2 Read Jennifer's description and answer the questions. 4 Why is he a hero? 5 What's her hero like? 1 Who is Jennifer's hero? 2 Where did he live? 3 What was his job? Useful language Connectors We often use connectors when we write descriptions: Although most people have got heroes like Nelson Mandela or Usain Bolt, my hero is my granddad. • I like him because he's funny, friendly and kind to everyone. • He was born 80 years ago so he's very old. He wanted to be a vet so he studied at night after work as well
Блины Ингредиенты: 1 яйцо, плюс 2 дополнительных яичных белка, 300 мл теплого молока, 10 г сахара, 10 г дрожжей, 225 г муки, растительное масло для жарки, масло для смазки блинов приготовления: 1. Для приготовления пасты смешать дрожжи, молоко, муку и сахар и яичный желток вместе в большой миске. 2. Взбейте яичные белки в отдельной миске до образования жестких пиков, затем положите их в пасту. Накройте миску и отложите при комнатной температуре на 20- 30 минут. 3. Нагрейте сковороду до средней температуры, добавьте немного растительного масла и средний ковш из смеси блинов. 4. Приготовьте блины сначала с одной стороны до золотисто-коричневого цвета, затем переверните и запекайте с другой стороны, затем положите блины на большую плоскую тарелку и смажьте маслом. Повторите с оставшимся жидким тестом и держите блины в тепле до готовности к подаче.
2. Complete the questions with
1-how many
2-Is there
3-how much
4-Is there
5-how much
6-how many
3. Find the mistake in each sentences.Mistake-ошибка
1. Mistake - are-is
There is a museum in my city.
2. Mistake-Is-are
Are there any clubs at your school.
3. Mistake-isn't-aren't
"Are there any crips?" " No, there aren't"
Would you like any bread?
5. Mistake-sandwich-sandwiches
We've got some sandwiches for the party.
4 фоточка
How much meat I should buy?
They shouldn't go the swimming in river.
How many people we should invite?
I should give him my phone number.
You shouldn't drink coffee at night.
5. Complete the sentences
We should buy flower.
We shouldn't cook them.
She shouldn't eat fast food.
We shouldn't eat them.
We should wait for him.
He should get a part-time a job.