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1. Tom and Any met two years ago and immediately got well.
a) up
b) away
c) on
d) in
2. Lizatruly believes in love at first .
а) sight
b) step
c) look
d) date
3. Last year I travelled to Paris and the Eifel Tower.
а) went
b) was visiting
c) havegone
d) visited
4. you happy when your friends made you a surprise?
а) did be
b) were
c) were being
d) was
5. Did you have a pet in your childhood?– Yes, I .
а) did
b) have
c) had
d) have had
6. Last month my younger sister graduated from university and now she for a job.
a) looks
b) looked
c) is looking
d) has looked
7. What are you going to do ?
а) yesterday
b) tonight
c) last week
d) usually
8. People from Canada spend, , 43.5 hours per week online.
а) on average
b) never
c) long
d) in average
9. A lot of students like to a snack in small cafes near the university.
а) have
b) get
c) go
d) eat
10. Which country the most films. – This country is India.
а) does make
b) did make
c) makes
d) making
11. You should wash your hands after touching money.
а) always
b) never
c) occasionally
d) usually
12. She ¬ and walked away.
a) smiling
b) smilet
c) smiles
d) smiled
13. They to the furthest village with no living conditions, because of their bad behavior.
a) are send
b) were sent
c) sent
d) have sent
14. What the time now? I am afraid I might be late for my lesson.
a) -
b) is
c) are
d) does
15. I look forward to from you.
a) hearing
b) heard
c) hear
d) hears
16. She couldn't see the whiteboard because she ___ her glasses.
a) wasn't wearing
b) didn't wear
c) not wearing
d) doesn’t wear
17. You ___ see the dentist about the tooth! I strongly recommend you to follow my recommendation.
a) should
b) try
c) don’t
d) don’t have to
18. Which painter cubism?
a) did invent
b) is invented
c) invented
d) invents
19.Why English lessons at University?
a) don’t you like
b) you don’t like
c) you not like
d) aren’t you like
20. The radio wason, but nobody .
a) didlisten
b) waslistening
c) listened
d) werelistening
21. Where doyoucomefrom?
a) absolutely
b) really
c) exactly
d) sure
22. ___ any brothers or sisters?
а) You have
b) Are you have
c) Do you have
d) Are you having
23. I ___ to music when I'm working.
a) never listen
b) don't never listen
c) listen never
d) not listen
24. When I got home, my parents ___ in the dining room, discussing my behaviour.
a) were sitting
b) was sitting
c) sitting
d) sat
25. It’s important to good relationship with the other employees.
a) get
b) have
c) make
d) do
26. How often do you to meet friends?
а) visit
b) arrange
c) walk
d) have
27. Have you been to Cappadocia in Turkey.
а) never
b) ever
c) twice
d) once
28. Have you ever played soccer? – Yes, I once last spring.
а) played
b) have played
c) play
d) had played
29. The school offers a different type of schooling for young people.
a) primary
b) secondary
c) alternative
d) private
30. Do I go to school today?
а) can
b) haveto
c) should
d) must
31. InSpain, children have to eat at school. They can go home for lunch.
а) do
b) don’t
c) should
d) must
32. is your dad? – He is a marine biologist.
а) What
b) Who
c) Why
d) Which
33. During lessons I always note new information in my notebook.
а) up
b) down
c) in
d) into
34. A lot of differentamazing will change the world in the future.
а) developments
b) news
c) conditions
d) engines
35. While my friends, huge waves crashed into the raft.
а) sailed
b) hadbeensailing
c) weresailing
d) aresailing
36. I`m not very keen violent films.
a) of
b) about
c) on
d) to
37. He has already been to this seminar, but he is still about the rules.
a) bored
b) confused
c) lonely
d) exhausted
38. Go on! Ask the DJ to __ our song! – OK, I will!
a) make
b) play
c) have
d) do
39. Let's invite your parent dinner. - Good idea!
a) at
b) to
c) in
d) for

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21.02.2021 03:38
Moda- is our society. Just wear reflects our social fashion status.U have their kritiki.S using fashion people change their image, harakter.Gulyaya shopping and buying new clothes for people it's like therapy for life problem.Moda- inseparable part of our lives.
Мода- это наше общество. Так же одежда отражает наш социальный статус.У моды есть свои критики.С моды люди меняют свой имидж , характер.Гуляя по магазинам и покупая новую одежду, для людей это как терапия от жизненных проблем.Мода- неотделимая часть нашей жизни.
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06.10.2021 10:15
Пасха - наиболее крупный религиозный праздник который отмечают весной. Он означает что в этот день (согласно религиозной легенде) воскрес Иисус Христос, после того как был распят на кресте. В народном представлении это праздник обновления земли и природы. Отмечают Пасху по-разному в разных странах мира, в России люди пекут или покупают куличи, и красят яйца в яркие цвета. Рано утром в воскресенье все идут в церковь, а после возвращения садятся за праздничный стол. В церкви священник брызгает на людей и еду святой водой.
Пасха - один из моих самых любимых праздников!
Easter is the biggest religious festival which is celebrated in the spring. It means that on this day (according to religious legend) the resurrected Jesus Christ after he was crucified on the cross. In perception of the people is a celebration of the renewal of the earth and nature. Celebrate Easter in different ways in different countries, in Russia people bake or buy Easter cakes and paint eggs in bright colors. Early Sunday morning everyone goes to Church, and after returning to sit at the Banquet table. In the Church the priest sprinkles the people and the food with Holy water.Easter is one of my most favorite holidays!
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