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25.02.2023 03:06 •  Английский язык

2 Use words from Exercise 1 in the correct form to complete the dialogue. Jimmy: You'll never get a taxi in this rainy weather, Fran!
Fran: Don't worry. I'll put my hand up and (1)
at one of them.
Jimmy: There's one right there! Oh, no. Never mind. He's (2)
his head. He's not stopping.
Fran: What if we move to another street? There are taxis over there. Do you see where I'm
with my finger?
Jimmy: Wait, I think this taxi will stop. Yes, he's (4).
his head.
Fran: I'm so glad. It's really raining now!
Jimmy: OK, well, let's (5) hands before you leave.
Fran: Oh, come on, Jimmy! We know each other better! (6)
me on the cheek and Ill be on
my way...​

2 Use words from Exercise 1 in the correct form to complete the dialogue. Jimmy: You'll never get a

Показать ответ
13.05.2023 20:47
Dear Mum and Dad, I am all right. I like the camp very much. It is near a beautiful river in a green forest. It has a volleyball ground and a sports ground. We look after the gardens and water the flowers. In the centre of our camp there is a square. This is the place for camp meetings.
We get up at 7 o’clock and do morning exercises. After that we wash and make our beds. After breakfast some go to the forest, others help to pick vegetables.
After dinner we must sleep, but it’s difficult to sleep in the day-time. When the girls begin to speak, the door of our room opens and we hear, “Who isn’t sleeping?” There is no answer, we are all “sleeping”.
After two hours of rest we have a glass of coffee or milk and eat bread or a cake. Then we read or draw, play table games, volleyball or basketball. In bad weather we can read books, write letters, prepare dances and songs for evening parties and do other things. We dance, play games or watch films after supper. Then we go to bed.
Please write if you are coming on Sunday. Bring Borya too. Does he go to the children’s summer playground?
Well, my letter is too long today, but I have very much to tell you.
Love, Lena

Переведем с английского:

Письмо из лагеря
Дорогие мама и папа, у меня все в порядке. Мне очень нравится лагерь. Он возле красивой речки в зеленом лесу. В нем есть волейбольная и спортивная площадки. Мы ухаживаем за садом и поливаем цветы. В центре нашего лагеря есть площадь. Это место для собраний в лагере.
Мы встаем в 7 часов и делаем утреннюю зарядку. После этого мы моемся и застилаем постели. После завтрака некоторые идут в лес, другие же собирать овощи.
После обеда мы должны спать, но это сложно, спать в дневное время. Когда девочки начинают разговаривать, дверь нашей комнаты открывается и мы слышим "Кто не спит?" ответа нет, мы все "спим".
После двух часов отдыха мы получаем стакан кофе или молока и едим хлеб или пирожное. Потом мы читаем или рисуем, играем в настольные игры, волейбол или баскетбол. В плохую погоду мы можем читать книги, писать письма, готовить танцы и песни для вечеринок и заниматься другими вещами. Мы танцуем, играем в игры или смотрим фильмы после ужина. Потом мы идем спать.
напишите, если вы приезжаете в воскресенье. Возьмите Борю тоже. Он ходит на летнюю детскую площадку?
Ну, мое письмо очень длинное сегодня, но у меня есть очень много чего сказать вам.
Целую, Лина.

Прям райский курорт, а не пионерский лагерь. И почему это все не нравилось во время существования данных лагерей...
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13.01.2020 11:30
Eighteen Bethany Hamilton furiously rowing a giant wave. As soon as she feels that the rear part of the board is raised, she leans forward, then quickly jumped up, firmly puts her foot on the board and ride the wave gently, quickly approaching the shore. All this is nothing unusual for a champion of surfing, but Bethany is the whole miracle!
In 2003, Bethany has won several competitions, and was planning to become a professional surfer. Then, one sunny October morning, she was surfing with his friends on the beach in Kauai district, Hawaii. Suddenly, four-meter tiger shark attacked her, tearing her hand.
Most people would become very depressed after such a tragedy, but Bethany struck everyone. They could not believe their eyes when they saw her return to her surfboard just three weeks after his terrible experience. It was not easy, however. Apart from the difficulties of learning to surf with one hand, she also had to deal with her fear that once again the shark attack. "It's always on my mind," she says, and it always will be, but I have to keep thinking about something fun and easy surfing.
Bethany not only champion serfengu, but her positive attitude is also a source of inspiration for many. She was even in Thailand, to help children who have experienced the 2004 tsunami, with their fear of water. Sometimes, Bethany asks himself: "Why me?" but then she thinks that her experience helped her to get better. Bethany's motto - "I will never quit Yes!"
5:30 in the morning, and fifteen Tom Conaway already sitting motionless in the wetlands of California in anticipation of the wild animals, to capture them. Soon, thousands of birds are beginning to quack loudly, and Tom was lucky enough to be able to take them up close in their natural habitat. But what makes Tom different from any other filmmaker-wannabe?
When Tom Conaway was only four years old, the car in which he was traveling rolled down from the mountain. He was thrown out of the window, and his spine was severely bruised. Since then, his brain can no longer send impulses to parts of his body, to tell them to move. But Tom does not waste time trying to feel sorry for yourself. "I'll be in a wheelchair for life," he says, "but I think I was lucky. Really. I mean, I've been through a terrible accident and not hurt the brain."
One afternoon, about two years after the accident, dad Tom realized that photography was his hobby, which they both can share. So, Doug Conaway camera tied to a chair Tom so that he could shoot the game Football brother. Now Tom uses a "helmet cam" for the shooting, or the father sets up the camera on a tripod, and Volume controls it through a wireless remote control while watching the camera to a DVD-player screen in his lap. Tom even sees his disability as a secret force that helps him on the set. The fact that it "easy" to sit still means that he can shoot the animals without scaring them! Positive attitude of Tom's amazing. "Everyone passes through the bumps in the road, which need to get used to," he says. "The fact that I'm in a wheelchair - it just bumps in the road"
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