent B) is sent C) will be sent D) will send
46. ___ while he was having breakfast.
A) He climbed the fence B) His pen stopped writing
C) He fell off the ladder D) He bit his tongue
47. The party will start Sunday.
A) on 9 o’clock at B) at 9 o’clock on C) at 9 o’clock in D) 9 o’clock
48. This is my friend house is near mine.
A) who lives in B) whose C) who is D) in this
49. He asked me :"Where do you live?" He asked me.
A.where I live B.where he lived C.where did I live D.where I lived
50. Jim asked :" Did you go to work yesterday? Jim asked. to work the day before. A. if had I gone. B. whether I had gone C. if I went D. that I had gone
If the projector , we won’t be able to see the movie.
A) doesn’t work B) worked C) didn’t work D) wasn’t work
27. If people , he will feel bad.
A) will laugh B) wouldn’t laughed
C) laugh D) would laugh
28. If I had a car, I to the theater.
A) drive B) would drive C) would drove D) drives
29. If they stand up, we see the screen.
A) doesn’t B) won’t be able to C) haven’t to D) aren’t
30. If my car start, I will be late.
A) didn’t B) doesn’t C) don’t D) did
31. I would come if I enough time.
A) had B) have C) will have D) can have
32. He would feel better if he more sleep.
A) got B) gets C) will get D) has gotten
33. You will succeed if you .
A) are trying B) will try C) try D) are going to try
34. long books are interesting.
A) Many B) Many of C) Many the D) Of
35. charming person she is!
A) What B) How C) That D) What a
36. people came than I expected.
A) Other B) Fewer C) Another D) Few
37. I don’t know where .
A) is the post-office B) has the post-office
C) the post-office D) the post-office is
38. Tom sat near the fire .
A) to get warm B) for to get warm
C) for getting warm D) get warm
39. She came because her car had broken down.
A) to walk B) walk C) by foot D) on foot
40. She is very fond modern art.
A) in B) of C) with D) at
41. I find English spelling .
A) it is difficult B) is difficult C) be difficult D) difficult
42. It is not easy me to tell you what happened.
A) of B) for C) to D) from
43. The film has finished, and the people home.
A) went B) have gone C) were going D) are going
44. She felt ill after the food.
A) eat B) eating C) to eat D) eaten
45. I saw somebody towards your house.
A) going B) went C) gone D) to go
46. his experiments, Faraday made an important discovery.
A) While B) During C) Since D) For
47. Tom is Helen.
A) as tall than B) as tall as C) so tall as D) so tall than
48. A dozen is twenty.
A) almost the same as B) half as much as
C) much more than D) less than
49. I felt ill on Saturday, but I felt on Sunday.
A) worse B) badly C) worst D) _
50. Are you interested in a watch?
A) by B) for C) buying D) to buy

Показать ответ
15.10.2020 14:27

ответ:27. a 28.d 29. в самом задании ошибка , должно быть was, если would дальше идет 30. с 31. с 32.с 33. a 34. b 35. b  36. b 37.b  38. d 39. c 40. c 41. b 42. d 43.c 44. a 45.c  

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