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1. you are a law student, and you are preparing for an international conference about legal systems. discuss with your partner the types of legal systems. talk about similarities and differences.
2. explain the difference between barrister and solicitor. compare with your partner stages for entering the legal profession of barrister and solicitor in uk. explain requirements for studying law in the usa.
3. talk about the most applicable and effective legal system of the world today. give reasons and compare it with a system of another country.
4. two legal experts are exchanging their opinions about sources of the law in the uk. describe the differences between “ordinary” and “special” sources. which role do sources of law play in the modern world?
5. having attended a legal seminar on modern legal systems of the world you have been asked by your superior to tell about legal systems of the world, especially in the usa, the uk and kazakhstan to tell about differences and similarities of legal systems. point out the following parts:
a. anglo-saxon legal system
b. roman –german legal system
c. religious legal system
6. two legal experts are exchanging their opinions about ‘constitutional doctrines’: separation of power, the rule of law and parliamentary sovereignty. describe importance of these doctrines and distinguish their roles in uk. can government effectively operate without them?
7. two legal experts are exchanging their opinions about different types of constitution. compare them and explain basic differences. which type of constitution do you prefer and why?
8.you are a barrister from the uk, and your friend is from kazakhstan. you do not understand the difference between barrister and advocate. discuss these notions with your friend from kazakhstan. explain the following definitions to each other:
a) the bar
b) bar association
c) bar vocational court
d) inns of court
e) call to the bar
f) disbar
9.two legal experts are exchanging their opinions about the differences between private and public law. describe subdivisions of these branches of law. why is public law important in today's society?

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12.09.2020 04:33
Tom lives with his aunt Polly and often gets into trouble. Aunt Polly tells him to whitewash the fence, so he tells his friends that painting the fence is fun and they beg him to let them help. Tom falls in love with a new girl, Becky, but she finds out that he liked another girl before and breaks up with him. Tom and Huckleberry visit a graveyard and witness the murder of Dr. Robinson at the hands of Injun Joe.
Tom, Huck and their friend Joe run away and the town thinks they are dead. Tom sneaks back home to watch the commotion and decides to return during his funeral. Back at school, Tom takes the blame for ripping a book that Becky had damaged and gets back on her good side. Tom testifies against Injun Joe in court but Joe escapes the courthouse. In the summer, the boys go hunting for treasure.
They find Injun Joe who is looking to bury treasure somewhere. Huck stays to watch while Tom goes on a school picnic. He and Becky go into McDougal's Cave and get lost for days. Huck reports Injun Joe's plan to hurt Widow Douglas and Injun Joe runs to hide in McDougal's Cave. Tom and Becky see him and manage to hide and escape the cave. They tell the town that Injun Joe is in there and the town blocks up the cave. Tom and Huck discover where Joe hid the gold in the caves near his corpse.
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06.12.2020 13:38

1) 1. historic 
2.  creative 
3. Talkative, cultural
4. Russian (с артиклем будет являться существительным), humorous 
2) 1. b) to close
2. b) to read c) reading – обе формы возможны
3. b) to invite
3) Choose the correct variant. 
1. b) to read
2. b) to invite
3. c) watching 
4. eating 
4) 4. What clothes does your friend prefer? 
5) -creative 
6) 1. Students usually use computers at the lessons.
2. They will find him in a few days.
7) 1. c) watching 
2. a) fly
3. a) close  
8) 1. a) skeletons
2. a) carved
3. b) scary
4.с) black. 
9) -cross -fingers
-wear -costumes
-break -mirror 
-stand -candle

-hate -number (?)
10) 1. Tony and Jack are answering the questions for the Young Photographers' Competition.
2. Sandy gets up, washes her face, does her morning exercises and goes to school every day.
11) 1. Our foreign language is English +
2. We study Polish at school. (Мы изучаем польский в школе)Тут по школе судить.
3. English is an official language in Russia. -
4.Russian is our mother-tongue. +
12) 1.  Дома и солома съедома
2. Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.
13) 1. c) took
2. a) phone  
3. c) will write
14) 1.teacher explained the rules to the students.
2. Some children often attend the private school.
15) Довольно вариативные вопросы. Попробуйте сами с:
16) 1. Helen will learn some extra subjects at school next year. 
2. The police phoned Terry's dad.
3. Students usually arrange the party.
17) 1. Nick is the happiest boy that I know.
2. Of the six cars, I like the silver one best.
3. Jane's notebook is cheaper than mine.
18) b) her
2. a) were occupied
3. c) teaches
19) Find and correct the mistakes:
I want to tell about my parents. My Mummy is forty-eight, she is an English teacher at the University. My Dad is fifty, he is a painter. My parents like their work very much. I love my parents and they love me.
20) Put in his, her, ours. mine, yours.
1. Bess usually cleans her boots. Jack cleans his, and I clean mine.
2. This is my house and ... is near the shop. 
3. We have 3 cats at home. These cats are ours.
4. I have given you another pen. This one is not yours.
21) среднее образование - secondary education
высшая школа – high school
хорошее поведение – proper behavior
22) 1. I'm sorry, I can't go for a walk with you. I have to look after my little brother.
2. Listen to the song. What is it about?
3. She always laughs at silly jokes.
4. Parents take care of their children.
5. Mike's father pays for his education.
23) 1. What was bought at the shop?
Where was the TV set bought?
2. Why is football played all over the world?

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