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1. If it snows, we a snowman today. make

2. If he younger, he that beautiful woman.
Were …
would marry
was … married
would be … married

3. If he that textbook, he the exam.
would read … passed
read … would pass
read … passed

4. I in Russia, if I a good job.
stayed … got
stayed … would get
would stay … got

5. If you your passport, you at the police station now.
showed … would not be
showed …were not
would show … were not

6. Предложением с правильным порядком слов является:
I can tell you to my trip about Egypt.
I can tell you about my trip to Egypt.
About my trip to Egypt I can tell you.

7. Предложением с правильным порядком слов является:
You needn’t stay for us and wait.
You needn’t stay and wait for us.
For you needn’t stay and wait us.

8. Предложением с правильным порядком слов является:
At home small alone children mustn’t stay.
Small children mustn’t stay alone at home.
Children mustn’t stay small alone at home

9. Предложением с правильным порядком слов является:
Office workers with their clients polite must be.
Office workers must be polite with their clients.
With their clients must office workers be polite.

10. Предложением с правильным порядком слов является:
What do you have to do at your working place?
What you do have to do at your working place?
What to do you have do at your working place?

11. If I meet him, I … him to our party.

12. If Andy better, we will visit him.
will feel

13. If we are hungry, we to a restaurant.
will go

14. If the weather good, we will go to a picnic.
will be

15. If it rains, we at home.
will stay

Choose the correct word from a, b or c.

1 Brian me since March.
a. has not phoned b. have not phoned c. have phoned
2 Employees bad language at work.
a. mustn’t use b. must use c. must to use
3 What in your job exactly?
a. have you to do b. do you have to do c. do you have do
4 the boss about our mistakes?
a. we must tell b. do we must tell c. Must we tell
5 I work very long hours.
a. not have to b. doesn’t have to c. don’t have to
6 Moscow is than Novosibirsk.
a. bigger b. big c. the biggest
7 CV with a cover letter?
a. I should send b. Should I send c. Do I should send
8 Cambridge is one of cities in Europe.
a. old b. older than c. the oldest
9 You the advice of your parents and friends.
a. should not ignore b. should ignore c. should to ignore
10 Madrid is Rome.
a. expensive than b. more expensive than c. most expensive than

Put down the missing words. ( )

1 I don't want a full-time job. I prefer to work .
2 Diana wants to go on another training .
3 At the middle of his career Tom a café.
4 My grandma at the age of 55.
5 A company may ask candidates to complete an form
6 I can’t find your phone number. – You put it down in your notebook.
7 Do you vote in the every six years?
8 Prime Minister runs the economic and foreign in the country.
9 is a card with your name, date of birth and photo to show who you are.
10 When you pass your exams you’ll get an .

Put the verb into the right form.

1 We sometimes (have to) work at night last month.
2 When you are applying for a job you (should/look through) a lot of advertisements.
3 What last evening? (you/do)
4 (you/hear) about Bob? – No, I haven’t. Where is he?
5 (you/have to) work at weekends?
6 While I (travel) to work, I (get) stuck in traffic jam.
7 I (read) your e-mail when I (arrive) in the evening.
8 You (have to) call him tomorrow.
9 If you (ask) them, they (help) you.
10 I (go) to Los-Angeles, if I (get) a visa.
11 If I ___ (be) you I (go to) the interview.

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29.05.2023 14:30
Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhina - a specialist in the field of molecular biology and biochemistry, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1983), Doctor of Biological Sciences (1977), Professor (1980), winner of the Lenin Prize (1976), a disciple of Academician A. Spirin. Biography In 1962 he graduated from the Kazakh State University named after SM Kirov in 1965 - graduate of Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov. In 1965-1967 he worked as a junior researcher in the years 1967-1969 as a senior research associate at the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1969-1978 years - head of the laboratory, in the years 1978-1983 - Director of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1983-1987 years - Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1986-1987 - President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR.Contribution to science Aitkhozhina Murat was the founder of molecular biology and biotechnology in Kazakhstan. Aitkhozhina one of the first in the world of science conducted a comparative study of the protein synthesizing system in higher organisms, engaged in the search and study of physical and chemical properties informosom in plant cells in the group of Academician A. Spirin. Group opened informosom plant classes - free cytoplasmic, polysome-associated and nuclear, including RNA-binding proteins. In 1983 Aitkhozhina organized by the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1987, it was organized by the Kazakh Agricultural Biotechnology Center, which works on the cellular and genetic engineering of plants.Murat Aitkhozhina the first to introduce a course in molecular biology and a number of special courses for students of biological faculty of Kazakh State University. Under the leadership of Aitkhozhina it was designed set of instruments for the automation of molecular biological experiments, which was protected by 15 copyright certificates and 16 patents in the leading countries. Awards Lenin Prize (1976) - for the series of works "Discovery informosom - a new class of intracellular particles." Listed in the "Golden Book of Honor of the Kazakh SSR" (1974). Gold Medal of the Soviet Peace Fund (1987). Order of Friendship of Peoples (1987).
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05.01.2023 10:01

1: Ann is going to school now

2: He plays the quitar every day

3: Jane and Sam are reading a book now

4: Dad is washing his car at the moment

5: He walks his dog in the evening

6: Olga is playing tennis in the yard

7: We are drawing funny pictures for our friends' birthday parties

8: He always does his homework after school

9: I am not doing an English exercise now

10: Tom usually reads a lot

11: Listen! Sandy is singing in the bedroom

12: My mother is making lunch now

13: My sister never is helping in the kitchen

14: Sarah sometimes is reading classics

15: We rarely watch TV in the morning

16: They often clean the garage

17: Look! The boys are coming home

18: His cousin goes for a walk every day

19: I am chatting online at the moment

20: Cats are eating mice

1: Анна идёт в школу сейчас

2: Он играет на гитаре каждый день

3: Джейн и Сэм читают книгу сейчас

4: Папа моет машину в данный момент

5: Он выгуливает его собаку вечером

6: Ольга играет в теннис во дворе

7: Мы рисуем весёлые картинки для вечеринки в честь дня рождения нашего друга

8: Он всегда дз после школы

9: Я не делаю задания по английскому сейчас

10: Том обычно много читает

11: Слушай! Сэнди поёт в комнате

12: Моя мама готовит обед сейчас

13: Моя сестра никогда не на кухне

14: Сара иногда читает классику

15: Мы редко смотрим телевизор утром

16: Они часто чистят гараж

17: Смотри! Мальчики идут домой

18: Его кузина прогуливается каждый день

19: Я переписываюсь онлайн в данный момент

20: Коты едят мышей

0,0(0 оценок)
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