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15.08.2022 23:39 •  Английский язык

1. текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы после него: Albert Einstein: The Greatest Scientist of the 20th Century

Not many people really deserve the title "genius" but Albert Einstein was one of them. His discoveries have changed the way we understand our world today. Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. He was a very slow learner at first. He even had trouble learning to speak! His parents were really worried.
As a boy, Albert was very unhappy at school, and the schoolmaster treated him badly because they thought he was not very clever. His marks were usually bad.
In 1896 Albert went to Zurich to study at one of the best technical universities. There his abilities in mathematics and physics began to show. After he graduated in 1902, Einstein took a job at the Swiss Patent Office. 1905 was his "Miracle Year", as he published three important essays including one on the "Special Theory of Relativity". Later Einstein wrote "The Theory of Gravity" and "The General Theory of Relativity". Soon he became a world-wide celebrity.
In 1914 Einstein moved back to Berlin. In 1921 Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, and modestly travelled third class to Stockholm to receive it. He used his influence to lecture around Europe and the USA to promote world peace. Soon the Nazis came to power in Germany. So in 1933 he had to go to America where he lived for the rest of his life. He died on April 18th, 1955 in New Jersey, leaving behind a new way for us to look at the world.

1. Who was Albert Einstein?
2. When and where was he born?
3. Was he a slow or a fast learner at first?
4. What were his parents really worried about in his early childhood?
5. Was Albert happy at school?
6. Why did he go to Zurich in 1896?
7. What year was “Miracle Year” for him?
8. What year was Einstein awarded the Nobel Prize?
9. Why did he have to go to America in 1933?
10. When and where did he die?

2. Переведите словосочетания:

1. various reasons
2. to write a note
3. touch wood
4. unemployed people
5. to expect a letter
6. to shake with laughter
7. a teenage rebellion
8. to be mad about sport
9. an angry look
10. to wrap a present
11. to tear a page out of the book
12. to have extreme views
13. a pretty child
14. a memorable day
15. a married couple

3. Выберите правильный вариант в скобках:

1. Jack said in angry voice that he had seen Mr Walter (to get/getting) in a car half an hour ago.
2. I would like you (go/to go) to the market and buy some vegetables.
3. Have you ever heard Ann (sing/to sing)?
4. I watched the children (play/playing) in the yard and thought how cute they were.
5. Whatever I do, she is always angry (with/for) me.
6. It is not (challenging/reasonable) to swim in the river when the water is so cold.
7. This difficult riddle is a (challenge/rebellion) for us.
8. Do you think teenage rebellions (about/against) their parents are typical?
9. He is one of the best pupils. I can say he is at the (bottom/top) of the class.
10. I would like to write a (note/notice) to Mrs Morrison.

4. ответьте на вопросы:

1. What problems do teenagers usually have at this time?
2. Have you made a decision about your future career? What future profession would you like to get?
3. Do you think modern young people prefer to communicate online or to be in each other`s company?
4. What is your hobby?
5. What kinds of films do you prefer to watch?
6. What source of information is the most preferable for you?
7. Do you think teens should have pocket money? What do you usually spend your money on?
8. What are you most afraid of?
9. What are the best and the worst things in your town?
10. What do you want to do and where do you want to be in (через) five years` time?

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02.12.2020 15:23

1. To communicate with friends from a distance using the Internet, not a mobile network.

2. Create a status, nickname, and avatar. Also chat with friends, like-minded people or even fans.

3. You need to register. Come up with (or write a real) name, link your phone and email, and come up with a password.

4. Put an avatar, come up with a status, come up with an unusual nickname.

5. I find like-minded people and sometimes when we start to communicate closer, we become Internet friends.

6. social bookmarks, social directories, social libraries, social media repositories, specialized social networks, document collaboration services, geosocial networks.

7. Often people want to make money. Perhaps they want to create something that has not yet been created or wanted to create something to their taste.


1. Что бы общаться с друзьями на расстоянии, используя интернет, а не мобильную сеть.

2. Создать статус, никнейм, поставить аватар. Так же общаться с друзьями, единомышленниками или даже поклонниками.

3. Нужно зарегестрироваться. Придумать (или написать настоящее) имя, привязать телефон и электронную почту, придумать пароль.

4. Поставить аватар, придумать статус, придумать необычный никнейм.

5. Я нахожу единомышленников и иногда, когда мы начинаем общаться ближе, мы становимся интернет-друзьями.

6. Социальные закладки, социальные каталоги, социальные библиотеки, социальные медиахранилища, специализированные социальные сети, сервисы для совместной работы с документами, геосоциальные сети.

7. Часто люди хотят заработать денег. Возможно они хотят создать то, что ещё не было создано или хотьел создать что-то на свой вкус.

0,0(0 оценок)
19.01.2021 17:26

1. It's been months since is last rained so the crops are failing.

2. Bolts of lightning lit up the sky throughout the night.

3. Strong circling winds travelled over the land destroying everything in their path.

4. Temperatures reached over 40 degrees for days on end.

5. As the snow fell strong winds blew it around the town.

6. Strong winds blew loose sand and dirt across the area.

7. The river overflowed and water covered the town`s streets.

8. After winds formed over the sea, they hit regions along the coast.

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