1 10.4.2 Read the text and decide if each statement (1-3) is T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). Give reasons for your answers. ...
1 A mask can help the audience understand the character's feelings. 2 Ancient Greek actors made their own masks. 3 There were no female characters in Greek drama. 4 In Italian Commedia dell'Arte, actors wrote the script. 5 Commedia dell'Arte didn't allow women to act. 6 Commedia dell'Arte actors always wore the same masks. 7 Japanese Noh performers did not move on stage. 8 Only specially trained actors took part in Japanese Noh plays.
Maska körermenderge keiıpkerdıŋ sezımın tüsınuge kömektesedı. 2 Ejelgı grek akterlerı öz betperdelerın jasağan. 3 Grek dramasynda äiel keiıpkerler bolğan joq. 4 İtalьяndyq commedia dell'arte sцenariiın akterler jazğan. 5 Delь-Arte komediяsy äielderge äreket etuge mümkındık bermedı. 6 Commedia dell'Arte akterlerı ärqaşan bırdei maska kigen. 7 japondyq oryndauşy Bıraq sahnağa şyqpady. 8 japondyq No pьesalarynda tek arnaiy daiyndalğan akterler bolğan