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11.03.2022 12:02 •  Английский язык

1. TEST I. 2. They are late. The performance will already have (started/ been starting) by the time we get to the theatre.
3. He will have (flown, been flying) non-stop for seven hours before he gets to London.
4. By our estimate, 30,000 people will have (bought, been buying) this book by the end of the year.
5. We will have (translated, been translating) the article by 5o’clock.
6. I’ll begin to work at 9am. When you return home at 4pm , I will have (worked, been working) for seven hours already.
7. I am sure they will have (completed, been completing) their work by September.
8. By May, they will have (lived, been living) in this house for ten years
9. By next July, I will have (finished been finishing) my exams and I will be ready for a holiday.
10. It is strange that when we get to New York, we will have (flown, been flying) half way round the world.
11. I hope they will have ( built, been building) this bridge by the time we come back next autumn.
12. By 7o’clock, the children will have (surfed, been surfing) the Internet for three hours.
13. By the end of the year, our teacher will have (taught, been teaching) for 40 years.
14. I will have (done, been doing) all my homework by bedtime.
15. In a few minutes Jim will have (waited, been waiting) for Ann for an hour already.
16. Craig probably won’t have (left, been leaving) by the time you get home.
17. At 6o’clock, Cathy will have (done, been doing) her English homework for two hours.
18. By the end of the year, we will have (learnt, been learning ) English for already eight years,
19. When we come home, mother will probably have (made, been making) her tasty pancakes.
20. By next month they will have (collected, been collecting) 10,000 dollars for charity.
21. This time tomorrow, we (to eat) lunch on the plane
22. I promise I (to make) too much noise.
23. I (to help) you with your chemistry homework, if you like.
24. This time next week, I (to take) my English exam.
25. This time tomorrow, the friends (to sail) down the Volga River.
26. Don’t tell Ann. She (to tell) everybody else.
27. Ben (to lose). He always does.
28. I think it (to cost) a pretty sum of money to rebuild the house.
29. It is nearly winter .Soon the (to fall) down.
30. When I come home, my dog (to sit) at the door waiting for me.
31. I am sure we (to have) a thunderstorm tonight.
32. He (to become) a lawyer after he graduates from Harvard.
33. What (you, to do) at 5o’clock? – I (to upload) the photos of my son to my PC.
34. Don’t worry. I (to download) antivirus software for free.
35. Get down from the tree or you (to fall).
36. This blouse is beautiful. I (to buy) it.
37. When we go to London, we (to visit) the Tower of London.
38. When you come, I (to wait) for you.
39. By the time they get to John’s house, he (to leave).
40. By lunchtime Jack (to send out) all his invitations.
41. By the time I arrive in Moscow, I (to drive) for already six hours.
42. Father (to plant) all the apple trees by the time we come to the garden.
43. By 5 pm the boys (to play) basketball for three hours.
44. This time tomorrow, I (to lie) on the beach sunbathing and drinking orange juice.
45. Don’t lend her your car. She (tocrash) it.
46. They say that they ( to repair) the roof by Sunday.
47. This time next week, we (to sit) on the train on our way to Sochi. Father (to read) a detective novel, mother (to drink) tea and I (to look) out of the window.
48. What (you, to do) at 2o’clock? – I (to browse) on the Internet.
49. I promise I (not, to come) late.
50. When we arrive in St.Petersburg, it probably (to rain).
51. Are you sure that we (to have) time to complete work in time?
52. I hope we (to enjoy) the performance.
53. When you come to my garden tomorrow, I (to water) the flowers.​

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16.05.2021 19:37

Англия - самая большая и самая богатая страна Ве­ликобритании. Столица Англии - Лондон; но существуют и другие важные города, например Бирмингем, Ливерпуль и Манчестер и другие известные и интересные города, такие как Йорк, Честер, Оксфорд и Кембридж. Стоунхендж - одно из самых известных доисторических мест в мире. Это древний круг из камней, находящийся на юго-востоке Англии. Его диаметр равняется 30 метрам, и сделан он из массивных каменных блоков до четырех метров высотой. Почему он был построен - загадка.

Недалеко от Стоунхенджа стоит Солсберийский собор. Это прекрасный пример английского готического собора; внутри него хранится одна из четырех копий Великой Хартии и самые старые часы Англии. Честер - очень важный город на северо-западе Англии. В это был римский форт; название его происходит от латинского слова "castra", что означает "укрепленный лагерь". В Честере находится знаменитый музей, в котором собрано более 5 000 древних и современных игрушек.

Оксфорд - это родина самого старого университета Ан­глии. Самый известный колледж - Крайст Черч. В нем сохранился холл, построенный во время правления Генри­ха VIII, а его часовня стала Оксфордским собором. Кембридж - родина второго самого старого британского университета. Йорк был столицей Северной Англии. Сейчас это один из наиболее сохранившихся средневековых городов Европы. Он был построен римлянами, завоеван англосаксами и управлялся викингами.
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13.11.2022 12:13

1. London is the capital of Great Britain and one of the largest cities in the world.

2. London is situated on the famous river Thames.  

3. The population of London is more than 9 million people.  

4. There are four important parts in London: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster.

5. The most beautiful part of London is the West End, that is famous for its best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses.

6. Westminster is the most important part of the capital, that includes Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament.

7. The City is the busiest and the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre.

8. Working class traditionally lives in the East End. It is an industrial district of London.

9. The Tower of London and Big Ben are the most famous and most interesting places in London.  

10. Big Ben is the largest and the most famous clock in the world.

Объяснение: Перевод

1. Лондон - столица Великобритании и один из крупнейших городов мира.

2. Лондон расположен на знаменитой реке Темзе.

3. Население Лондона составляет более 9 миллионов человек.

4. В Лондоне четыре важных части: Сити, Вест-Энд, Ист-Энд и Вестминстер.

5. Самая красивая часть Лондона - Вест-Энд, известный своими лучшими отелями, ресторанами, магазинами, клубами, парками и домами.

6. Вестминстер - самая важная часть столицы, в которую входят Букингемский дворец и здания парламента.

7. Сити - самая оживленная и самая старая часть Лондона, его финансовый и деловой центр.

8. Рабочий класс традиционно живет в Ист-Энде. Это промышленный район Лондона.

9. Лондонский Тауэр и Биг-Бен - самые известные и интересные места Лондона.

10. Биг Бен - самые большие и самые известные часы в мире.

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