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03.09.2021 05:00 •  Английский язык

150-200 words

you are working for a company which sells electrical appliance. you have been asked to write simple instructions for operating a) a cd player, and b) a camera,to be included in the manuals.

please guys help me

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I reached Boston late that night and got out at the South Station. I knew no one in Boston except Miss Bennet. She lived in Somerville, and I immediately started out for Somerville. Miss Bennet and her family did all they could to make me comfortable and help me to get myself established' in some way. I had only six dollars and their hospitality was of utmost importance to me.

My first application for a job in Boston was made in accordance with an idea of my own. Every boy in the Western states knew the Pope Manufacturing Company, which produced bicycles. When I published my first work "History of Western College Journalism" the Pope Company had given me an advertisement, and that seemed to be a "connection" of some kind. So I decided to go to the offices of the Pope Manufacturing Company to ask for a job. I walked into the general office and said that I wanted the president of the company.

"Colonel Pope?" asked the clerk.

I answered, "Yes, Colonel Pope."

I was taken to Colonel Pope, who was then an alert energetic man of thirty-nine. I told Colonel Pope, by way of introduction, that he had once given me an advertisement for a little book I had published, that I had been a College editor and out of a job. What I wanted was work and I wanted it badly.

He said he was sorry, but they were laying of hands. I still hung on. It seemed to me that everything would be all up with me', if I had to go out of that room without a job. I asked him if there wasn't anything at all that I could do. My earnestness made him look at me sharply.

"Willing to wash windows and scrub floors?" he asked.

I told him that I was, and he turned to one of his clerks.

"Has Wilmot got anybody yet to help him in the downtown' rink?" he asked.

The clerk said he thought not.

"Very well", said Colonel Pope. "You can go to the rink and help Wilmot out for tomorrow."

The next day I went to the bicycle rink and found that what Wilmot wanted was a man to teach beginners to ride. I had never been on a bicycle in my life nor even very close to one, but in a couple of hours I had learnt to ride a bicycle myself and was teaching other people.

Next day Mr. Wilmot paid me a dollar. He didn't say anything about my coming back the next morning, but I came and went to work, very much afraid that I would be told I wasn't needed. After that Mr. Wilmot did not exactly engage me, but he forgot to discharge me, and I came back every day and went to work. At the end of the week Colonel Pope sent for me and placed me in charge of the uptown' rink.

Colonel Pope was a man who watched his workmen. I hadn't been mistaken when I felt that a young man would have a chance with him. He often used to say that "water would find its level", and he kept an eye on us. One day he called me into his office and asked me if I could edit a magazine.

"Yes, sir," I replied quickly. I remember it flashed through my mind that I could do anything I was put at '96 that if I were required to run an ocean steamer I could somehow manage to do it. I could learn to do it as I went along'. I answered as quickly as I could get the words out of my mouth, afraid that Colonel Pope would change his mind before I could get them out.

This is how I got my first job. And I have never doubted ever since that one of the reasons why I got it was that I had been "willing to wash windows and scrub floors". I had been ready for anything.


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09.11.2021 13:09

ответ:Example: Mike and Kim Black are from the British band ‘Bad Day’.

1. Mike and Kim live in the flat of London. [1]

2. Mike likes London but he thinks it is. [1]

3. They listen to a lot of music. [1]

4. Mike and Kim like to in their free time. [1]

5. They watch TV a lot but they do not go to the. [1]

6. Kim’s brother is in the band . [1]

Total [6]


Task. Read the article about mobile phones and do the tasks.

Mobile Fever

Why are we so addicted to mobile phones? There are now over forty million people in Britain with mobiles and if the present trend continues, every man, woman and child in Britain will soon have one – or two, or three!

They can be expensive and are possibly bad for us. You can spend a lot of money if you use your mobile a lot. According to some scientists, if we go on using mobiles, we’ll cook our brains. Some people even say that radiation from mobiles causes cancer.

Teenagers are among the biggest users of mobiles, and ‘texting’ is creating a new language full of abbreviations such as ‘How RU?’ in Japan, Surveys show teenagers are reading less and mobile use is affecting the marks of secondary school learners. A big problem in Britain is crime. Last year half a million British teenagers were victims of mobile phone theft.

As technology improves, mobiles can do more and more. If you have one of the new multimedia mobiles, you can log on the net, pay for things, play games, interact with TV programs and take photos to send to your friends.

Read the text again and answer the questions.

Example: Is this text about addiction to mobile phones?

A) No, it is not

B) Yes, it is

C) No information

D) Neither A nor B

1. How many British people are addicted to mobile phones?

A) 60 million

B) 40 million

C) 5 million

D) 2million [1]

2. Mobiles can be the reason of…

A) toothache

B) stomachache

C) cancer

D) headache


3. … are among the biggest users of mobiles.

A) Middle age people

B) Old people

C) Young people

D) Adult people [1]

Read the text and give a short answer.

4. Is radiation one of causes of cancer? [1]

5. Is ‘texting’ creating a new type of communication? [1]

6. Does a mobile phone improve the marks of the learners? [1]

Total [6]


Task . Choose one of the topics below. Answer all the questions with appropriate details. Follow the questions, use topical vocabulary and pay attention to the grammar.

Topic 1. About Sam’s hobby

Sam, 19 years old, a programmer, has got a family.

Give some information about Sam. What is his favourite hobby?

Example: Sam is nineteen years old.

What is he going to plant?

What should a person do to make his garden look nice?

Does he enjoy his hobby? Why?

Do you like gardening? Why? Why not?

Topic 2. About John’s computer games addiction

John, 28 years old, a manager, has not got a family

Give some information about John. Do you think he is a computer games addict?

Example: John is 28 years old and works as a manager.

What is he doing now?

What should a person do to be good at playing computer games?

What do you think does he enjoy playing computer games? Why?

Does this activity help John work well as a manager?

Do you like playing computer games? Why? Why not?

Total [6]


Task . Work in pairs. Choose one of the cards and make a dialogue with a partner. You have 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to talk.

Card 1

Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Hobbies and Leisure’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) What hobbies do you have?

2) What do you enjoy the most?

3) When did you start your hobby?

4) What do you usually do after school?

5) What hobby you cannot live without?

Card 2

Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Hobbies and Leisure’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) What is your hobby?

2) Tell about your friend’s interests and hobbies.

3) Do you have any common interests (hobbies)?

4) Do you spend much time chatting with your friend(s)?

5) What is the most popular hobby now?

Card 3

Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Hobbies and Leisure’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) What do you usually do in your free time?

2) What is your favourite free time activity?

3) Do you spend your leisure time with your friends?

4) How do you spend your leisure time with your friends?


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