1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:
boring, money, part-time, problems, spots, marks, chore, appearance, guy, bother, politics
We are teenagers, so our life isn’t easy. We have a lot of (1). Our parents want us
to get good (2) at school. But we have so many subjects at school and some of them
are extremely (3). We have to do much homework and to read many foolish books,
while some teachers don’t understand that their subjects are not the most important things in
our life. Some of our friends worry a lot about their (4) and their teenage
(5) which spoil our lives! We must confess that drugs, alcohol and AIDS don’t
really(6) us or our friends. The same we should say about (7). What
we really care about is how to impress a handsome (8) or an attractive girl. Of
course we, like many other teenagers, have problems with (9). Some of our friends
found a (10) job in order to have an opportunity to earn some money. But despite all
these problems, the life of teenagers today isn’t a (11), it is still fun.
2. Подберите к каждому тексту подходящий по смыслу заголовок. Один
заголовок лишний.
1. Teenagers’ Interests
2. Are Teenagers a Problem?
3. What is a Teenager?
4. Do Teenagers Have Problems?
5. Typical American Teenagers.
A. Officially, a teenager is anyone aged from 13 to 19, but most people would think first of
the younger age group and exclude 18 and 19-year-olds. After all, once you reach 18 you can
vote, get married without your parents’ permission, and join the army. On the other hand,
children are growing up and developing more quickly, and these days 11 and 12-year-olds
would like to include themselves in the ‘teenager’ group.
B. According to ‘the older generation’, teenagers are lazy, they wear funny clothes, and are
rude to their elders; they find it impossible to be polite, helpful, caring or hard-working.
What’s more, they spend all their time listening to awful music and watching unsuitable
C. Teenagers are human so, of course, they have problems. It is a difficult time for them
because it is a period of transformation. It isn’t quite as bad as a chrysalis changing into a
butterfly, but it may seem like that. It isn’t easy to grow up, and the dramatic physical and
emotional changes are often confusing and worrying.
D. Typical American teenagers are in fact very ordinary. They think their teachers make
them work too hard; they love their parents, but are sure they don’t understand anything; and
their friendships are the most important things in their lives. Some of them have a lot of
money to spend, but usually they have earned it themselves.
В 4:00 разбудили мэра Лондона сэра Томаса Блудуорта. Ему советовали разрушить соседние здания, поскольку это остановит распространение огня, но мэр отказался давать приказ. Он дорого заплатил за это решение. Ранним утром триста домов были в огне, а ветры с востока были причиной распространения огня с пугающей скоростью.
В течение следующих трех дней и ночей, огонь бушевал бесконтрольно. Тем не менее, только вечером в среду, 5 сентября, когда сильные ветры, наконец, утихли, огонь был взят под контроль. Когда огонь был полностью погашен в четверг, 6-ого сентября, пять шестых центра города было разрушено. Более 13000 домов, 87 церквей и 4 моста, а также многие важные здания, такие как собор Святого Павла, исчезли. Удивительно, однако, считается, что менее десяти человек погибли при пожаре!
Если вы посетите Лондон сегодня, вы можете увидеть высокую колонну - названную Памятником – посвящённую Великому Пожару. Она достигает 220 футов в высоту - расстояние от ее местоположения до территории пекарни Томаса Фэринора - поэтому, если она упадёт в правильном направлении, то укажет точное место, где начался пожар!
a) First we had some sandwiches, then we bought some milk.
b) When Shirley was lying in bed with the flue, her friend were playing soccer.
c) While little Ann was playing, Tom and Mary were preparing lunch.
d) I switced off the TV and the lights and went to bed.
e) When Sarah came home she was doing her homework.
(не поняла что у тебя за пункт под номером 4 продолжение это или отдельное, но там *had* и *went*)
f) We were having breakfast, while Tom was taking a shower.
g) When he heard she was ill he called her at once.
h) He took his driving licence last month and bought a car only
i)While mr&ms Brown were talking to Troy's teacher, their son was waiting
k) While the police still were searching the flat the murderer was seeking a