1. The Second World War
2. The beginning of the XXIst century and the state of the countries of Europe and America
3. Culture of the countries of Europe and America during modern and contemporary time
4. The problem of mutual relations of the nomadic world and settled civilizations in the Central Asia
5. Social and economic development of Kazakhstan in ХVІІ-ХVІІІ centuries
6. The national-liberation movements
7. Republic of Kazakhstan and the world community
8. Material and spiritual culture of the Kazakh people during modern and contemporary time.
Polina Gagarina was born on March 27, 1987 in Moscow. The family was half creative - the girl's mother Ekaterina Muchkaeva is a ballerina, besides she worked as a choreographer in a Moscow modeling agency. And father Sergei Gagarin worked as a doctor. The future actress repeatedly recalled that the family was friendly and cohesive. Polina acquired such feelings as dedication, perseverance and integrity in childhood.
Полина Гагарина появилась на свет 27 марта 1987 года в Москве. Семья была творческой наполовину - мать девочки Екатерина Мучкаева - балерина, к тому же она трудилась хореографом в московском модельном агентстве. А отец Сергей Гагарин работал врачом. Будущая артистка не раз вспоминала, что семья была дружная и сплоченная. Такие чувства, как целеустремленность, стойкость и принципиальность Полина приобрела еще в детстве.