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Українська мова
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1) Read the text about Moscow University and answer the questions: 1) What furniture is there in each room of the university dormitory?
2) What common rooms do we find on every floor?
3) Why is the University itself like a town?
4) What services does a student find in it?
5) Where can a student rest?
6) What does the University House of Culture put on?
7) What sport facilities do the students have at their disposal?
8) How many main libraries does the university have?

Moscow University itself is like a town. In it are all the services you require from a polyclinic to a newspaper stall, including chemist's, shoe repairer's, photographers, post-office, hair-dresser's, canteens, food shops, etc.
Each student has his own study/bedroom complete with a divan, a desk, a table, a bookshelf, a cupboard, a built-in wardrobe and a radio speaker. The rooms are arranged in pairs which share a common vestibule with a bathroom on one side and a toilet on the other. Along the corridor there is a television room with a piano, a common kitchen and a sort of gathering place around the phone that serves the floor.
As a part of University there is a special cultural section – a House of Culture. This puts on lots of concerts, meetings, recitals and films. There is a film nearly every night of the week and often the university gets films earlier than other cinemas.
The sport facilities in the university are very good. There are two large gymnasiums, and besides them there is a large natural skating-rink which in summer becomes a basket-ball and tennis courts. The university has its own indoor swimming pool too.
The university has two main libraries. They are light and comfortable to work in.

2) Choose the variant which you think fits best.
1) The company … advertise its computer software next month.
A. shall B. will C. do D. does
2) He never …. the advice of his colleagues.
A. follow B. follows C. has been follow D. have followed
3) Он звонил тебе сегодня утром или вчера вечером?
A. Has he called you today's morning or yesterday in the evening?
B. Was he call you today's morning or yesterday in the evening?
C. Did he call you today's morning or yesterday in the evening?
D. Did he called you today's morning or yesterday in the evening?
4) Every month I … the art supplies in this stationery store.
A. have ordered B. am ordering C. orders D. order
5) I … to concentrate, so please don't interrupt me.
A. try B. tried C. have tried D. am trying
6) I … to London.
A. had never been B. was never C. have never been D. has never been
7) Our personnel … over this project since 1993 and we still have much to do.
A. worked B. was working C. is working D. has been working
8) John … his broken car.
A. was already fixed B. had already fixed C. has already fixed D. already fixed
9) We … a delivery at the end of the week.
A. are expecting B. have expected C. is expecting D. expected
10) The students … for the professor since early morning, and he hasn’t come yet.
A. were waiting B. have been waiting C. waited D. wail
11) Their voyage to the North Pole … in 1908.
A. has taken place B. was takes place C. took place D. take place
12) The pitcher broke his leg while he … baseball.
A. has played B. was playing C. has been playing D. played
13) We … our plans for the future yet.
A. didn't discuss B. weren't discussing C. haven't discussed D. discussed
14) This producer … this film-star for many years, and he still does it successfully.
A. was promoting B. has been promoting C. promoted D. promotes
15) Лекция начинается утром или днем?
A. Has the lecture begin in the morning or in the afternoon?
B. Is the lecture begin in the morning or in the afternoon?
C. Did the lecture begin in the morning or in the afternoon?
D. Does the lecture begin in the morning or in the afternoon?

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16.04.2020 20:13
Over 1,800 kilometers that separate the southern border of Kazakhstan from the north, followed by several landscape zones: steppe, steppe, semidesert and desert. In the west, the territory of Kazakhstan borders the Caspian Sea in the east - the taiga Altai, and in the south - with the high peaks of the Tien Shan. The lowest point - Karagiye on Mangyshlak (132 meters below sea level), the highest - Khan Tengri peak in the mountains (7000 meters above sea level). Three major rivers - Irtysh, Tobol and Ishim - carry their water in the Arctic Ocean, the other Kazakh rivers empty into inland water bodies: the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea, Balkhash, or simply spread out over the steppe or desert. The western part of Kazakhstan is almost entirely flat, and the east - mostly mountainous, besides such as the high mountains of the Tien Shan and Altai, considerable space is occupied Tarbagatay Saur, Kazakh low hills, Kokshetau hill.
In Kazakhstan, grows more than six thousand plant species (of which 515 - only here), its open spaces can be found about 500 species of birds, 178 species of mammals, 49 species of reptiles, 12 species of amphibians, and in the rivers and lakes - 107 species of fish.
The diversity of invertebrates is still more alone insects live here for at least 30,000 species, and besides them - a few thousand species of mollusks, worms, spiders, crustaceans, and others. Думаю вот так... 
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22.12.2020 14:17
My favorite fairy tale Masha and the Bear. this is an old Russian fairy tale. here you are told Masha speckle perozhki, and told to carry their grandmother. but medved nehotel Podoroga and sat down on a stump that would be eating a perezhok. but Mary was smart and she got into the cart with only perezhkami.kak medved sodilsya have it krechala high sizhe dolyako stare. medved and moved on. potehon so he came to the place naznocheniya.skazka very good gay advise to read.

ПЕРЕВОД÷ моя любимая сказка маша и медведь. это старинная русская сказка. здесь рассказывается как маша спекла перожки, и сказала отнести их бабушке. но медьведь нехотел и подороге садился на пенек что бы сьесть пережок. но маша была умной и она залезла в корзину с пережками.как только медьведь содился есть она кречала высоко сиже доляко гляжу. и медьведь шел дальше. так потехонь он и дошел до места назночения.сказка очень хорошая веселая советую прочесть.
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