1. Употребите во множественном числе
Hanpumep, The bank is open from 9.30 a.m. to.30 p.m.
The banks are open from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
a) The hotel is expensive, b) The brochure is at the hotel, c) The nearest
public lavatory is in Leicester Square, d) The ticket is for tonight, e) The
waitress is tired.
Было 2 или 3 ошибки
Under the dome there are three galleries: the internal whispering gallery and exterior stone and Golden gallery. Whispering gallery owes its name not provided by architects, especially its acoustics: a word even spoken in a whisper, at one end of the gallery, repeatedly reflected its walls, causing a murmur could hear people on the other end of the gallery.
In the steeples of the Cathedral are 17 bells, 13 of them in the North-West tower and 4 (including the bell Big Paul (eng. Great Paul) and Large Volume (eng. Great Tom) — in the South-West tower.