1. Выпишите из 1-го абзаца науч- 1. Выпишите из 2-го абзаца ные термины в начальной форме. мины в начальной форме. К
к какой части речи они относят речи они относятся? Опреде
ся? Определите их морфологиче-фологические признаки,
ские признаки,
2. Укажите в 1-м абзаце количе- 2. Укажите во 2-м абзаце
ство предложений с деепричаст- предложений с деепричастны
ным оборотом. Объясните поста- Объясните постановку знак
новку знаков препинания.
3. В каких предложениях 1-го аб-3. Какие предложения 2-го а
запа употреблены вводные слова, в составе причастный оборо
которые выражают источник со- его синонимической констру
общения», «связь мыслей, после- снуйте свой ответ.
довательность изложения?
4. Определите стиль текста.
4. Укажите тип текста.
1. Giacomo Puccini is best known for his operas .
2. Mozart is one of the best composers of all time.
3. The Transformers film is very popular with the young people.
4. The Dali became the most expensive Surrealist lot sold at auction last month.
5. Yesterday afternoon two thieves wearing police uniforms stole some painting by Monet, Rembrandt and Degas from the Boston Museum.
6. It is very nice of you to invite me and my family for lunch.
7. Who stars in The Hobbit films ?
8. The second youngest billionaire of the world Mark Zuckerberg is famous for creating Facebook.
9. I think, high quality special effects add value to the Harry Potter films.
10.What sort of music does your friend like ?
2) Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.
1. My parents usually disagree about which film to go and see. (agree)
2. They overcharged us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back. (charge)
3. The foreigners are difficult to understand because they mispronounce many Russian words. (pronounce)
4. You should rewrite your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)
5. We were sorry to realise that we underpayed in the shop. (pay)
3) Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
1. Pushkin is one of the best poet of all time.
2. He is popular with fans of art cinema.
3. This director is famous for his comedies.
4. Who stars in Pirates of the Caribbean?
5. The paintings add value to the house.