1)Емма сказала, що студентів зараз екзаменує декан і попросила нас не заходити до аудиторії. 2)Студент сказав, що йому ніхто не повідомив, що семінар переноситься на наступний четвер.
3)Декан поцікавився хто з нас уже написав курсову роботу з мовознавства.
4)Бріджит сказала, що іспит починається о 9 ранку, вона поцікавилася чи я знаю про це і чи все повторив.
5)Олег знав, що буде вчити англійську мову протягом 7 років, перш ніж складе іспит.
6)Джек сказав, що вивчав японську мову протягом 7 років, перш ніж він склав іспит.
Passive and Active Voice
1. Farmers had often used pesticides when planting corn.
Pesticides had often been used by famers when planting corn.
2. Cricket is not played in America.
People do not play cricket in America.
3. Sherry can listen to music in every room of her home.
Music can be listened to by Sherry in every room of her home.
4. Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in Venice.
The Mona Liza was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in Venice.
5. My students have given me a cherry tree for my garden .
I have been given a cherry tree for my garden by my students.
A cherry tree for my garden has been given to me by my students.
1: for sale
We finally found a house for sale that we liked.
2: proud of
I'm proud of our athletes.
3: in the street
I saw my friend standing in the street the other day.
4: on the roads
The traffic police named ways to reduce deaths on the roads.
5: full of life
This city is always full of life!
6: with one exception
I have found nothing unusual, with one exception.
7: on the first floor
They live on the first floor.
8: on the corner of
There's a little shop on the corner of the street where I was born.