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1. Прочтите отрывок дополните его правильными формами глаголов прогрессивный, активный и пассивный залог) Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 — June 1, 1968) (to be)
an American author, activist and lecturer. She (to be) the first
deaf blind person to graduate from college. The story of how
a remarkable teacher (to break) through the isolation the lack of
language had imposed on the child, who (to blossom) as she
(to learn) to communicate, are staples of American folklore. What
is less well known is how Keller’s life (to develop) after she
(to complete) her education: she (to become) a radical cam-
paigner for workers’ rights and an advocate for many other pro-
gressive causes. Helen Keller (to be born) in Alabama, on June 27,
1880. She was not born blind and deaf; it (to be) not until nine-
teen months of age that she (to come) down with an illness
described by doctors as “an acute congestion of the stomach and
the brain,” which could have possibly been scarlet fever or
meningitis. The illness (not to last) for a particularly long time,
but it (to leave) her deaf and blind.The school teacher Anne Sullivan,
herself visually impaired and then only
20 years old, (to become) Keller’s
instructor. It (to be) the beginning of a
49�year�long relationship, eventually
evolving into governess and compa-
Sullivan (to get) permission from
Keller’s father to isolate the girl
from the rest of the family in a little
house in their garden. Her first task
(to be) to instill discipline in the
spoiled girl. Keller’s big break-
through in communication (to come) one day when she (to
realize) that the motions her teacher (to make) on her palm,
while running cool water over her hand, (to symbolize) the idea
of “water”; she then nearly (to exhaust) Sullivan demanding
the names of all the other familiar objects in her world. Keller
(to go) on to become a world�famous speaker and author. She
is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities amid
numerous other causes.

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01.04.2020 09:46
Моё любимое место в Санкт-ПетербургеВ жизни у каждого человека есть любимые места, куда он периодически возвращается независимо от своей занятости и возможности. У меня тоже есть такие места. С каждым из этих мест связано что-то очень важное в моей жизни, вычеркнуть чего я никогда не решусь. В моём родном Санкт-Петербурге у меня есть любимое место – Летний сад.Санкт-Петербург хорош всегда, в любую погоду и во всякое время года. Но каждый его уголок, каждый памятник имеет свою излюбленную пору, когда он до конца раскрывается перед нами. Для Летнего сада такая счастливая пора – золотые дни осени. Расцвечённый её парадными красками, он торжественно задумчив и величав.Я люблю гулять по Петербургу, а Летний сад, на мой взгляд, – это один из самых лучших и красивейших мест в нашем городе. Такое впечатление у меня возникло при первом его посещении. Самым красивым Летний сад бывает осенью. Листья деревьев перекликаются с золочёными орнаментами ограды, жарко горят в прозрачном воздухе раскидистые кроны деревьев. Бледно-жёлтые, янтарные, пурпурные листья ложатся на обнажённые мраморные плечи статуй, на гранитные постаменты, подхваченные ветром, пляшут на аллеях, приятно шуршат под ногами.Также в Летнем саду мне очень нравится Летний домик Петра I. Пётр I очень любил свой Летний дворец. В этом уютном удобном доме, не предназначенном для официальных торжеств и приёмов, царь жил обычно с апреля до октября-ноября. Большинство аллей Летнего сада – это наша история. Стоящая на главной аллее статуя бога времени Сатурна словно напоминает входящим в сад о промелькнувших столетиях. Прямые, как по линейке вычерченные аллеи, ограждены плотными зелёными стенами. В квадратах и прямоугольниках между аллеями расположены ровные ряды странных деревьев: вместо развесистых пушистых крон стволы деревьев венчают шары, кубы, пирамиды. Со стороны это выглядит очень впечатляюще и красиво.А ВОТ ПЕРЕВОД:My favorite place in St. Petersburg In the life of every person has favorite places where he returns periodically, regardless of their employment opportunities. I also have such places. Each of these places is connected is something very important in my life, strike that I never make up my mind. In my hometown of St. Petersburg, I have a favorite place - Summer Garden.
St. Petersburg is always good in any weather and at any time of the year. But every corner, every monument is his favorite time, when he is revealed to the end in front of us. For the Summer Garden this happy time - the golden days of autumn. Rastsvechёnny its ceremonial colors, he solemnly thoughtful and majestic.
I love to walk in St. Petersburg, and the Summer Garden, in my opinion - is one of the best and most beautiful places in our city. The impression I had at his first visit. The most beautiful summer garden is in the fall. The leaves of the trees overlap with gilded ornaments fence, burning hot in the clear air spreading crown. Pale yellow, amber, purple leaves fall on the shoulders of naked marble statues on a granite pedestal, caught up by the wind, dancing in the alleys, pleasant rustling underfoot.
Also in the Summer Garden I really like the Summer House of Peter I. Peter I loved his Summer Palace. This cozy, comfortable home, not intended for official ceremonies and receptions, the king sat usually from April to October and November. Most of the alleys of the Summer Garden - it is our history. Standing on the main avenue of the statue of the god Saturn as if time recalls entering into the garden of centuries flashed. Straight as a ruler drawn alleys, protected by dense green walls. In squares and rectangles between alleys located straight rows of trees strange: instead of spreading crowns fluffy tree trunks crowned with balls, cubes, pyramids. From the outside it looks very impressive and beautiful.
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11.01.2023 19:06
1. Have you made any arrangement about a meeting with the manager?
2. The young man knew he had received the job by sheer luck.
3.The old lady sat on the porch crying out of sheer helplessness.
4. John gasped with/in pain having cut his finger.
5. After running such a long distance the child was breathing in short gaps.
6. Would you like another piece of cake?
7. They have come to an arrangement for their experiment.
8. That's a very sad piece of news.
9. In their childhood the Robinson children lived in extreme poverty.
10. We sat in the shadow of the bush admiring the view in front of us.
11. What other masterpieces by this artist can you mention? 
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