12. Write passive sentences using the tense in parentheses. 1. The film/nominate/for five Oscars in 2005.
2. Two weeks ago auditions/cancel/because of quarantine. (past simple)
3. People/inspire/to travel by films. (present simple)
4. The film/release/next year? (future simple)
5. The soundtracks for Star Wars/compose/by John Williams. (past simple)
6. The film/shoot/in the mountains not far from Issyk-Kul next summer.
(future simple)
7. The film/not base/on a true story. (present simple)
8. The part of Kamchybek, Kurmanjan Datka's son,/play/by Adilet
Usubaliev. (present simple)
9. It/set/in Australia in the second half of the twentieth century. (present
10. The documentary film "Citizen of the Earth" about Chyngyz Aitmatov
and the film "The White Steamship"/show/for guests in the evening
in Malaysia. (past simple)
Упр. 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect.
1. I __have__ (written) two letters this morning.
2. George __has__ (bought) a new car.
3. He _has__ (known) her for five years.
4. I __have_ (never seen) this film before.
5. We _had__ (bought) the tickets before we went to the theatre.
6. Sam was in hospital because he __had__ (crashed) his car.
7. They _had__ (walked) for hours when they stopped for a rest.
8. She _had__ (finished) the washing when the guests arrived.
9. They __had/will have __ (eaten) lunch by two o’clock this afternoon.
10. She __will have __ (finished) the report by tomorrow.
11. She __had/will have __ (delivered) all the newspapers by 8 o’clock.
12. He __has __ (got) the letter this morning.
13. I had___ (finished) work when I met my friends for coffee.
Россия - страна с бурной многовековой историей и богатой культурой. Некоторые архитектурные и историко-культурные памятники на территории РФ внесены в список объектов Всемирного Наследия ЮНЕСКО, в том числе Московский Кремль и Красная площадь, исторический центр Санкт-Петербурга и дворцово-парковые комплексы его окрестностей, исторические памятники Новгорода, историко-культурный комплекс Соловецких островов, белокаменные памятники древней Владимиро-Суздальской земли и городов "Золотого Кольца России", церковь Бориса и Глеба в Кидекше, Троице-Сергиева Лавра в Сергиевом Посаде, Церковь Вознесения в Коломенском, Государственный историко-архитектурный и этнографический музей-заповедник "Кижи" и др.