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09.11.2020 02:45 •  Английский язык

2. Do the crossword based on the words from the table
1. Композиция
2. Шедевр
3. Впечатление
4. Поза
5. Эмоции
6. Художник
7. Схема
8. Техника
9. Задний план
10. Цвет
11. Картина
12. Передний план

3. Complete the gaps with the following words: decorated, composition, foreground, attract, notice, painted, depicted, background, scheme, emotion
This painting shows a young woman sitting at the table in a beautifully 1. backgroundroom. She might be writing her diary.
Let's look at the 2._ , scheme _ , of the painting. In the 3. we can see a big table covered with a heavy, bright, silk ,velvet tablecloth. There are a lot of books on the table. Ksenia, being a young romantic woman, might be writing some poems into her diary, which she has found in these old folios.
Let me 4. your attention to a number of details. Ksenia is very pretty with thick, curly, dark hair ,big dark eyes, a lovely smile and charming rosy cheeks.
You can also 5. a bright red blouse with a white lace collar and carefully 6. white buttons. She is wearing a white skirt and a black belt. She looks rather stylish for her time.
Repin 7. Ksenia in a very natural pose. She is looking at us as if she wants to talk to you and maybe to tell you a secret from her diary.
In the 8. the walls are painted with bright and cheerful red colour. Upon the whole, the painter used mostly warm red colour. The colour 9.is rich and impressive.
The painting is pleasant to look at. It is full of 10. and mystery.

Схема описания картины
Describing a Painting
(Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?)
The title of the painting is The author of this painting is This painting shows There is/there are. In this picture we can see

Let us look at the composition of the painting.
In the foreground / in the background we can see
On the right/on the left there is / there are
You can also notice
Let me attract your attention to a number of details which

Notice the painting technique which is
Now pay attention to the colour choice.
The painter used mostly the colour.
The colour scheme is rich / not so rich but impressive.
This painting is believed to be one of It is an exquisite piece of painting. The painting is pleasant to look at. It is full of emotion / mystery / life /….
It conveys a feeling of

In my opinion, this painting is a real masterpiece. I am greatly impressed by this painting. I find the painting extremely attractive / puzzling / frightening /… This painting left a lasting impression on me.

4. Используя этот план, опишите картину Виктора Васнецова «Богатыри»

Показать ответ
02.02.2022 22:19
Harrods is probably the world’s most famous shop. For Londoners, there is a love-hate relationship: most say they hate it but then assure you it is the best place for silk socks, toys, flowers, tea or whatever. Its 230 departments on five floors spread over twenty acres where 4 000 staff serve 50 000 customers. There are six restaurants, five bars, a library, bank, pet shop, dry cleaners, everything from Indian cigarettes to domestic equipment to buy, a ticket agency and departments for christening, weddings and funerals. Not content with selling everyone else’s goods, Harrods own-make goods fill an in-house shop and Harrods green buses do London tours. Henry Charles Harrod, a tea merchant, founded the institution with a small grocery shop and was pleased if his weekly takings were twenty pounds. But some years later his son had takings 1000 pounds a week and then lost everything in the fire. Then he wrote to his customers: “I greatly regret to inform you, that in consequence of the above premises being burnt down, your order will be delayed in the execution for a day or two”. Such service drew more buyers. In 1901 the store was designed with mosaic friezes and tiles in the Food Halls. At all times there are so many people in the store that it is easy to lose the way. Information desks inside most entrances will help you to find your way in the stores as well as “The Store Guide”.   Шопинг в Лондоне Хэрродс, наверное, наиболее известный магазин в мире.

Для лондонцев, это отношения любовной ненависти: большинство говорят, что они ненавидят его, но потом заверяют вас, что это лучшее место для шелковых носков, игрушек, цветов, чая или любого другого товара. Его 230 департаментов и пять этажей распространены на более чем двадцати акрах, где 4 000 сотрудников работают с 50 000 клиентов.

Здесь есть шесть ресторанов, пять баров, библиотека, банк, зоомагазин, химчистка, все от индийских сигарет до бытового оборудования для покупок, билетные учреждения и ведомства для крещения, свадьб и похоронов.

Не ограничиваясь продажей чужих товаров, собственные товары Хэрродса заполняют  магазины, а зелёные автобусы с маркой Хэрродс курсируют по Лондону.

Генри Чарльз Харрод, торговец чаем, основал небольшой продуктовый магазин и был рад, если  его еженедельная выручка была двадцать фунтов. Но несколько лет спустя его сын  имел уже 1000 фунтов выручки в неделю, а затем потерял все в огне. Тогда он написал своим клиентам: "Я с большим сожалением сообщаю Вам, что в силу того, что помещения сожжены, ваш заказ будет задержан в исполнение на день или два". Это привлекло ещё больше покупателей. В 1901 году магазин была украшен  мозаичным фризом и плиткой в продуктовых залах.

В любое время в магазине столько людей, что можно легко заблудиться. Справочные бюро внутри Вам найти свой путь в магазине, а также "Путеводитель по магазину".
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11.01.2021 01:05
Roman P. Kulіsha " Ciorna pleased " rightfully vvazhaєtsya Perche Ukrainian novel in ukraїnskіy lіteraturі . Yogo steel based realnі іstorichnі podії , yakі Mali mіstse in іstorії Ukrayinsky people - Tse Borotba for getmansku mace .
Yak Tse no wonder: You're Mine Ale ulyubleny hero novel " Ciorna pleased " є not bunt at tsomu tvorі . Prote vіn nastіlki yaskravy Well , yak i golovnі personazhі . For svoїmi yakostyami vіn Ni in chomu їm not postupaєtsya and іnkoli navіt zatmaryuє їh . Tsey character - Cyril Tour .
Cyril Tour Meni duzhe podobaєtsya i Yakscho bula b mozhlivіst napisati yomu sheet , I'd Zroby tse priblizno so :
" Good day , velmishanovny Pan Tours!
I am writing you tsogo sheet , more your image Meni duzhe podobaєtsya . Wee , Cyril , that cheerful Zhvavyi Lyudin ta th vzagalі , vi spravzhnіy zaporіzky Cossack ! Author 's novel " Ciorna glad " not іdealіzuє your image , yak Tse robit s bunt geroєm create Peter. Ale Tse th good, people do not Aja іdealnih buvaє , i Cutaneous s Got Us svoї wadi . I rozumіyu you , if Wie beshketuєte , robite neobachnі vchinki , Aja vreshtі - Rasht, the plot novel Wie real Lyudin alive . I rozumіyu th Your passion, yakogo not Mauger Buti not have smіlivoї i vіdvazhnoї Lyudin .
Cream of privablyuє mene in Vashomu i obrazі those scho Wee , Cyril , a good Cossack i spravzhnіy friend. Wie not zdatny vtnuti schos trash and polyublyaєte gulyati that veselitisya . Wee Khorobrit voїn i hope truncated tsіnuєte Cossack brotherhood . And for Bogdan Chornohora , svoїm adopted brother , Bu gotovі pіti Hoch in hell. That th retribution for vikradennya dіvchini Wee instal lment s muzhnіstyu that gіdnіstyu .
Especially podobaєtsya Meni other half to create i nablizhennya fіnalu , de Vie vіdrіznyaєtesya in spravdі muzhnіm vchinkom . Nezvazhayuchi on nebezpeku , Wee come to hetman somki have v'yaznitsyu , dwellers vizvoliti Yogo s nevolі . When tsomu Wee perfectly rozumієte scho єdiny sposіb vryatuvati Hetman zhyttya - Tse zalishitisya in kamerі zamіst Demba Demba i zamіst pіti on stratum .
Duzhe Spodobaev i meni Your Rozmova s hetman have yakіy Wee perekonuvali somki have Jedynomu high road for poryatunku . When tsomu Wee rozpovіdali yomu stories about Kozatska harakternikіv " That yak namalyuє vugіllyam on stіn choven , syade ta th poplive Nemov on the estuary ." I. I duzhe spodіvavsya scho Wee , Cyril , strong kremezna , zagadkova Lyudin - TER Kharakternyky i so needless vmієte chakluvati i zmozhete viplisti іz v'yaznitsі on namalovanomu chovnі .
I, honestly kazhuchi I navіt zradіv , if Hetman Somko vіdmovivsya od i Vashoї Offers Vashoї victims, and Wee , Cyril , zalishilisya zhivim .
I duzhe Pishana note scho I ukraїnets at scho at mene boule takі slavetnі ancestors yak Wee , Cyril . I spodіvayusya scho i s in sogodennі Cutaneous rock such smіlivih , vіdvazhnih , Chesney gіdnih that people bude stavati all bіlshe .
Dyakuyu you for yaskravy geroїzmu butt . Spasibі you for all i proschavayte ! ".
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