1 Complete the table with comparative and superlative adjectives,
Adjective Comparative Superlative
Short fast
the fastest
adjectives big
the biggest
the rarest
noisy noisier
the most
adjectives intelligent more artistic
the 3
Irregular good
adjectives bad
the best
the worst
Связь между телом и разумом вполне очевидна. Эмоции сначала рождает Лесоповал, чем превратить его в физическое воздействие на наше тело. Для того, чтобы проанализировать, что мы можем использовать простой пример: например вы слышите плохие новости; скажем, один из ваших друзей попал в аварию. Услышав эту новость, что вы получили негативное внушение через свое восприятие и это порождает чувство беспокойства, которое превратилось в физические ощущения и делает тебя очень переживаю, даже если его положение не так уж плохо. Вы можете произвести положительные эмоции в этом случае с позитивных фотографий и видений, которые будут поощрять позитивные ощущения вашего тела. Во многих случаях это будет работать.
The doctor asked me if something was wrong with me.
The doctor asked me if I sometimes had headaches.
The doctor asked me if I was (можно were) taking some medicine.
The doctor asked me if I spent much time out-of-doors.
The doctor asked me if I did sports.
The doctor asked me if I had a good appetite.
The doctor asked me if I usually went to bed late.
The doctor asked me if I would follow his (или her) advice.
Упражнение 6.
He asked me what I liked about my school.
He asked me what school activity I had had last.
He asked me what good habits I had formed at school.
He asked me what my favorite subject was.
He asked me what more important for me was at school.
He asked me how often I went on school trips.
He asked me what my school record was.
Упражнение 7.
He asked me how I was (или were).
He asked me how long I had been away.
He asked me if I was going away again.
He asked me what I would do in future.
He asked me why I had come back.
He asked me what I was doing then.
He asked me if I had made new friends.
He asked me where I was living then.
Упражнение 8.
She asked him if Molly could speak English.
She asked him when Rick had come home the day before.
She asked him if Megan liked travelling.
She asked him if he would come to her place on Friday.
She asked him if it was his second visit to English.
She asked him why he had come to Scotland.
She asked him if Molly would stay at the hotel long.
Упражнение 9.
He asked me why she was working so late.
He asked me if she was British.
He asked me what her name was.
He asked me what she had bought.
She asked me if she would have something to eat.
She asked me if they had got some money.
She asked me how I had done that.