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13)insert a necessary form of verb (present, past, future simple, present continuous): 1. i (to apply) for a visit visa and (to want) to make a journey to your country. 2. my train to london (to leave) in two hours. 3. he (not to receive) a salary last month. 4. my aunt mary (to go) to the cinema with her daughter on saturday evening. 14)вставьте артикли, где необходимо 1. we have examined consignment of wheat shipped by m/v victoria against contract no. 234. 2. after thorough examination of coffee we are making following claim on you. 3. we are claiming from you amount of $ 7,200 being difference in price. 4. there is clear discrepancy between packing lists which arrived and invoice. 5. failing you acceptance of offer, claim will be submitted to arbitration. 6. whether there has been pilferage or not is matter for lloyd’s agent who is investigating matter at moment. 7. we apologize for inconvenience caused by short-shipment which was due to circumstances beyond our control. 8. goods are inferior to sample on basis of which contract was concluded. 9. we acknowledge receipt of letter of april 7, claiming allowance of 41.20 dollars per kilo on 5000 bags of coffee shipped by m/v victoria. 10. we must ask you to arrange for despatch of replacements for missing cups at once, as we must meet delivery time agreed upon with our own customers. 11. we have carefully examined samples from consignment and offer you, without prejudice, allowance of 475 cents per 50 kilos in full settlement of claim. 12. our forwarding agents have informed us that crates (nos. 15-17) were left behind at warehouse of port of london. 15) вставьте предлоги, где необходимо 1. we acknowledge receipt letter september 9, claiming an allowance of 1.20 us dollars kilo 4,000 bags of coffee shipped m/v victoria. 2. failing your acceptance this offer, the claim will be submitted arbitration. 3. we refer our order paraffin wax. 4. we apologize delay shipment which was reasons our control. 5. we are contacting our forwarding agents and the port authorities to prevent delays this way future. 6. after a thorough examination the goods we are making the following claim you. 7. we find that the goods are inferior the sample the basis which the contract was concluded. 8. there is a clear discrepancy the packing list and the invoice. 9. we ask you to arrange the despatch replacements the missing part the goods. 10. we are claiming you the amount 3,000 us dollars being the difference price between wheat grade a and grade b. 11. after a careful examination the samples this consignment we offer, prejudice, an allowance 450 us cents 50 kilos full settlement your claim. 12. we have examined the consignment coffee shipped m/v catherine contract no. 125. 13. our agent took delivery the consignment accordance the instructions contained your advice despatch. 14. the saucers are not much use us the missing 200 cups. 15. our forwarding agents have informed us that the crates were left the warehouse the port of london. 16. they are arranging the despatch the three crates short-shipped board the m/v catherine which is to arrive london may 5, . 17. we have received your letter october 6, the above-mentioned order. 18. the specification machine does not correspond our technical conditions. 19. as the goods were sold c.i.f. terms, we suggest that you make a claim the insurance company. 20. our experts have come the conclusion that the wheat is superior the sample every respect.

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06.12.2022 14:21
There are many memorable tourist attractions in London, one of them is London eye. It is a giant Ferris wheel, located on the South Bank of the River Thames. Also known as the Millennium Wheel, London eye was the biggest Ferris wheel in the world until 2006, but even then it remains the largest in Europe. The ride on such tall wheel is called flight. The construction of the wheel ended in 1999 but it remained closed until 2000. When it opened to the public, many people finally could enjoy beautiful view on Thames. London eye offers tourists great observation point so suitable for the photography. In fact, the Millennium Wheel offered the highest public viewing point in London until 2013. Each capsule of the wheel also takes pictures of it's passengers at the end of the flight. London eye is a great place to visit in London.

В Лондоне есть множество незабываемых туристических достопримечательностей, одна из них - "Лондонский Глаз". Это огромное колесо обозрения, расположенное на Южном Берегу реки Темзы. Также известный как "Колесо Тысячелетия", "Лондонский Глаз" был самым большим колесом обозрения в мире до 2006, но даже после этого он остается самым большим в Европе. Поездку на таком высоком колесе называют полетом. Строительство колеса закончилось в 1999, но оно оставалось закрытым до 2000 года. Когда оно открылось для общественности, многие люди наконец смогли насладиться красивым видом на Темзу. "Лондонский Глаз" предлагает туристам отличный наблюдательный пункт, так подходящий для фотографии. Фактически, "Колесо Тысячелетия" предоставляло самую высокую общественную наблюдательную площадку в Лондоне до 2013 года. Каждая капсула колеса фотографирует своих пассажиров в конце полета. "Лондонский Глаз" - прекрасное место для посещения в Лондоне.
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21.05.2021 16:28
This is my room.   - Это моя комната
These are my toys. - а это мои игрушки.
They are in the box next to my table.- Они в коробке около столаю
On the table there is my computer. - На столе стоит мой компьютер.
There is a bed in the room and a wardrobe.В комнате есть кровать и шкаф.
The window is large and the room is light.Окно большое и комната светлая
The is a carpet on the floor.  -  На полу лежит ковёр.
There is a radio in the room.  - В комнате есть радио.
I like to listen to the radio.  - Я люблю слушать радио.
The are many books in my room. В комнате у меня много  книг.
I like my room.   -   я люблю свою комнату
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