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01.01.2021 06:15 •  Английский язык

2 read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

amanda’s favourite books
amanda really enjoys reading (0) b stories because she thinks they are exciting. during her (1) when she was about 10 or 11 years old, she read more than 100 stories like these! when her mother (2) how many books she was reading every week, she started buying her more books. every night after she finished her homework, amanda (3) from the living room and read a book in her bedroom. she never thought (4) playing with friends or watching tv. she only wanted to (5) the amazing adventures that were in her books.

amanda’s favourite stories are the harry potter books. the characters go to
(6) and exciting lands. she has all of these books. she asked (7) one every birthday. she also really likes the book alice in wonderland. some of the characters in that book are quite funny and it makes her (8) every time she reads it.

she doesn’t like (9) stories because she thinks aliens and spaceships are boring. last week, amanda read a ghost story, but for a week after she was
(10) that there were ghosts in her bedroom!

3 choose the correct word.

0 did you talk to / at simon about the books?
1 is that the new adventure story you were talking for / about?
2 the boy hid when he saw a strange man in the distance / map.
3 a lot of science fiction books have stories about spaceships / ghosts.
4 wendy screamed when she saw somebody looking / hiding in the garden.
5 did you talk at / to your teacher about visiting the library?
6 clare was laughing at / in harry’s joke when she fell.
7 the ghost disappeared / replied through the wall into the next room.
8 she was looking at / to some old photos when the phone rang.

4 circle the word that doesn’t belong.

0 treasure gold crew
1 joke game door
2 happy sad worried
3 shout scream talk
4 rain appear shine
5 strange normal usual
6 unfortunate dusty damp
7 hear smell blow

5 put the verbs into the past simple or past continuous to complete the text.

ben’s ghost
something terrible (0) happened (happen) to ben one cold, rainy night. he
(1) (watch) tv in the living room when he heard a sound. he
(2) (get) up from his chair and went to look. when he looked into his bedroom, he (3) (not/see) anything strange – it was the same as always. but while he (4) (look) into the room, he noticed a face in the window. it was the face of a young girl.

what (5) (she/do) out there in the cold? he
(6) (start) to walk towards the window. suddenly, the girl
(7) (disappear). ben (8) (leave) his bedroom right away, thinking he saw a ghost. while he was in the living room, he
(9) (discover) two small damp places on the floor. then he realised something horrible. the young girl (10) (not/stand) outside anymore. she was inside the house!

6 complete the text with one word in each gap.

love story
paula (0) was quite sad yesterday. she (1) reading a love story when she came to a part in which something terrible happened. the man told the woman that he (2) not love her anymore. he loved someone else. the woman started (3) cry loudly. (4) paula continued reading the story this morning, she discovered the reason. doctors told the man that he was very ill. he didn’t tell the woman (5) he didn’t want her to be sad.

7read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.
space adventure
after many months, the spaceship (0) b close to a new planet. captain spark told his crew to get ready. ‘(1) down, everyone. we’re landing in five minutes.’ as the ship was getting closer to the alien planet, the captain (2) something quite strange. there was no land, only water. the captain immediately decided (3) the spaceship. he (4) the ship’s computer to make a map of the planet, to see if it could find land. (5) he was looking at the map, the captain became very worried. there didn’t seem (6) any land at all!
then, one of the crew members suggested (7) over the planet. maybe there was some other place to land that they couldn’t see. as they were flying over the water, the captain saw something (8) out of the water very slowly. it was a large building – big enough to land on. the crew landed the ship and waited. after three hours, two aliens (9) . they said to the crew, ‘we have no place on our planet for land lovers like you. (10) home! ’

Показать ответ
22.03.2022 06:59


A train is cheaper than a bus.

This text is the biggest of all.

I was ill last week but today I am better.

Park street is longer than Market Street.

This jacket is small for me. Show me a bigger one.

What is the hardest thing in life?

A crocodile is bigger than a water snake.

Helen is the prettiest girl in our class.


Jill is a far more intelligent person than my brother.

Kate was the most practical of the family.

Greg felt worse yesterday than the day before.

This wine is the best I have ever tasted.

Jack was the tallest of the two. Jack is the cleverest of the three brothers.

If you need any further information, please contact our head office.

The sinking of Titanic is one of the most famous shipwreck stories of all time. Please, send the books back without further delay.

The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the richest in the world.

Could you come a bit earlier tomorrow?

I like this song better than the previous one.

Which of this two performances did you enjoy more?

The fire was put out more quickly than we expected.

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18.12.2021 03:42
Мы начали наше путешествие в исторический город Волгоград с эмоциональным поездки на Kurgan мама, чтобы увидеть или стат Родина-мать сладкий. Этот город был свидетелем весь ужас и героизм Второй Мировой Войны и статуя празднует несокрушимый дух русского народа. Затем мы доказывает обратно в центр, который worst из pla, чтобы стать хрень перекресток транспорта, и чаек по телефона у реки перед позировал нашего корабля, чтобы начать приключение на всю жизнь.
В течение следующих нескольких дней lanka остановилась на множество небольших driven, и мы проплывали мимо Arts, Самара и Симбирск. В каждом поселке есть небольшие магазины и ложь торговцы, продающие одежду, Mate и Янтарь ювелирные изделия. Это был отличный шанс увидеть sells жизнь в России, и люди, которых мы встретили, были невероятно гостеприимны. Вернувшись на ЛК, мы любим общения с нашими новыми друзьями со всего мира.
Третий день нашей поездки нас привезли в Казань, где Волга встречается с машину. Казань-русский Наполи, Наполи поезд и совершенно Cartel. В верхней части города, мы Postal Kazan Kremlin, где мы видели Devil Благовещенск sober и камень сковороду Ban Сююмбике. Затем в нижней части города, мы Postal некоторые Vehicle мусульман встретиться.
Как река нас NSA дальше, в Нижнем Новгороде появилась в поле зрения, стоя на высоком домой, где Волга впадает в отдых Ok. Ban из красного кирпича большого Кремлевского грязи в ила и архангелов Sober находится в пределах исторических стен. Оттуда мы штате много известных города монастырь, таких как Monster сверстниками и Благовещенск монстр.
Мы плыли вперед в Cost - город, почти РЭС Москвы. Beer Улицы расходятся от центральной площади, и мы поразились быдло cristian дома и золотые чашку Ипатьевского монастыря. Миски трезв, с 10"' Visions века Icon. Наша Леди Святого Теодора, также был posting металл.
Наконец, наше путешествие пайнс нам в Ярославль. В 17ч века красный кирпич serve были сильно с их черепичными Jake экстерьер и льготы рамкой. В Преображенский монстр мы увидели много Metal значок, а также воды русских рукописи сокровищ литературу, заложить хозяина Игорь. Все слишком скоро пришло время уходить, но как мы ЮВ на поезд обратно в Москву мы знали, что мы взяли в путешествие, которое будет жить в наших сердцах вечно.

Какое любимое место в районе, вы где заклепки? Какие места вы бы Postal Tourist посмотреть? Шпунт фотографии или чертежи вашего любимого места ящики с пояснением, почему вы любите их так много. Мы pasta самые лучшие на нашем сайте для всего мира, чтобы увидеть! 
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