2 Complete the sentences with a/an, the or no artide. 1 He has boy and girl. An_boy is 22 and girl is 17. 2 His son is engineer and his daughter is student 3 He always has cheese sandwiches for lunch 4 All family stayed at Grand Hotel 5 few people came by taxi to party. 6 It was such wonderful party. We had best time ever. 7 I don't go out to work. I work at home on my computer. 8 I do all my shopping on Internet. What way to shop! great
On August 20, I was returning via Moscow to Kazan from Tomsk, where I flew to a meeting of the Arbitration Court on the bankruptcy procedure of an individual. I noticed Alexei Navalny, when he was standing in line for control in front of the departure zone, I thought: "He or not he." Among young people, he is a recognizable personality - my mother probably does not know him, and his 10-year-old nephew, to whom I later sent a photograph, recognized him.
The first time passing by him, I decided that it seemed to me. I went back, looked again and realized that he was definitely. There were two lines, we went through pre-flight control at the same time, and I saw that they immediately
Во-первых заповедники имеют большую территорию, чем в заопарках, так животные чувствую себя как на свободе. во-вторых, как правило, в заповедниках их ничего не тривожит,а зоопарк регулярно посещают люди. к тому же в заповедниках все чисто, и пищу они естсетвенно полчают (охота) и т.д. зоопарки это как правило ограниченные территории с небольшими вольерами, клетками. животные и птицы вынуждены все время "мерять шагами" свои более чем скромные владения. а заповедники - это огромные охраняемые территории, в которых животные и птицы обитают в естественной для себя среде. практически на свободе. заповедник - это территория, на которой запрещена охота на животных, но живут они там свободно передвигаясь. в зоопарке они находятся в клетках и их жизненное пространство ограничено. в зоопарке много посетителей, которые, несомненно, докучают животным своим излишним вниманием. так же и на счет еды. в заповеднике животное ест что ему нужно, когда ему нужно и сколько ему нужно. в зоопарке всё по расписанию. в заповеднике животное живет в свободном режиме, так, как ему необходимо для поддержания всех его жизненных функций.
On August 20, I was returning via Moscow to Kazan from Tomsk, where I flew to a meeting of the Arbitration Court on the bankruptcy procedure of an individual. I noticed Alexei Navalny, when he was standing in line for control in front of the departure zone, I thought: "He or not he." Among young people, he is a recognizable personality - my mother probably does not know him, and his 10-year-old nephew, to whom I later sent a photograph, recognized him.
The first time passing by him, I decided that it seemed to me. I went back, looked again and realized that he was definitely. There were two lines, we went through pre-flight control at the same time, and I saw that they immediately