100 . мне, .
write a short meaning text as a simple form
it's ftg (friday thank god), which means i need not set the alarm for 6: 30 tomorrow morning; i can wash a blouse, think a thought, write a letter.
congratulations on the baby's new tooth. soon there is bound to be another tooth and another and another, and before you know it, little suzie will start going to school, and her troubles will just begin. though i hope that by the time she gets into the public high school system, things will be different. at least, they keep promising that things will be different. i'm told that since the recent strike threats, negotiations with the united federation of teachers, and greater public interest, we are enjoying "improved conditions". but in the two weeks that i have been here, conditions seem greatly unimproved.
you ask what i am teaching. hard to say. professor winters advised teaching "not the subject but the whole child". the english syllabus urges "individualization and enrichment" — which means giving individual attention to each student to bring out the best in him and enlarge his scope beyond the prescribed work. bester says "to motivate and distribute" books — that is, to get students ready and eager to read. all this is easier said than done. in fact, all this is
plain impossible.
many of our kids — though physically mature — can't read beyond 4th and 5th grade level. their background consists of the simplest comics and thrillers. they've been exposed to some ten years of schooling, yet they don't know what a sentence is.
the books we are required to teach frequently have nothing to do with anything except the fact that they have always been taught, or that there'is an oversupply of them, or that some committee or other was asked to come up with some titles.
i've been trying to teach without books. there was one heady moment when i was able to excite the class by an idea: i had put on the blackboard browning's "a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for? " and we got involved in a spirited discussion of aspiration vs.2 reality. is it wise, i asked, to aim higher than one's capacity? does it not doom one to failure? no, no, some said, that's ambition and progress! no, no, others cried, that's frustration and defeat! what about hope? what about despair? — you've got to be practical! — you've got to have a dream! they said this in their own words, you understand, startled into discovery. to the young, cliches seem freshly minted. hitch your wagon to a star! and when the dismissal bell rang, they paid me the highest compliment: they groaned! they crowded in the doorway, chirping like agitated sparrows, pecking at the seeds i had strewn — when who should materialize but admiral ass.
"what is the meaning of this noise? "
"it's the sound of thinking, mr. mchabe," i said.
Do they like organs?
Do you get up early?
Does your mom like coffee?
Does school start at 8 oclock?
Does Susie tidy her room every Monday?
Does Tim and Tom eat apples?
Do you speak French?
Do you live in Madrid?
No, i dont live in Madrid (или прост напиши Dont)
Does Petra live with her parents?
Yes, she does
Does your father go to work on Sundays?
No, he doesnt
Do they come from the USA?
Yes, they do
Doesnt Paul and Mark play football?
No, they dont
Does your mom work in bank?
Yes, she does
Do you clean your windows?
No, i dont
Does Tom listen to music
Yes, he does
Крч там если I we they you то всегда будет Do
Если he she it то Does
вот перевод
Хан Шатыр, Казахстан Кристалл - Великобритания
Рядом с водами Темзы находится
Хан Шатыр расположен в Астане, это современный торговый и
замечательное сооружение - Кристалл. Он был разработан
развлекательный центр, где широкий выбор покупок и развлечений
от Wilkinson Eyre Architects и открылась в 2012 году.
деятельность находится под одной крышей. Он был разработан архитектором Норманом.
В нем есть выставка по устойчивому развитию, где
Фостер и был открыт в 2010 году. Сегодня это один из главных
посетителям предоставляется возможность изучить проблемы
например, энергия, вода и окружающая среда.
Имитирует шатровую конструкцию юрты.
, обеспечивая постоянное напоминание
«Кристалл» - самое экологичное здание в
городским казахам корнями уходящими в степь. Но это не все!
Лондон. Он покрыт солнечными панелями, которые обеспечивают
Хан Шатыр - одно из самых экологически чистых построек в мире.
Он снабжен прозрачным покрытием,
все электричество и инженеры установили
специальные трубы, которые хранят дополнительную энергию под землей.
поддерживать постоянную теплую температуру
Он также производит 90% собственной воды путем сбора
внутри при любой погоде. Его строители имеют
дождевая вода и сточные воды. Кристалл отличный
также разработала его отличительную форму
пример того, как была сделана современная архитектура
выдерживают сильный ветер. Это
работать с природой, чтобы планету.
уникальная структура для всех
виды погоды!
Работать в парах. Сравнивать и противопоставлять
два здания в текстах. Используйте простое настоящее, простое и
представляют совершенные активные и пассивные формы.
О: Оба здания экологически чистые.
B: Это правда. Хан Шатыр находится в Астане, Казахстан, а Хрустальный
находится в Лондоне, Великобритания