15)Найдите русскому слову соответствующее английское устанавливать — installment, installation, install;
различие, разница — differ, difference, different;
распадаться — disintegrator, disintegration, disintegrate;
применимый — application, applicable, apply;
укреплять — strong, strength, strengthen;
эффективно — efficient, efficiency, efficiently;
усилитель — amplification, amplifier, amplify.
18 марта 2008 года
Г-же: Ллойд М
Директору по работе с персоналом
Торгового отдела магазина
Оксфорд OX2 6DP
Ул. Большая Кларендон
Уважаемая г-жа Ллойд,
Я хотела бы подать заявление на должность стажера продавца-консультанта, в связи с вашим объявлением во вчерашнем номере "Observer".
Прилагаю копию моего резюме.
2. Suddenly her merry laugh was heard as if it were coming from the clouds.
3. He glanced around as if he were in search of something.
4. For some minutes he stood as if he were waiting for something.
5. He circled her as if he were inspecting a sculpture.
6. She lifted one slender hand as if she were trying to hold him.
7. He stopped as though he had turned to stone with horror.
8. She looked at me thoughtfully as if she were taking in seriously what I had said.
9. I hate secrets and I don't like to be treated as if I were a child.