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18.02.2022 12:34 •  Английский язык

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History of the Olympic Games The Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began in ancient Greece. The original Greek games took place every fourth year for several hundred years, until they were brought to an end in the early Christian era. The Olympic Games were renewed in 1896, and since then they have been staged every fourth year, except during World War I and World War II. Perhaps the main difference between the ancient and modern Olympics is that for the ancient Greeks the Games were a way of saluting their gods, when the modern Games are a manner of saluting the athletic talents of people of all nations. The original Olympics included competitions in music, oratory and theatre performances as well. The modern Games haven't got them, but they represent a lot more sports than before. For two weeks and a half any international conflicts must be stopped and replaced with friendly competitions. This is the noble idea on which the modern Olympic movement is based. The earliest record of the Olympic Games goes back to 776 B.C., but historians think that the Games began well before then. The ancient Games were held in honour of Zeus, the most important god for ancient Greeks. According to the earliest records, only one athletic event was held in the ancient Olympics - a footrace of about 183 metres, or the length of the stadium. A cook, Coroibus of Elis, was the first recorded winner. Only men were allowed to compete or watch the games. When the powerful, warlike Spartans began to compete, they changed the programme of the Games. The 18th Olympics already included wrestling and pentathlon, and later Games - chariot races and other sports. The winners of the Games were highly praised and honoured for their results. In 394 A.D. the Games were officially ended by the Roman emperor Theodosius, who felt that they had pagan1 meaning. Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, had an idea to bring the Olympic Games back to life. With the help of the people who supported him he managed to organize the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Baron de Coubertin had planned to hold the Olympic Games in France, but the representatives from the nine countries that supported his idea decided that Greece was the right place to host the first Olympic Games. The nine countries were Belgium, Great Britain, France, Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the United States. They agreed that every four years the Olympics would move to other great cities of the world. The Athens Games in 1896 were a success. Athletes from thirteen countries competed in nine sports. A second Olympiad was held in France in 1900. The 2004 Summer Olympics were held in Athens, Greece and hosted 201 countries. The USA took the first place. And Russia took the third place. Beginning in 1924 Winter Olympics were included. They were held in the same year as the Summer Games, but starting in 1994, the Winter Games are held two years after the Summer Games. The Olympics are governed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), situated in Lausanne, Switzerland.

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14.03.2020 22:49
Vladimir, a very beautiful city. There are many attractions, such as the Golden Gate Church of the Trinity, and more. This is one ofthe oldest Russian cities. There are beautiful parks and alleys. There are many rivers and beaches. I love a legend associated with the history of the most famous gorodaOdna urban legends connected with the history of conversion of the Golden Gate. In 1767, Vladimir visited Catherine II. But immediately get into the city to the Empress could not - according to one version, her carriage is stuck in the arch of the Golden Gate (despite the 5-meter width of the arch), on the other - Catherine simply afraid to pass under the arch, since that is in disrepair. After this incident, the Empress ordered to repair the monument and demolish part of the fortress rampart, directly adjacent to the walls of the gate to the city could enter freely.
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03.06.2023 01:47

The past simple tense is quite straightforward. The main problem is its spelling rules, which you’ll find below.

We use the past simple to describe an action that started in the past and ended in the past. It could be something that happened twenty years ago or something that happened two minutes ago. It started. It stopped. It’s over.

I visited a client in London yesterday.

She planned the event all by herself.

The most common time expressions used for the past simple are: yesterday, a week (month, year) ago, last (month, year, weekend, Monday) night, the day before yesterday, two days (months, years) ago. The time expression appears either at the beginning or at the end of the sentence – never in the middle of the sentence.

Forming the Past Simple

Subject Verb + d, ed, ied

or irregular form (V2) Rest of Sentence

I / He / She / It You / We / They walked to the shop yesterday

slept late last Saturday

The past simple is usually formed by adding d, ed, or ied to the base form of the verb, however, in English there are many irregular verbs that take on a completely different form in the past tense. Some people call this the V2 form of the verb. The best thing to do is to try and memorize them.

Negative Sentences in the Past Simple Tense

Spelling Tip

When shortening the 3rd person (he, she, it) negative, just remove the o in not and add an apostrophe (‘)

did not > didn’t

To create a negative sentence in the past simple, use didn’t (did not) + the base form of the verb.

Note: Save the long forms (did not) for when you want to create emphasis. When speaking, put the stress on ‘not’.

Subject didn’t + verb in the base form Rest of Sentence

I / He / She / It You / We / They didn’t walk to the shop yesterday

didn’t sleep late last Saturday

I didn’t talk to John yesterday.

He didn’t steal those ideas from the company.

You didn’t show me the photos from the wedding.

Ron did not sign the document.

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