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12.09.2020 11:35 •  Английский язык

20 the giraffe the giraffe is the tallest animal. his head is about five meters above the ground. it has its good and bad sides. the giraffe can eat leaves from high trees because he has a long neck and a strong tongue. but it’s difficult for the giraffe to eat the grass. when the giraffe drinks water, lions and leopards often hide in the tall grass ready to catch him. it is very bad for the giraffe, because he can’t raise his head quickly and run away. the giraffe can live for months without water. he gets most of the water from what he eats. also, because his head is so far from the ground, the giraffe can see danger and can quickly walk away or run away. 1) the giraffe is the strongest animal. a) true b) false c) not stated 2) he has a long neck. a) true b) false c) not stated 3) the giraffe eats only grass. a) true b) false c) not stated 4) the giraffe can run fast. a) true b) false c) not stated 5) he can’t raise his head fast. a) true b) false c) not stated 6) the giraffe can’t live without water for a long time. a) true b) false c) not stated 7) he can see danger because he has a long neck. a) true b) false c) not stated

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19.12.2021 19:41
1. Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
2. Ann plays the piano, but she doesn't play it very well.
3. In Brit­ain most shops close at 5.30 p. m.
4. At night when it gets dark, they switch on the TV or the radio and lis­ten to music.
5. Mr Brown often goes to the cinema but his wife does not go very often. She prefers to stay at home and watch TV.
6. Would you mind if I ask you a question? – That depends on the question.
– It concerns your future. – Sorry, but I don't want to speak about it till I pass my final exams at school.
7. His mother often tells him that he spends too much money but he never listens to.
8. I didn't want to meet Robert, so when he entered the room I left.
9. I learnt to drive a car some years ago.
10. He crossed the street and went towards the city park.
11. As soon as you come home, I'll phone you.
12. If you enter the Institute, your parents will be happy.
13. If it rains we shall stay at home.
14. I won't write to him unless he writes to me.
15. They will come if you ask them to.
16. Shall I see you next week?
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29.07.2022 03:12
Leopards have one of the highest quality thermal insulation systems of mammals. Wool conducts heat inside as the waveguide , but does not allocate outside paws pillow isolated from six snow , not to catch a cold , very fluffy tail is used as a scarf and to prevent moisture loss ( leopard covers them nose when asleep - not only in the mountains cold but dry and liquid extracts leopard from food alone - ie venison ) . Normal body temperature leopard - 42 °.
• leopards have a very developed sense of gravity. Typically, the hunt is so - it creeps up on prey, jumps out of the shelter and 3-4 jump (10 meters) overtakes goat. At the same time he has to jump over the rocky ledges , not seeing the landing before the jump , and the depth of snow ( to the rock underneath ) generally only to touch and identify . Here plays the role of the tail rudder ( in other animals as well).
• leopards almost never fall into the traps . Smart , or rather smell human .
• leopards rarely tamed , but in nurseries behave exclusively peaceful. They are very difficult to ruffle . As far as I know , in the history of the Moscow Zoo was only one such case - 2 years ago Shiva phalanx of the little finger bitten off a girl who reached out to pet him , coming up behind him - a catastrophic mistake.
• barsyata able to purr. Adults - no, but emit a specific danger growl (very rare , rather Retiro ) .
• if the leopard fed, healthy, get enough sleep , clean, looking for a partner and not sure of their safety ( in the mountains all six criteria simultaneously occur very rarely) , the only feeling that he is - curiosity. Then the leopard can approach a person and look at it . If you behave properly , you can even make friends (only need to show that you are not an element of nature and scenery , but a living person ) . After several meetings, the leopard will trust you , and he can come closer. There were cases when pregnant or lactating baressy took food from the hunters (not out of hand, but left them especially ) when it is difficult to hunt .
• As with all cats, leopards in the organ Jacobson - vomeronasal sensor, an extremely sensitive to weak odors . Normally used for mining and other labels sniffing leopards . Bars opens his mouth , picks up his mustache (actually - the upper lip ) and retracts into the air that goes to the sky in his bosom between the incisors , where the sensor. Most likely , the body in leopard Jacobson is more sensitive than other cats because of the necessity of fixing odors flown long distances by the wind ( on tropical plains or forest breeze - a rarity ) .
• leopard - likely the only cat saliva which has no odor . It is necessary to conserve moisture ( to prevent evaporation ) and protection of victim detection by smell. With high viscosity , saliva acts as a lubricant for wool, not allowing it to stick together at the tips and preventing evaporation from the skin. By the way, leopard skin - monotone gray .
• there are two subspecies of leopard - Himalayan and Mongolian- Altai . Separation occurred because of reduced habitat , when two groups of genetically almost ceased to communicate. Currently the number of leopards is estimated at about 5,000. Barca prohibited fishing and fishing in almost all countries habitat , but poaching is still a major threat to them .
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