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29.10.2022 17:32 •  Английский язык

1. The sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails( r…..) 2. the sport of going on horseback (h……….)

3. a game played between two teams of eleven players (fo…..l)

4. an outdoor game, popular in Britain played in summer with a ball by two teams of 11 players each, usually dressed in white (cr….t)

5. a game in which the players use rackets to hit a small object called a shuttlecock over a high net(……ton)

6. a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net (t….s)

7. a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field ( ice hockey)

8. the sport of fighting with fists (bo…g)

9. the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball (ru..y)

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19.12.2021 20:45
Academic life at the university
1. Academic life in the United States may be confusing. International students often comment that U.S. students are competitive but do not seem to study very hard. Or it may seem puzzling that although there is great informality in the classroom, the professors are very demanding. Some of these apparent contradictions can be explained in terms of their underlying values. Creativity, tolerance and flexibility are, in general, valued above tradition and respect for authority in the United States. Teaching styles and classroom activities vary widely and are influenced by many factors. Even where tradition does dictate academic behavior, the patterns may not be evident to someone coming from a different tradition. Учебная жизнь в США может быть не очень понятной. Иностранные студенты часто говорят, что американцы конкурентно хорошо учатся), но не похоже, чтобы они слишком много занимались. Или же, может озадачить тот факт, что, несмотря на крайне неформальную обстановку в аудитории, профессора очень требовательны. Некоторые из этих явных противоречий можно объяснить с точки зрения основных ценностей. Креативность, толерантность и гибкость мышления в целом всегда ценились в США больше чем традиции и уважение к вышестоящим. Стили преподавания и виды учебной деятельности очень многообразны и зависят от многих факторов. Даже там, где традиции диктуют «правильное» поведение, эти правила могут быть не очевидны для того, кто вырос совсем в других традициях.
2. International students are often surprised at the variety of available courses and the number of choices they must make each term. There is a basic structure to any degree program, but many options usually exist as well, and students are often expected to make selections independently. Студенты из других стран часто удивляются многообразию предлагаемых курсов  и  количеству решений по их выбору, которые ребята должны принимать каждый семестр. Для каждой дипломной программы есть базовые курсы, однако обычно существует также много курсов по выбору, и предполагается, что студенты будут определяться самостоятельно.
3. Your professor or instructor has wide discretion to make and enforce certain classroom policies relating to attendance, make-up examinations, and other issues. Underpinning this discretion is the strong American tradition of academic freedom. Ваш профессор или преподаватель (руководитель) имеет широкие полномочия и может на свое усмотрение устанавливать правила работы в аудитории, касающиеся посещения, пересдачи экзаменов и других вопросов. Соблюдение этого права является основной традицией (краеугольным камнем) американской свободы преподавания.
4. There are some American students’ behaviors that you may find surprising or that would be considered disrespectful in your country. For example, students may sit in class with their feet on the chair or desk in front of them. They may eat, drink, or even sleep in class! Students may interrupt lectures to ask questions or even to raise questions to what is being said. In general, none of these behaviors denotes disrespect unless done in a belligerent or aggressive manner. In fact, one way in which an American student shows respect for his or her teacher is by being an active participant in class. В некоторых случаях вы можете быть удивлены поведением американских студентов, либо в вашей стране оно может считаться неуважительным. Например, студентам позволено сидеть в аудитории, положив ноги на стул или парту перед собой. Им разрешено есть, пить и даже спать на занятии! Студенты вправе перебить лектора, задав вопрос, или даже начать обсуждение сказанного. В целом, ничто из вышеперечисленного не выражает неуважения, если только это не делается вызывающе или агрессивно. На самом деле, для американских студентов одна из возможностей продемонстрировать уважение своему преподавателю – это активно участвовать в занятии.
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28.06.2022 15:00
Tsunamis are long waves generated by powerful impact on all thickness of water in the ocean. More than 80% of tsunami occur on the periphery of the Pacific ocean. The reason most tsunamis are underwater earthquakes during which there is a sudden displacement of the sea floor. The Pacific ocean is the "parent" of most of the tsunamis that we see on the planet. Reasons that cause tsunamis, the following:
Underwater earthquakes. During the earthquake part of the bottom sharply drops and the other rises dramatically. This pushes a large volume of water vertically upward, and the water, tending to take a horizontal position, creates a few waves.The eruption of volcanoes. A major eruption leading to the bottom of the movement, like an earthquake. The danger of a tsunami caused by the eruption that proseda down, the volcano creates a vast bowl-shaped depression. In an effort to fill it, the water creates a very long wave. Bad name have a tsunami created after the eruption of the volcano Krakatau. Seen in harbours around the world these tsunami over half a century, has destroyed 5000 ships, and killed 36 000 people.The landslides. Tsunamis can occur due to landslides infrequently. The last known case occurred in 1958, when Alaska ice mass and the land fell into the water with almost a kilometer of height by lifting the wave up to 50 m Local tsunami up to 20 m occur in Indonesia, where a large concentration of offshore savings. Unlike ordinary waves, which arise, for example, during a storm, a tsunami affects the whole water column, not just the surface. Therefore, even small height of the tsunami can carry catastrophic character.
If the shore is shallow, the tsunami can be rolled without waves, and it looks like a series of sharp tides. Funds that would have accurately identified the approaching wave does not exist. Therefore, if a storm swooped down gradually and people have time to retreat to a safe distance, the tsunami always rapid. Tsunamis are accompanied by a severe withdrawal of water from the shore, but to leave the place it's already too late. For the vessel in the open sea, where the depth reaches several kilometers, the tsunami poses no danger, since wave height is only 1 m. the speed of the wave in the hearth reach 700 km/h. When approaching the shore with decreasing depth of the thickness of a moving wave rises to a height of 50 m, and decreases movement speed. Tsunamis have multiple waves, the first and, as a rule, not the biggest, and misleading that the tsunami has passed. But the first wave only wets the shore, reducing the resistance to subsequent waves. A fatal mistake the dead is returning to shore after the initial destruction, where they are overtaken by the next biggest wave. Repeated waves may come at intervals of 2-3 hours.
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