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1.Fill in the blanks. A. Geography Britain lies off the north-west coast of Europe. It consists of two large islands - (1) and (2) and about (3) smaller ones. The neighbours are (4) to west and (5) to south-east. The area of GB is about ... (6) thousand sq km. The main mountain regions here are the Mountains (7) in Wales, the Cumbrian Mountains in the (8), the (9) (the Backbone of England). The Cheviot Hills are on the border between (10) and (11). The highest mountains of GB are the of Scotland (12). The highest mountain is ... (13) - 1342 m. The longest rivers are the (14) and the (15). B. People Population of the UK is about .. (1) million people. The density is one of the (2) in the world. We can find the following ethnic groups here: (81.5%) (3), (9.6%) (4), (2.4%) (5), Welsh, Ulster, Pakistani and others. There live also many people from India. They are called (6) . The majority of people speak (7). There are also minority languages which are of (8) origin - Welsh, Scottish and Irish Gaelic. Welsh is spoken in Western (9) and Irish Gaelic is still spoken in the Republic (10). C. Administration Great Briatin is a (1) with the Queen as the (2) of state. Britain is divided into (3) parts : (4) (London capital), (5) (Cardiff capital), Scotland ( capital) (6) and Nothern Ireland ( capital) (7). Wales was politically linked in (8). The English an Scottish (9) were united in 1603 and their (10) in 1707. (11) became the part of this union in 1801 but in (12) the most of Ireland became a separate state - the Irish Republic. Locally is Britain divided into (13). The (14) of whole Britain is London. The second largest city here is (15). British national flag is sometimes called the (16). The flag of England is St. ‘s cross (17) (white and red), Scotland has St. Andrew’s cross (blue and white) and Ireland has St. ‘s cross (18) (white and red diagonals). The red rose is the national symbol of (19), Wales has the leek and the (20), Scotland has the thistle and Ireland the shamrock. D. Interesting places Oxford and (1) are the oldest university towns. (2) is the birthplace of William Shakespeare. B (3), Bournemouth, Portsmouth, Blackpool, Sunderland and Scarborough are the most famous s r (4). They have fine sandy beaches. C (5) is an old town with a majestic cathedral. It is a seat of the archbishop. In the south of England there is also W (6), once it was the capital of England. Near Salisbury we can see the beautiful historical monument of S (7), which is more than (8) years old. The west country has nearly no (9). The most interesting places here are Bristol, E (10), Plymouth and B... (11). This is a spa town and was built by the R (12) 2000 years ago. There are also many n p (13) there, e.g. Dartmoor and Exmoor national parks. B (14) is the geographical heart of England and the second largest city in Britain. Other important cities are M (15), L (16), L (17), Y (18) and S (19). Northern England is the country of beautiful nature. The most famous lake in the Lake District is W L... (20). E.Wales and Scotland – Interesting Places Wales is sometimes called the land of c (1). The land is full of beauty and mystery. The biggest cities here are C (2), S (3) and N (4). There is also a beautiful national park of S (5). Scotland is a historically and culturally separate country from England. It has its own legal and e (6) and c (7). It is the land of many special traditions - playing the (8), quality (9), wearing (10) made of (11) and so on. The biggest city here is G (12) and Edinburgh is the (13) of Scotland. The North of the country is a large mountain and lake area. The largest lake is Loch (14) and the most famous lake is Loch (15) with its monster. ​

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19.01.2023 08:38
My Favourite Animal
I like all kinds of animals and I think that people should treat them better. I’m against any violence towards animals. Speaking about domestic animals, I have several pets at home. It’s my parrot Kesha, my cat Liza and my dog Bobby. Of course, I like all them, since I’ve had them from childhood. However, my favourite animal is dog. I simply adore dogs of various breeds. Mine is a French Bulldog of a black colour with rare white spots. It’s not tall but is fat. It has a funny face with big ears and almost no tail. Bobby is a wonderful dog and a faithful friend. I think it also likes us, because it often shows deep affection. When necessary, Bobby can become rather protective and scare the enemies away. The distinctive feature of this breed is its stubborn nature, so it’s not easy to train such dogs. They require lots of patience and repetition. In my opinion, the dogs’ role in human society is invaluable. Apart from being a good friend, they have always performed the role of a hunter, a herder, a protector, a military or police companion and most importantly a guide for the handicapped people. Some dogs are so intelligent that they are trained to look for criminals or victims of natural disasters. They can easily sniff out explosives or drugs, so the police often consider them to be the best helpers. I was surprised to know that when a police dog dies, it receives a full funeral. Sometimes, when dealing with unpleasant and traitorous people, I think that they should learn a lot from dogs. These animals never betray their friends. They can easily maintain lifelong relations, unlike many humans.

Мое любимое животное
Мне нравятся все виды животных, и я думаю, что люди должны относиться к ним лучше. Я против любого насилия в отношении животных. Говоря о домашних животных, у меня дома есть несколько питомцев. Это мой попугай Кеша, моя кошка Лиза и моя собачка Бобби. Конечно, я их всех люблю, так как они у меня с детства. Тем не менее, мое любимое животное – собака. Я просто обожаю собак различных пород. Моя собака породы Французский бульдог, черного цвета с редкими белыми пятнами. Она не высокая, но упитанная. У нее смешное лицо с большими ушами и у нее почти нет хвоста. Бобби замечательная собака и верный друг. Я думаю, что он тоже нас любит, потому что он часто выказывает глубокую привязанность. При необходимости, Бобби может быть хорошим защитником и прогнать недоброжелателей. Отличительной особенностью этой породы является ее упрямый характер, так что такие собаки нелегко поддаются дрессировке. На это требуется много терпения и тренировок. На мой взгляд, роль у собак в человеческом обществе неоценима. Помимо того, что они хорошие друзья, они всегда исполняли роль охотника, пастуха, защитника, военного или полицейского компаньона и, самое главное, они служили поводырем для людей с ограниченными возможностями. Некоторые собаки настолько умны, что их обучают искать преступников или жертв стихийных бедствий. Они могут легко почуять взрывчатые или наркотические вещества, поэтому полиция часто считает их своими лучшими Я был удивлен узнать, что, когда полицейская собака умирает, ей устраивают полноценные похороны. Иногда, когда я общаюсь с неприятными людьми или предателями, я думаю, что им нужно многому поучиться у собак. Эти животные никогда не предают своих друзей. Они могут легко поддерживать хорошие отношения на протяжении всей жизни, в отличие от многих людей.
0,0(0 оценок)
16.04.2020 04:34

1. Nobody wanted ….. in our project.

2. I saw ….. at the disco

3. They wish … in time.

4. The seller expected …. Cash (наличными).

5. I did not notice …. into the room.

6. She has never seen …. a car.

7. Don't let them …. so late.

8. What made ….. her money with this bank?

9. I don't wish … to the manager.

10. Would you like …. this fax?

11. Have you ever noticed ….. anything from you?

12. She wants the walls …. green. (красить)

13. I expected …. me the whole truth.

14. I would like the incident …. as soon as possible. (забыть или вспомнить)

15. We expected the goods …. in time.

16. The director of the kindergarten wanted …. to the zoo.

17. Do you want your plans …. to everybody?

18. Nobody expected …. such an important task.

19. Would you like ….. to the meeting?


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